
Find something interesting: interesting photos, articles, cases from life

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Find something interesting: interesting photos, articles, cases from life
Find something interesting: interesting photos, articles, cases from life

Video: How to see a Description of any Watchtower Article Photo 2024, July

Video: How to see a Description of any Watchtower Article Photo 2024, July

In order to find something interesting, many users access the Internet daily. After all, it is used not only for education and communication, but also for entertainment. If you wish, you can always find fascinating articles, films, photos, games on the web. We will give some examples in our material.

Interesting Facts

Wanting to find something interesting, you can pay attention to the amazing, and sometimes paradoxical things that happen in the lives of people and animals. Having familiarized yourself with such a selection, you are guaranteed to be in a good mood, and some funny occasions from life can make you seriously think about why this happens.


Some interesting fact is sure to be found on the Web and about our body. For example, have you ever thought that the chances that you will be born, and not some other person, are one in 40 million. And at the moment when you were born, for a few moments each of us was the youngest person in the world.

Another amazing fact: all people on planet Earth are made up of stardust. Calcium is contained in our teeth, nitrogen is in DNA, iron is in the blood, all these are the particles that make up the basis of stars.

Human body


In the female clitoris 8 thousand nerve fibers. This is twice as much as a normal penis. It is the only organ of a living being that exists and has been formed solely for pleasure. Pleasure usually causes a smile. By the way, you don’t have to make too much effort for this. Only 17 muscles are needed for a smile, but to frown, a person will need to use as many as 43 muscles.

Remember to hug as often as possible. At these moments, a special substance is produced in the human body - oxytocin. It speeds up the healing process of wounds, can contribute to raising mood. Would you like to learn about something interesting? Here is one more fact. Before a person dies, a powerful psychedelic of dimethyltryptamine is released in the brain. This substance, which is able to maximize our perception of time, it allows us to live hours and even days inside our psyche.

In the animal world

Surely you will be amused by cases from the life of animals. You often meet them, wanting to find something interesting on the Internet. For example, millions of new trees grow annually just because squirrels forget where they buried the nuts from which they stocked.


Adelie penguins are especially faithful in this world. They only have one partner for life. There is even a special ritual when the male proposes to the female. As a sign of his love, he hands her the perfect pebble. Loyal to death are seahorses who move, always holding on to their tails. Special relationships can be observed between otters. They always hold their paws in a dream. True, this happens not out of special love, but out of purely pragmatic goals: in this way they manage not to sail away from each other during the rest.

In addition to humans, … pigs can also experience true pleasure. The orgasm of these animals lasts up to half an hour.

Surprisingly, the fact is, cows produce a lot more milk by listening to certain music. Beethoven's "Pastoral Symphony" especially contributes to high milk yield. One of the most restless animals in the world is black swifts, which spend almost all their life in the air. At the same time, they feed on insects, which are caught directly in flight. On the fly, they not only eat and drink, but even mate and sleep.

Computer games


You can almost always find something interesting in the world of computer games. New games of various genres are constantly coming out, there are a lot of gamers on the planet, so this industry is so developed that it constantly strives to surprise its fans with something new.

In recent years, there have been especially many fans of the STALKER computer game. Although some users admit that after passing it they often have nightmares, but this universe is really addictive. This is a fascinating series of games developed by a Ukrainian company. It was created in the genre of shooter, the game is played in the first person.

Events unfold in an alternative world on the territory of modern Ukraine. The scene is an exclusion zone organized not far from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in which the worst nuclear disaster actually occurred. According to the plot of this game, in 2006 a mysterious and anomalous release occurred in the exclusion zone, due to which the chemical, physical and biological processes radically changed. A large number of anomalies, mutants and artifacts arose.

If you want to familiarize yourself with some interesting game, be sure to try STALKER. In the game you can trace the clear influence of the Strugatsky brothers' novel “Roadside Picnic” and Andrei Tarkovsky’s film “Stalker” based on his motives.

"Petrov in the flu and around it"

When you want intellectual relaxation, you can always read something interesting. In recent years, not only foreign, but also domestic literature has been pleased with novelties.

For example, the owner of the last “Russian Booker” is the novel of the Yekaterinburg writer Alexei Salnikov, “Petrov in the flu and around it.” This is an amazing and exciting work about the average Petrov family: he is a car mechanic, she works in the library, they have a son - a schoolboy. Family life does not go well, the couple decided to leave, from time to time they still remain together for several days, and the divorce has not yet been filed.

On the eve of New Year, they are overcome by an epidemic of influenza, all members of the family get sick in turn. In the series of events that begin to happen after this, it becomes difficult for the reader to distinguish reality from influenza delirium.

This is a real puzzle novel in which you will need to carefully monitor each detail, then you will be able to find something interesting in each chapter.

Fascinating articles

In modern journalism, the long reader genre is becoming especially popular and demanded by the reader. This is a special genre of online journalism, the hallmarks of which are a large amount of text, which is broken into parts using all kinds of multimedia elements. It can be videos, photos, infographics, quotes.

The LongRid format necessarily implies the ability to read material from various information media, allowing the reader to completely immerse themselves in the topic of publication.

There are many such fascinating materials on the open spaces of this site, here you can always find some interesting articles.

Life cases


At leisure, exciting events from life can amaze anyone. For example, what happened to Adam Jones in 2006. He managed to survive, being on a desert island. Finding himself on a desert island, Jones managed to escape, thanks to Google Earth technology.

Traveling with friends to the Hawaiian Islands, he landed in a storm in the Pacific Ocean. He and his friends were washed away by the wave from the yacht, drifted 17 days in the ocean, but still managed to get to the island. All electrical equipment was broken, so he could not give a signal for help.

The most difficult for him were the first few weeks when he could not get fresh water, but then he made a kind of barrel for collecting rainwater. He spent 11 weeks on a desert island, built a small house.

A savvy helped him escape. He pulled ashore a large number of stones, from which he composed a huge SOS word, which could be noticed by flying planes. Soon the plan worked.

It turned out that his savior was an American schoolboy from Minnesota, who accidentally found an inscription on Google maps and reported this to the police.

History in photos


Photography is a unique document that captures events with documentary accuracy. For example, a snapshot of a passenger boarding an airship is simply mesmerizing.

This vehicle, which was extremely popular at the beginning of the 20th century, was then discontinued due to its high accident rate and insecurity. But the pictures that managed to capture it really look impressive.