
Andorra population: size, nationality

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Andorra population: size, nationality
Andorra population: size, nationality

Video: Geography Now! Andorra 2024, June

Video: Geography Now! Andorra 2024, June

A miniature state lurking on the southern slope of the Pyrenees in the vicinity of France and Spain, Andorra, has a long and unique history. The population of the state of Andorra is an unusual mixture of nationalities, but the inhabitants of the country call themselves Andorrans and speak with great pride of their homeland. Who bears this proud name - the Andorran? Consider the features and characteristics of the population of this country.


Government structure

The Principality of the Valley of Andorra belongs to the mini-states of Europe. The uniqueness of the country is that, despite such powerful neighbors as Spain and France, it manages to maintain its independence for many centuries. Until 1993, the population of Andorra paid tribute to the French government and the bishop of Urhel for their sovereignty.

The main governing body of the country is the General Council of the Valleys. Since ancient times, the nominal power of the princes has been preserved, but today they perform mainly representative functions. The state, by agreement with its large neighbors, does not have an army, France and Spain are engaged in protecting the country, the police maintain internal order.

The main court in Andorra is called the Magistrates' Court, and there are also constitutional, higher and criminal courts. The capital of the country is the city of Andorra la Vella, located high in the mountains. The country has a unique culture in which Spanish and French roots are mixed, but the idea of ​​uniqueness and independence determines the basis of the traditions and self-awareness of its people. For residents of such a small country, it is very important to maintain their identity and differ from their neighbors, therefore Andorrans carefully preserve their cultural rites and rituals. Many festivals and celebrations are held here, most of which are religious in nature.


Andorra is an alpine country, there is not a single point lower than 900 meters above sea level. This small state, the sixth of the smallest in the world, is located in the valleys of the southern Pyrenees. Its area is about 450 square kilometers.

The country’s landscape is mountainous, with a large number of rivers, with forests and miniature plains in the valleys between the peaks. The population of Andorra is used to the fact that they have to live in rather harsh conditions. There is very little land that can be cultivated, but due to the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains covering from the northern air currents, a subtropical mountain climate is formed here, which is very healthy. Here is a long, but relatively mild winter with a lot of rainfall. The average annual temperature in the valleys is +22 degrees. In the mountains, of course, colder, especially in winter.



The population of Andorra overwhelmingly speaks the Catalan language. It was formed as part of the Gallo-Roman group. Catalan is closer to French, with which they have common roots, than to Spanish, with which it has only some mutual influence. About 40% of the country's population speaks this language. Slightly more than 30% speak Spanish, about 15% speak Portuguese. The remaining languages ​​have a small number of inhabitants. At the same time, English is also widely used in Andorra, especially in tourist areas.

Settlement history

The first sites in the country, archaeologists date back to the ice age. The first sedentary population of Andorra is the Romans, who in 220 BC seized these lands, bringing here their language and their culture. Under the rule of Rome, the territory remained until 414 years. After this, the land was ruled for some time by the Visigoth tribes.

The foundation of the state of Andorra is attributed to Charlemagne, who in 790 guaranteed the independence of these lands. He defeated the Saracens with the help of the inhabitants of the Andorran Valley. For this, he called the people sovereign and granted him his protection. The state became part of the Urgel bishopric.

In 817, the country officially became part of the Frankish Empire, Louis, nicknamed the Pious, granted the Principality a Magna Carta of Freedom. For several centuries, the country experienced raids by invaders, but successfully repelled them. In 1278, an agreement was signed on the dual sovereignty of Andorra. From that moment, she paid tribute (in the form of food) to France and to the Bishop of Urhel (Spain). This situation continued until 1993, when the new Constitution of Andorra was adopted. Since that time, the state has become a member of the UN, in 1994 it is a member of the Council of Europe.


Population dynamics and density

Andorra, whose population (71 thousand people in 2015) has a mild upward trend, variously stimulates fertility and fights mortality. These efforts are yielding results; the first indicator today is almost twice as high as the second. The birth of about 700 children and the death of about 450 people are expected in a year. The population growth rate should be one person per day in 2016.

The territory of Andorra is 468 square kilometers. They live, as we noted, 71 thousand people. Thus, simple calculations make it possible to understand that the country's population density is 153 people per square kilometer. She takes 48th place in the world for this indicator. For comparison, in another dwarf state - Monaco - the density is 16 thousand people per square kilometer.


Ethnic composition

In Andorra, there are quite strict conditions for migrants, therefore there are few immigrants here, mainly movements are associated with historical waves. But the country did not pass the tendency towards the migration of peoples, characteristic of the whole of Europe. Therefore, the population of Andorra, whose nationalities are represented in diversity, cannot be called homogeneous. Its ethnic composition reflects the stages and characteristics of the population of the country. 45.9% of the population are Andorran. The largest colony of foreigners is the Spaniards (26.37% of the total population). The Portuguese make up 14.2%, the French - a little less than 5%, the British - 1.27%, other nationalities - 7.32%.

Age differentiation

The age distribution of the country's population shows the following. The average age of a resident of Andorra is 42.4 years. Life expectancy is 82.6 years, according to this indicator, the country is in seventh place in the world. At the same time, 15.6% of the total number of Andorrans are children under 15 years old.

The population of Andorra, in which children are a minority, causes concern, as there is a risk of moving into a group of countries of an aging type. The largest age group of residents is the able-bodied population aged 16 to 64 years, it makes 71.4%. The elderly group accounts for 13%. Such a number of elderly people and an increase in life expectancy make Andorra a country of demographic aging. It will gradually increase the number of people of respectable age, this can lead to serious economic problems, so the government is seriously addressing the demographic issue.


Demographic load factor

In 2016, the population of Andorra is 71 thousand people, while the largest part is the able-bodied population. This indicator allows you to calculate the total coefficient of demographic load - it is 40%. This is a very low figure on a global scale, which means the following: an able-bodied population can easily support its children. An assessment of the ratio between the working-age population and elderly residents makes it possible to calculate the coefficient of the pension burden, in Andorra it is 18.2%. In addition to steadily growing life expectancy and low birth rates, this is an alarming indicator, which suggests that it will be increasingly difficult for the country to support its pensioners.

The age and gender pyramid of Andorra is as follows:

- under the age of 15 years, men in the country today 5760, women - 5456;

- between the ages of 16 and 65, men are 26726, women - 24602;

- over the age of 65 men and women equally - 4661.


Such a model suggests that Andorra is a country of a decreasing, regressing or aging type. Hence the indicator on the pension burden, and the country's alarming prospects for providing the elderly. A similar trend today is characteristic of almost all European countries, and each state is trying to solve this problem in its own way. In many countries, it is removed due to the influx of migrants, but for Andorra this way is almost impossible.

Sexual differentiation

Statistics of the sexual distribution of the country's inhabitants shows that the number of women in it is less than that of men. Under the age of 15 years, the difference is about 300 people. In adulthood, this difference is 2 thousand people, and only in old age the number of sexes is equalized. This is due to the fact that the population of Andorra, whose men live on the whole less than women, does not grow by external tributaries, but exists within the boundaries of natural fertility, and boys are always born more, and to a certain age they survive better.


Considering the population of Andorra, its distribution over the territory of the country, you can see a specific feature. Until recently, local residents mainly lived in small settlements of 5-6 families, but the density of such buildings was generally high.

Today, residents mostly moved to cities, and there are not many villages in Andorra. This is due to the characteristics of the country's economy. Andorra is a state that exists mainly due to tourism (80% of revenues). This is a real paradise for skiing, and about 9 million tourists come here every year.

In terms of GDP, the country is in 19th place in the world. Its territory mainly produces tobacco, furniture, woolen and craft products. All major consumer products are imported into Andorra. A great help to the economy is the agreement on duty-free trade, which makes a number of goods cheaper than in neighboring countries. This leads to the fact that the Spaniards and the French often come to Andorra for one day to buy, most often buying tobacco and alcohol products.
