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Museum "Voroshilov Battery"

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Museum "Voroshilov Battery"
Museum "Voroshilov Battery"

Video: Skoda 305 mm Model 1911 2024, July

Video: Skoda 305 mm Model 1911 2024, July

To protect the naval bases of Russia in the southern part of Russky Island, not far from Novik Bay, the Voroshilov Battery was built, named after the people's commissar of defense.


How it all began

The decision to build it was made in May 1931. But only in 1932 was the terms of reference approved. It was decided to build a two-tower battery No. 981. Until 1933, rocky, concrete, as well as underground work was carried out. In February 1934, the first tower was completed, in April - the second. In November 1934, the Voroshilov battery was ready for training firing. Her commander was appointed N.V. Arsenyev.

Construction Features

For that time, the speed of construction was unprecedented. In addition, the Voroshilov battery, built in two years, is a unique building. It has a convenient location and internal furnishings. Voroshilov battery is not visible from the sea. Therefore, in the event of an enemy attack, he would have to act blindly.

But inside the battery itself is not a very good overview. "How then to defend?" - you ask. In fact, everything is very simple and at the same time cleverly invented. The firing takes place from command posts, which are located at points with excellent visibility. The first is on Vyatlin Mountain (height 107 m), 1575 m from the tower. The second - on the main mountain 279 meters high. From these posts to the battery a cable was stretched, through which messages were transmitted.


Internal organization

What is the Voroshilov battery? This is an underground structure with a depth of 15 meters. Imagine a five-story house that is underground. Only two towers rise above it, the coating thickness of which is 2.8 m. Giant columns keep them underground, around which mechanisms and rooms are located. The thickness of the side and back walls is 1.5 m, the front wall is 4 m.

The facility is able to protect even from air strikes. Chemical and bacteriological attacks are not afraid of him either.

It is not surprising that it has survived to the present day, and the Voroshilov Battery museum was founded in it. Artillery installations are located in each tower. They are not simple, but taken from the battleship Mikhail Frunze. Shells rose into towers using special mechanisms.


What else is there?

The construction has three floors. On the first floor there are household and office premises. The second floor served as a storage of charges, the total number of which reached 1200. On the third floor, shells intended directly for use in hostilities were stored. There could be about 600 of them.

To lift the shells, the towers were equipped with a lifting device - hoist. They were fed to the guns along a monorail attached to the ceiling. An underground passage was dug between two towers at a depth of 20 meters. It was also possible to walk along a special passage from the third floor.

The lower part of the turret could rotate for the convenience of projectile delivery. This action took place with the help of electric motors. Electricity was connected from the island’s energy system.

The people serving the tower also had clear water, because there was an artesian well under the battery. The towers could also be rotated manually in case of problems with electricity, although the battery had its own diesel installation.

The number of personnel was 399 people. To service one tower, 75 people were required.

If you are in Vladivostok, be sure to ask how to get to the Voroshilov battery. This unique building deserves our attention.


Combat power

This colossus gave such volleys that during the exercises the blast wave broke glass in the windows of the houses of nearby villages. Therefore, residents strengthened them with mattresses.

Nevertheless, it strikes the accuracy with which shots could be fired. In 1992, G.E. Shabot hit a small target - a barrel with a diameter of about 2 meters from a distance of about 10 kilometers. This was the last shot. In 1998, a museum was founded here. Many people wonder if the Voroshilov Battery (Vladivostok) is available for visiting. Museum working hours: Wednesday - Sunday, from 9.00 to 17.00. Monday and Tuesday are days off.