
Natalya Okunskaya: biography, children, photo

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Natalya Okunskaya: biography, children, photo
Natalya Okunskaya: biography, children, photo

Women's fates are different. In someone's life everything goes smoothly: a carefree childhood, loving parents, grandparents, then a kindergarten and a school, an institute. Then a happy marriage, two or three children, a husband - a real family man, a wedding for children … And, of course, old age, shrouded in the care and love of the household. But more often it’s different …


Women's Fates

Of course, the above model is ideal for the life path of a woman in a patriarchal society. According to another model, a woman smoothly goes through the first few stages, namely, the period until graduation. Further, she independently goes through life, building her career, reaching unprecedented heights in the professional sphere and turning into a real business woman. Along with this, she can also create a family and be torn between work and loved ones or raise her children alone, continuing to develop professionally. Others dedicate their whole lives to work and never think about creating a family. They, as we know, are called "blue stocking", "iron lady", sort of "Lyudmila Prokofievna."

Natalya Okunskaya: biography, date of birth

The fate of the woman, which will be discussed in this article, does not apply to any of these types. Famous Ukrainian fashion model - Natalya Okunskaya. Her biography looks like the plot of one of the modern series - at first nothing, then everything, but in what way! Under this name, many in Ukraine know her today, but the first half of her life she was Natalya Sokol, then she became Okunskaya, having married basketball player Alexander Okunsky.

Despite the fact that for many years she has been divorced with him, and even managed to remarry and divorce again with the famous Ukrainian lawyer Sergei Vlasov (human rights activist of the legendary Yulia Tymoshenko), nevertheless she still bears the name of her first husband. It is under this name that she is known as the Ukrainian fashion model, the face of many brands, Natalia Okunskaya. Biography (Natalia’s birth year is indicated differently in different sources - 1969, 1970 or 1971, and the date is October 26), she tells that the girl had a very difficult childhood, spent in poverty, deprivation, hard work at the factory.

What is life like?

As you understand, she did not have any bright memories of her childhood. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that she cares so much for her four children, for whom she is ready for anything. Yes, Natalia Okunskaya, whose biography does not contain a single positive fact about her childhood, in the future became a mother of many children, and what a lot! Of course, men do not understand this and they accuse her of commercialism, greed and adventurism. But Natalya doesn’t care, because for her the highest goal is the welfare and successful future of her children.


Okunskaya Natalia: biography, childhood

So, as already described above, Natasha was born in a poor family. Of course, in Soviet times, no one in the state was considered poor, nevertheless, the girl certainly did not have a happy and prosperous childhood.

Father is a locksmith, working from dawn to dusk at the factory, mother is a woman who is not indifferent to the male sex, who left her daughter for other men when she was only 4 years old. This figure is also inaccurate, in some sources it is said that Natasha’s mother left the family when the girl entered her most dangerous, teenage age. This fact of her life, that is, that her mother was a windy rotator, changing husbands like gloves, today her ex-husbands often reproach her.

In divorce proceedings, in which Natalya Okunskaya takes part, her biography, or rather, this paragraph, which refers to her unfaithful mother, is often put up for discussion by her husband's lawyers. They are trying to prove that in this case the principle "an apple doesn’t fall far from an apple tree" is fully applied. However, they do not take into account the fact that Natalia is a beautiful mother. Unlike her “spree” mother, she does not abandon her children, but defends their rights to a secure future with all her might.

Early onset of adulthood

Little Natasha was a very curious girl. Despite the fact that she grew up in an incomplete family, without the custody of her mother, she nevertheless studied well at school. In addition, she loved to engage in geography, cutting and sewing, embroidered well and managed to dress well. Most of her teenage wardrobe is made by herself.


But the girl had no time for a long time to do what she loved, because she needed to work at the factory. So, she from the school bench was distinguished by a sense of style and taste. And today, she has become a popular interior designer and stylist. That's what Natalya Okunskaya turned into. The biography (the age of the girl leads everyone into confusion), as we have already noted, she began in 1971. This means that today she is all 43. Not every woman can boast of such a flawless figure and face at that age, and even after the birth of four children. What do you think? In your opinion, for how many years does Natalya Okunskaya look? Photos of her practically do not need Photoshop. She looks perfect, stylish and chic!

First marriage

About how Natalia met with the famous basketball player Alexander Okunsky, the story is silent. Before that, the girl managed to work at her father’s factory, and at the same time managed to study in evening school. Then there was a love affair with a famous athlete. And some time later, after the official marriage (and this did not happen right away), a new stage began in the girl’s life, into which she entered with a new name - Natalya Okunskaya. Her biography was replenished with new facts: a wedding, the birth of a son (or rather, the birth of a son first, and only then - the wedding), etc. But this couple was not destined to go hand in hand all their lives.


It's time to fall in love

In her youth, Natalia was very interested in detective novels and saw herself as a detective-criminalist. She admits that she has a subtle intuition. However, when fate sends her love, the woman simply loses her head. This indicates that she is a very emotional and passionate woman, and during the period of falling in love, emotions simply overwhelm. In such a situation, she makes mistake after mistake. However, as they say, the smart learns from the mistakes of strangers, and ordinary people - from their own. But if not for these mistakes, she would not have become what she is today.

Personal life: the first mistakes

Surely everyone knows her today. This is a Ukrainian model Natalya Okunskaya. The biography (a girl was born in the USSR, in Ukraine) of this extraordinary young woman is of particular interest to fans of her talent. Of course, until the age of 31, she was no different, except that her husband was a famous basketball player.

Where and when she met with Alexander, almost no one knows. However, this marriage took place only after she gave birth to her first child - Andryusha. Later, this beautiful couple had a second son. Nevertheless, the rumor claimed that this was not Okunsky's son. Later it turned out that she was having an affair with her husband’s friend and his team member Andrei Prikhodko.


Soon she broke up with her first husband, married a second time, but Okunskaya is still in her passport. Natalia, whose biography, children and personal life of which are today under the scrutiny of the press, became famous only at 31, and being a mother of four children.

Once she was offered to become a fashion model. And she agreed. It is hard to imagine that this woman, who is the face of well-known brands, with an ideal figure and a face without a single wrinkle, has crossed a 40-year-old limit. But this is what Natalya Okunskaya wins. The photo of her is adorned with the covers of many authoritative publications, her face is flaunted on advertising posters, she organizes social parties, which the whole elite gathers.

Second marriage

With her second husband, a well-known lawyer in Ukraine, Vlasov, Natalia met in 2004. Then she already had 3 children. Having become pregnant by Sergey, she soon married him, while the newly-made husband adopted her first daughter, but Sergey could not stand the older boys. True, in the first period of his life together, he did not refuse anything to Natalia, provided her children with everything necessary.


From the side the illusion of a prosperous and happy family was created. However, fate again challenged the woman, and she again became a participant in the divorce proceedings. During it, it turned out that for several years Sergey only pretended to be a caring stepfather, but in fact he simply despised innocent boys. “They are no one to me, ” he told the court. And the woman was left alone again, this time with four children in her arms. However, she proved to everyone that she is extraordinary, she is Okunskaya Natalia!

The biography of this fragile at first glance, but strong woman testifies that fate gave her many gifts, both good, good, and evil, merciless, but she always knew how to accept them with dignity. After all, it bears responsibility for his offspring, for two sons and two daughters.