
Husbands of Lolita Milyavskaya. Lolita's personal life

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Husbands of Lolita Milyavskaya. Lolita's personal life
Husbands of Lolita Milyavskaya. Lolita's personal life

Without a doubt, Lolita Milyavskaya can be considered a significant and quite significant person in the domestic show business. This woman "without complexes" with her desire to help, openness and empathy won the hearts of millions of Russian women who came to unforgettable shows with her participation on television or watched them on television, sitting at home. By the way, do not forget about men who appreciate the beauty and temperament of Milyavskaya.

Of course, her career as a pop singer also deserves attention, because, in spite of everything, she managed to prove to the listener that it costs more than just being a ridiculous addition to the charismatic stage partner.

The songs released by her become hits, resonating in the souls of a huge number of listeners. But today we would like to talk about the personal life of the famous singer, namely to dwell on the husbands of Lolita, who, by the way, were not so few.


Ladder with many steps leading to female happiness

In general, Lolita Milyavskaya succeeded not only professionally, but also as a faithful and caring, and most importantly, happy wife. Lola could not realize herself in this role immediately, only in the fifth marriage did harmony come to her, about which so much has been written and said. Milyavskaya’s path to a happy life was long and thorny. The beginning was laid back in his student days, when an aspiring actor Alexander Belyaev noticed an unknown young singer.

Student marriage


Lolita's first husband, the aforementioned Alexander Belyaev, studied with her at the same university. There, the young people met, and after several years of relations, the aspiring movie actor decided, of course, not without the participation of Milyavskaya herself, to legalize them. Unfortunately, the student marriage did not last long, although Belyaev and the singer herself had fond memories of him. It was a carefree time when difficulties are overcome easily and do not seem significant against the backdrop of a comprehensive feeling. By the way, at the same time, fate brought the future singer with Alexander Tsekalo, who was a friend of her first husband.

Despite a short-term marriage, Lolita and her husband broke up peacefully, maintaining a good friendly relationship to this day. According to the singer, at the time of the official registration of their union, she and her chosen one, Alexander Belyaev, were no longer in a romantic relationship, which is distinguished by passion, jealousy and a desire to spend time every minute together, but rather in friendships. It is this reason that the singer calls the first, which led to its quick termination.

To Moscow


When Lolita was 22 years old, she, along with singer Alexander Tsekalo, decided to go to conquer the capital. It is worth saying that at that time young people were connected only by friendly relations and incredible ambitions, which were the reason for the ardent desire to achieve something in this world and prove to everyone their importance.

Moscow, as you know, obeys only the persistent, and those who are not strong enough for a big city, it simply breaks. At the very beginning, Milyavskaya and Tsekalo had a hard time: firstly, they had nowhere to live, and secondly, they had to constantly agree on performances themselves (at first they didn’t really want to invite a funny couple, because they were forced to work for a penny).

Treasured square meters


At first, Lolita and Tsekalo lived in Moscow with her brother, but soon the guys had to look for a new habitat. The way out was the purchase of two rooms in a communal apartment owned by Vitaly Milyavsky. It was extremely difficult to sell housing at that time, so the only solution was to issue a fictitious marriage. It was thanks to her temporary husband that Lola became Milyavskaya Lolita Markovna and acquired for her own use the coveted room in a communal apartment.

By the way, with a fictitious husband, a popular Russian pop singer never lived under one roof. Everything was done only for the sake of precious square meters. To this day, a woman "without complexes" is still friends and even sometimes calls up.

Love Cabaret Duet


The capital, although not immediately, but still willingly accepted Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Tsekalo. The constant joint pastime, common interests and goals that the pop couple set for themselves, led to the fact that friendly partnerships grew into a beautiful romance. The bright union lasted 12 whole years and was not just a connection of two loving hearts, but also a successful creative project. The couple were together on the television program “Good Morning, Country!”, The cabaret duet “Academy” gave concerts.

It is worth saying that it was in this marriage that Lolita gained particular popularity and recognition.

Shock for fans

A married life together ended for a creative duet as brightly as it began. Pregnant Lolita impressed fans by leaving her husband after 12 years of marriage. A few months later it became known that little Eve was born.

However, the singer said that Tsekalo is not her father. By the way, in her interviews, Lolita repeatedly said that the marriage with Alexander Tsekalo was more a worker than a conjugal one. He brought her many complexes, thereby lowering the artist’s self-esteem.

Tragic happiness


The third husband of Lolita was the oligarch from Komi, about whom much was written in the media of that time. Some complained that this was another marriage of convenience, while others, on the contrary, saw the man as a reliable and strong shoulder for his beloved TV presenter and singer.

Alexander Zarubin (that was the name of the chosen one Milyavskaya) was able to truly make Lola happy. It was during this period that the singer was able to spread her wings to the full, devoting herself to promising and profitable projects.

By the way, she was in time not only for work, but also for housework. Shortly after registering the relationship, Milyavskaya and Alexander Zarubin decided to have a joint child. For this, the couple even bought an apartment where two rooms were specially designed for children: for the eldest daughter of Eve and for the planned second baby. It is worth noting that then Lolita was already over 40, but the active and hardworking singer did not allow herself to relax.

She spent all the time on tour, harassing her body with a difficult work schedule. Because of this, at 4 months pregnant, Lolita lost her baby. After the tragic event, the couple stayed together for a short time, and subsequently the third husband of Lolita Milyavskaya left the family, leaving the woman everything she acquired for their life together.