
The population of Troitsk, Moscow and Chelyabinsk region, employment opportunities in these cities

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The population of Troitsk, Moscow and Chelyabinsk region, employment opportunities in these cities
The population of Troitsk, Moscow and Chelyabinsk region, employment opportunities in these cities

Video: The Chelyabinsk Oblast 2024, June

Video: The Chelyabinsk Oblast 2024, June

In Russia there are as many as 2 Troitsk. One is located in the Moscow city district, and the other is in the Chelyabinsk region. The first one is better known, and we will talk about it a little more in detail.

Troitsk (Moscow) - a city within the Trinity administrative district of Moscow. It is located in the south-west of the Russian capital, 20 km from the Moscow Ring Road, if you move along the Kaluga highway. Until 1.07.2012 was part of the Moscow region. Since 2007, it has the status of a science city. The area of ​​the city is 16.3 km². The population of Troitsk, Moscow Region is 60, 924 people.


The climate in the city is temperate continental. The average temperature in January is -10.8 ° С, and in July - +17.2 ° С.

Economics and transport

Troitsk is a modern settlement with a developed infrastructure. It is dominated by multi-story residential development. The city is very green and is surrounded by forests. There are no harmful enterprises. In combination with intensive housing construction, this leads to population growth. There were built schools, lyceum, 2 gymnasiums, kindergartens, medical facilities, a sports school, shops; the sphere of domestic services is developed.


But the transport situation is still rather unfavorable. This is due to overloads on the Kaluga highway, which connects Troitsk with Moscow. In 2018, the construction of the metro line was to begin.

The science

The main purpose of Troitsk is scientific activity. There are 10 well-known centers for research. They employ about 5, 000 residents of the city. The main focus of scientific work is physics. The highest priorities: nuclear and thermonuclear physics, information and laser technologies, spectroscopy, radiophysics, magnetism.

Population of Troitsk (Moscow)

There is little data on the population of this city. Obviously, this is due to its small number. After all, the number of inhabitants of Troitsk is very small. In 2018, only 60, 924 people lived in this science city. However, the population is growing rapidly. This is especially pronounced in recent years. So, in 2009 the number of city residents was only 36, 762 people. In the 90s and “zero” years, the population grew at the lowest rate.


The population density of the city of Troitsk is 2900 people / km².


In general, Troitsk is a clean and green city. However, the Kaluga highway, household garbage and water pollution, as well as the low quality of drinking water make the ecological situation in the city ambiguous.


The situation with the employment of the population in Troitsk can be characterized by one phrase: high salary, but not enough work. As of the end of September 2018, the Employment Center offers only 3 vacancies (not counting the standard job openings for all cities of the Russian Federation on a rotational basis). The city needs 2 department heads and a driver. The salary of the head of the department is from 38 thousand rubles, and that of the driver is from 60 to 63 thousand rubles. The work schedule in all three cases is interchangeable. Probably, the majority of Troitsk residents are employed in Moscow, which can be reached along the Kaluga highway.

Troitsk of the Chelyabinsk region

Troitsk of the Chelyabinsk region is located 121 km south of Chelyabinsk. The city appeared on the map in 1784. The area is 139 km². The population is 75, 231 people. The population density is 540.65 people / km². Height above sea level - 170 meters.

The climate here is continental, cold. The average temperature in January is -14.2 ° С, and in July - +20.1 ° С. By the way, it used to be noticeably colder here, especially in winter. Time in Troitsk is 2 hours ahead of Moscow and corresponds to Yekaterinburg time.



The population of Troitsk grew until the end of the 80s of the XX century, after which it was declining almost all the time, and this process continues to this day. In 2017, the number of residents amounted to 75, 231 people, which corresponds to 223 places among all cities of the Russian Federation. At the peak of the late 80s, it amounted to 91 thousand people.

By nationality, Russians prevail among the population - 82.5%, Tatars (7.2%). In third place are Ukrainians (3%). The fourth - Kazakhs (2%).

Residents of Troitsk are called the following ethno-burials: Trojans, Trojans, Trojans.


The basis of the proud economy is industrial production. There are engineering enterprises, light and food industries, factories for the production of building materials, electricity.


A number of socio-economic projects are being implemented in the city to improve the quality of life of the population.

Employment in Troitsk

As of the end of September 2018, the city requires workers in various specialties. Among them are many technical ones. Salaries are different: from 12 837 rubles to 42 171 rubles. The smallest accountant, electrician, turner and sportsman. Also, such salaries take place in the field of pedagogy. The highest is with the engineer.

In general, salaries of up to 15-20 thousand rubles dominate the list of vacancies. Salaries above 20, 000 are infrequent.
