
A 54-day-old man sailed along a lake teeming with crocodiles to set a world record

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A 54-day-old man sailed along a lake teeming with crocodiles to set a world record
A 54-day-old man sailed along a lake teeming with crocodiles to set a world record

Video: 9-28 6pm 2024, July

Video: 9-28 6pm 2024, July

If you, just like me, don’t understand why people risk their lives, endanger their health in order to set a new world record, which, it would seem, will be forgotten in a few weeks, even if it’s written, in which a famous record book, this article is for you.

6 years ago, 45-year-old Martin Hobbs could not swim a mile. However, already this week he set a new world record, breaking 361 miles (about 580 km) - the entire length of Lake Malawi in Africa.

New record


Hobbs was the first person to cross Lake Malawi on his own for 54 consecutive days. Thus, he managed to set a new world record for the longest solitary swimming in the lake.

The South African swimmer began his career as a competitive biker and off-road marathoner, however, after a back injury (associated with a disc in the spine), the doctors told him that he would never be able to ride a bicycle, much less run.

Swimming for the athlete was the only sport in which he could show or train his stamina. Open water allowed him to return to sports after a devastating injury, and also gave motivation to start a new adventure.

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Risk understanding

In an interview, Hobbs said that he always dreamed of an African adventure, but he never decided on it. The man understood that his plan was very dangerous. He did not want to be the person to be remembered for, that he worked very hard, but once died. However, he would be pleased to leave a trace or some kind of memory.

Hobbs technically broke the world record from the Guinness book when he was in the water, but continued to swim to reach the other side of the lake.

What is the difficulty?


Lake Malawi covers the entire coast of the East African country and is known for the fact that deadly crocodiles, hippos and mosquitoes live here.

The man chose this path for the record intentionally. He explains his choice by saying that it was the longest line of water that he could find.

At the same time, he, like any other person, was aware of the risks and was very afraid of crocodiles.

Every day, Hobbs sailed about 7 miles (11 km) and tried to get as distracted as possible. He thought about the upcoming dinner and a chocolate bar, which he was supposed to drown out fear and pain as much as possible.

A marathon for 54 days involves "work" in different conditions. The man even had to swim during a tornado, which caused huge tall waves. Naturally, in such conditions it was especially difficult to sail.


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During the tornado, the boat with the team that was watching the swimmer tipped heavily, which caused considerable excitement. According to Hobbs, this also confused him. He needed extra strength to tune in to work again and return to his goal.

What is the secret of an athlete’s stamina?

Hobbs, who sailed an average of 7 miles a day, said he was able to achieve his goal by focusing on one hour at a time. Thinking about an upcoming dinner or a bar of chocolate also helped overcome the pain.

Accordingly, the secret of Hobbs' stamina lies in his ability or ability to switch. When you do not think about pain, the body does not feel it. Try to climb the stairs and not think about how hard it is for you, and you will understand that climbing is not so difficult.

Hobbs also said that there are several quotes that guide him. One of them says that if you can’t go further, think about how far you have come.