the culture

Turkmen male names: list, meaning and origin

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Turkmen male names: list, meaning and origin
Turkmen male names: list, meaning and origin



In the old days, male Turkmen names were given according to the traditions adopted within the family - someone named in honor of fathers and grandfathers, someone by birth month, someone - by birth order number. Modern Turkmens rarely follow traditions and choose names to their liking. This article presents a list of 15 of the most beautiful, modern and common male Turkmen names with origin, meaning and description.


The most common among modern male Turkmen names is Ajdar. It translates as "dragon" and means a man of courage, openness and capable of high sacrifice. Internal eastern expression in boys named by this name is doubled. Having become men, Azhdars are distinguished by great physical strength, perseverance and devotion. Having chosen a companion of life, a person with that name will switch all his sacrifice to it, and will not calm down until the whole world lies at the feet of his beloved.



Arar is simultaneously the male Turkmen name and the surname of some other peoples (Romanians, Afghans, Jews). Therefore, for those who want to choose a son with a name that is not associated with their surnames, it is definitely not suitable. But if this does not concern parents, it is worth considering, because in translation it means "paradise tree." Bearers of this name also grow similar to the meaning - unbending and open, like a tree, clean and gentle, like the inhabitants of the Garden of Eden. According to statistics from the first half of 2018, the name Arar became the most popular among Turkmen names for newborns.


The list of male Turkmen names could not take place without the name Begench, which means "joy" in translation. In the hope that the son will become a source of happiness and fun both for himself and for everyone around him, his parents call him that. And not in vain - Turkmens with this name really know a lot about fun and always know how to please loved ones and cheer up others. However, inside themselves, Begenchi often turn out to be too big idealists - faith in a certain “absolute” of love, happiness, and in general anything can greatly complicate the life of those who bear this name.



The meaning of the male Turkmen name Garyagda literally is “snow fell”. In the Turkmen tradition, it was considered a very good sign if during the birth of a son it started to snow on the street, not before and not after, namely during. So, a man born of heaven was born. In such cases, the child was certainly given the name of Garyagda. Turkmen mothers who love the traditions of their people and are planning to give birth in late autumn or winter should save this option in case the streets are decorated with snow with the advent of a child. Such a coincidence is likely to bring good luck to the carrier named after Garyagda. But you can not get attached to traditions, but simply name the child beautifully and extraordinary. In adulthood, Garyagda will be distinguished by the purity and openness of the soul, however, like snow embedded in the morphology of the name, it will be changeable: sometimes it is soft and fluffy, and sometimes it is cold and prickly.


It translates as “advantage” and is one of the traditional Turkmen names on the list of men. Among the famous owners of this name there are politicians, philosophers, and writers who have achieved success in their homeland - it is not surprising, because in the names themselves these people had an advantage. All Javdets are outstanding individuals with one or more talents and persistence in achieving their goals. Choosing the name Javdet for the son, one should look for the roots of future talent from the very first “squeaks” of the baby. A boy can learn to speak and put words into rhymes early, may have a penchant for drawing or show leadership qualities - any undertakings of his son should be encouraged and supported.



Turkmen male names and their meaning are inextricably linked - for example, the name Elbars is translated into Russian as “tiger”, and the future parents of the boy should take this into account. “As you name the ship, it will sail” - and the man named so will combine all the qualities of this beautiful and proud animal. Next to her beloved woman, Elbars will be gentle and soft, like a cat, but if someone even hints at the honor of honoring him or his family, the tiger will immediately show its teeth. In a rage, the carriers of this name are literally uncontrollable and capable of the most unexpected things. If the boy’s parents are short-tempered by themselves, it’s best not to increase their anger, giving the child such an ambiguous name.


The origin of the male Turkmen name Iskender is rooted in the very depths of the Turkic languages, and is translated as "protector". Simply put, this is the Turkmen and Turkish version of the name of Alexander. Already in childhood, Iskender will show stubborn willfulness, curiosity and the desire to protect and protect those who are weaker and less than him. The boy will always be a good older brother or pet owner, but may seem like a terrible son - because of disobedience and his own opinion on any issue. With age, stubbornness will degenerate into the ability to defend one's opinion, and bold sharpness into decisiveness. In family and at work, the adult Iskender is always a leader, but he will never win submission and respect by force, since with the level of his authority this will not be necessary.



Another lover to lead and dominate will certainly be a boy named Keymir. The translation from the Turkmen language means “iron” or “iron”, which, unlike Iskender, characterizes Keymir as the leader of the adamant and undeniable. From early childhood, the boy named so will appear to parents as a family tyrant, but if you direct his stubborn energy in the right direction, he will be able to achieve great success in anything. In particular, in sports. Any team game will satisfy Keymir’s need for leadership, and iron obstinacy will help to avoid lazy moods and always achieve high results.


Today, this name of Arab origin is the most popular and common in the list of male Turkmen names. The origin and significance of this name originates from the very inception of the Ottoman Empire - there, from ancient times, the sultans and beloved Sultan's children were called a name meaning “goal” or “desire”. People so named always justify the meaning of the "desired" child. They are smart, inquisitive, obedient and kind to others. From birth to his death, little Murat will be betrayed not only to his beloved parents, but also to teachers, trainers, educators. Simply put, Murats know how to be grateful. Judiciousness and a philosophical outlook on things will also manifest itself in a child from childhood, allowing most people to feel comfortable in a society of carriers of this name.



Another beautiful and unusual Turkmen name is Oraztach. Translated, it means "happiness", and indeed endowing with the happy fate of all its owners. Oraztach will grow up a quiet and modest child who knows how to enjoy the little things. In adolescence, parents can worry about a son with that name, because due to excessive love and vulnerability of nature, young Oraztach can feel love wounds in his heart early. But by the age of 20-25, he will learn the necessary lessons from unsuccessful novels and will be able to build real happiness that corresponds to his name.


From the Turkish language, this rather popular male Turkmen name is translated as “hearth”. In fact, inside the people so named, a huge bonfire burns, which is impossible to put out. "A man with a fiery heart" is Ojak's most accurate description. People with this name are selfless, kind and ardent family people. A great danger for Ojak is the environment, which will simply begin to use his generosity, excessive kindness and dependability, but in this case, parents should try to warn their son, noting that they are using it. For Odzhak, the ancestors will remain authorities throughout their lives, so that, most likely, he will listen to them and will be able to leave the society of "parasites" and "leeches".



In translation, the name Soltan means the same as "sultan" - that is, "lord", "ruler". According to their fate, the bearers of this magnificent name are similar to those named Javdet - they possess innate talents, as well as a desire for creativity and a thirst for new information. Soltan will certainly be successful in his studies - savvy by nature, he will quickly and easily enter the first students, and will remain in good standing with teachers throughout the course of his studies. A lively mind and the ability to notice little things makes Soltan a good comedian as well - while studying at school or university, he will definitely try his hand at the KVN or theater group. As an adult, the guy retains youth of mind and body throughout his life - especially if he manages to realize all his talents.


This masculine Turkmen name is translated as a “dagger”, and from its very birth endows its owner with quick temper, grace and a constantly unsatisfied sense of justice. As a teenager, Khanjal will be one of those guys who rush into the fray, defending the honor of a girl whom they are not even familiar with, go against the whole class, not wanting to poison a teacher or a novice and uphold their ideals even on pain of death. Choosing a life path, Khanzhal will most likely want to become a military man, but will quickly become disappointed in the unfair way of life in this sphere. To throw out an excess of boiling energy, the boy should engage in martial arts or hand-to-hand combat.



The meaning of this name is “well-being, ” and by its description it is very close to the names Begench and Oraztach. Of course, only the parents wish their son the best, calling him “prosperous, ” but one must be able to protect the child from the birth of non-existent ideals in his mind. Otherwise, Essen will lay down his whole life, trying to "catch up with the horizon." On the whole, the boy will grow up to be a calm child, love school and home games - hooligan tricks will never appeal to a “prosperous” child. Having met his love early and not disappointed in it, the owner of this name will be able to build a wonderful family and put his desire for ideal into raising children.