
A true medical miracle: a woman gave birth to twins in different years with a difference of 3 months

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A true medical miracle: a woman gave birth to twins in different years with a difference of 3 months
A true medical miracle: a woman gave birth to twins in different years with a difference of 3 months

Video: Mom Thinks She's Having Twins, But Drs Quickly Learn She's Making History With Rare Delivery 2024, July

Video: Mom Thinks She's Having Twins, But Drs Quickly Learn She's Making History With Rare Delivery 2024, July

At first glance, these twins are not unusual. But only at first glance, because everyone in Germany considers them a medical miracle.

Children were born in the Cologne hospital Holweide one after another, but in different years. Firstly, on the 26th week of pregnancy of Oksana's mother, November 17, 2018, Liana was born prematurely. The girl weighed only 900 grams. Despite the small size of the baby, doctors managed to save her.


How lucky the second child

It turns out that the children of Oksana had different placentas. And it was precisely this circumstance that did not prevent the younger sister from remaining in her mother’s stomach for another 3 months. Three months later, on February 22, 2019, Liana's sister Leoni appeared. She was quite heavy - as much as Z700 g. So it happened that the difference between the two little sisters is 97 days.

Parents Liana and Leoni are extremely pleased with the addition to their family. They are happy that both babies survived in such a difficult situation. Their oldest child, 8-year-old Danil, is also happy to be a brother to two beautiful princesses.
