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Fishlessness and cancer are fish. The meaning of the proverb and the history of its occurrence

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Fishlessness and cancer are fish. The meaning of the proverb and the history of its occurrence
Fishlessness and cancer are fish. The meaning of the proverb and the history of its occurrence

Video: Rectal Cancer MRI: Post Treatment Evaluation-- Gaurav Khatri, MD & Katrina McGinty, MD (SABI '19) 2024, July

Video: Rectal Cancer MRI: Post Treatment Evaluation-- Gaurav Khatri, MD & Katrina McGinty, MD (SABI '19) 2024, July

Sayings are the result of human observations of social relationships and other people's behavior. Each saying carries a hidden meaning and sarcasm. Expressed with a truly Russian ability to notice situations and translate them into a mockery, bright folk aphorisms made a peculiarity of folk color.

The story of the sayings

The spiritual principle of any nation is invariably reflected in its folklore, mentality and lifestyle. Having passed through centuries, Russian proverbs reflect the essence of national identity. The experience of different eras is concentrated in the bright statements of ordinary people.

Proverbs appeared from observing life, analyzing various situations and people's behavior. All this is contained in phraseological units. For example: "Fishlessness and cancer are fish." The meaning of the proverb is to accept what is, otherwise you can be left with nothing.

Some of the statements were borrowed from literary works much later. Sayings and proverbs contain the centuries-old experience of their ancestors and are the spiritual value of the people.


The oldest proverbs were found in ancient chronicles. Many of the expressions were born in times of economic boom, hostilities and civil strife. For example: a small town, but seven governors. This proverb means that during times of confrontation and redistribution of power, residents of cities and villages constantly suffered from internecine strife of the ruling elite.

Proverbs that have arisen from observing the life of couples have a special folk look at family and marriage. In such expressions, the meaning of the relationship between husband and wife, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and others is captured. For example: not to marry, if only not to marry married. The meaning of the proverb is the promise of young girls to choose the right partner in life.

The meaning of proverbs in Russia

Emperor Peter I was very fond of proverbs, often applying them to the place. Among the common people, folklore was used everywhere. The content of the proverb is always sparkling and accurate. Nothing can convey the meaning and purpose of words so vividly as a correctly chosen vivid phraseological unit. If in a dispute it is impossible to convince an angry person, then you only need to say a proverb, as the arguing person will certainly think about its meaning and the circumstances of the discussion.

For a Russian person, sayings mean something that cannot be rebuked. After all, they contain the true meaning and wisdom of generations. For example, in fishless fish and cancer, what does this saying mean in everyday life? Its meaning is simple and undeniable: for want of the best, you need to be content with what you have.


In the folklore of the Russian population there are still a lot of sparkling statements:

  • there is no silver lining;
  • do not drink water from the face;
  • you can’t catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

On fishlessness and cancer - fish: the meaning of the proverb

The meaning of the proverb about cancer in the absence of fish is that it is worth taking what is at this moment.

With limited choice, this proverb is mentioned. It is also relevant if it is not possible to purchase anything more and you need to moderate your desires to what is available now and is fully available.

The interpretation of the meaning of the proverb “On fishlessness and cancer is fish” is quite simple. This sparkling expression is often used in everyday life, it shows people that today is enough of what is, but tomorrow will bring more.


Why cancer and fish?

There are proverbs that contain a similar meaning: "With a black sheep, even a tuft of wool" or "In the dark and the rotten shines."

The emergence of phraseologism has deep roots dating back to tsarist Russia. Its use came from fishermen who, having spent all the time on the river, returned with a small catch.

At the time of the birth of this proverb, people lived off their craft. The fishermen fed their family from the catch, but when there was no bite, they brought home crayfish. Crustaceans were also suitable as food.

There is another suggestion of the origin of the proverb. It consists in the fact that once a fisherman caught only one crayfish from a river, and said: “On fishlessness and cancer is a fish, ” the saying is firmly rooted in Russian folklore.


Not only in Russia are proverbs widely used. Sayings exist among all peoples of the world, they are often similar in meaning. The wording of the expressions depends on the locality of people and the characteristics of life.

In English-speaking countries, the meaning of the proverb “On fishlessness and cancer is fish” is contained in another, similar saying: “A small fish is better than an empty dish”.