
Happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune: do not ruin the nest

Happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune: do not ruin the nest
Happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune: do not ruin the nest

Video: Italian Cream Cake LIVE Bake-Off with Living On A Dime 2024, June

Video: Italian Cream Cake LIVE Bake-Off with Living On A Dime 2024, June

Treason is a terrible word. Few things in our world can match the horror of what is happening for a deceived woman if she really loves her man. In the acute phase, a woman is ready to do stupid things. Then the pain will decrease slightly and she will learn to think rationally. But a man in a similar situation may not immediately react, but still he will leave the traitor. However, men rarely try to recapture other people's wives, choosing married women in order to avoid problems. But for many unofficial “wives, ” the proverb “You can't build happiness on someone else’s misfortune” is relevant.

No cheating


Most honestly, relations develop in a situation where a lover simply uses a man as a source of money, without claiming to marry and destroy a family. By the way, such a problem-free model of relationships is most often used by rich men who are hunting. Therefore, it is rather difficult to destroy the rich man’s family by beating the husband from his wife. Wealthy men are too smart to play by the rules of their mistresses. If the lover has enough intelligence, she realizes that the man will not belong to her. And the rule “happiness cannot be built on someone else’s grief” does not concern it, since it does not build anything.

To another loaf …


It is only realistic to recapture someone else’s husband if he is a man from the lower middle class or even poor. And this is real precisely because the wife does not fight for this with clever methods. Because they are two boots of steam. It’s better not to waste time on married men with financial “benefits”. You cannot build happiness in misfortune. Yes, and there will be no happiness with "poor-quality" if you swung at the poor. Then you yourself will blame yourself for having spent time and effort. Better work on yourself to choose a free one. And do not reproach yourself and do not feel guilty. By the way, if you were able to recapture someone else’s, it’s very likely that another will take him away. Traitors in the war are not trusted.

Protection will not work


Entering into sexual intercourse with a man already "ringed", you commit a huge sin. And if you try to break up a family, and in a family without a father there are children, the situation is aggravated. When the deceived wife goes to the sorcerers, the servants of the dark forces, God will not protect you. And if a man is rich, then his woman has enough money for the most “effective” rites. So, you risk getting to God's judgment ahead of time and the underworld shines on you. Wife, of course, too. But you don’t think about her? Happiness cannot be built on someone else’s misfortune.


The problem of a shortage of men is, in principle, acute. Especially in the states of the former Union. But you can get around these difficulties - there are quite a lot of suitors abroad who want to marry our women. Of course, provided that the chosen one has a good face, keeps herself within the framework in the sense of a figure, and easily communicates with people. Happiness cannot be built on someone else's misfortune. If you can’t build a house in Russia, perhaps in America you will succeed. Emphasize the beauty of facial features, make a figure, learn to communicate. And learn the language - in order to take time to be useful. Then you don’t have to think that happiness cannot be built on someone else’s misfortune - your life will go into a reasonable rut and you will build your house, and not destroy the stranger.