the culture

Not sure if it's worth visiting the Youth Palace? Minsk will prove to you what it costs!

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Not sure if it's worth visiting the Youth Palace? Minsk will prove to you what it costs!
Not sure if it's worth visiting the Youth Palace? Minsk will prove to you what it costs!

Video: Shimon Peres, Academy Class of 2003, Complete Interview 2024, June

Video: Shimon Peres, Academy Class of 2003, Complete Interview 2024, June

Youth is the future of any country. It is young talented people who can create something new, bring colors to life. The upbringing and comprehensive development of children and adolescents is one of the most important issues for the state. You must not underestimate it. The life of the whole country depends on the level of education and upbringing of the new generation.

Palace today

Do you know what the Youth Palace is? Minsk can boast of such! Surely there are similar establishments in every city, but the question is how they function and whether they fulfill their tasks. The importance of such centers of culture is simply enormous, since it is here that the character, views and skills of adolescents are laid. Work in a team from an early age contributes to the fact that young people will be open, communicative and friendly to the world.


What is the Youth Palace today? Minsk is the capital, and it is worth understanding the level of the institution under discussion. So, the Youth Palace is one of the largest centers of education and culture among the CIS countries and throughout Europe. In addition, he is a member of the European Association for Extracurricular Education. It is worth noting that it brings together about 25, 000 similar organizations from European countries.


What else can be said about the Youth Palace (Minsk)? And here is what:

  • there is a friendly, vibrant team of teachers who are engaged in constant self-development and improvement and pass on their skills to the younger generation;

  • funny, talented and curious children who are open to the world and new adventures study here;

  • This is a place where children, parents and teachers work together;

  • there is no framework for communication;

  • every idea and thought will be heard;

  • anyone can assemble his team and realize his wildest dream;

  • Presentations of new discoveries and ideas are regularly held here.


Few numbers

It is interesting that the Youth Palace (Minsk) invites not only children and adolescents, but also creative young people who want to develop and make their cultural contribution. People from 3 to 27 years old are engaged here! And they all find a common language and work together on projects. In total, more than 8 thousand people study at the center of culture, more than 800 circles and sections are provided for everyone to choose from, there are more than 100 different types of interest clubs for scientific, intellectual, sports, artistic, technical, decorative and applied, etc. directions. Moreover, each direction corresponds to the level of development of society and technology, that is, only modern methods of work are taught. The presence of 57 different associations in the branches of the center allows the Palace to expand its borders and find new talented “chicks”.


Additional activities

It should also be noted that the Youth Palace (Minsk) is actively developing and implementing programs for the education of gifted children and children with disabilities. In addition, the center is interested in the daily life of its students and provides the necessary social protection at the proper level. The Palace also helps young people with the choice of a profession, ranging from various tests for character accentuation to real skills training for a future specialty.

It is worth noting the ideological moment of the work of the center of culture. Youth Palace (Minsk) cooperates with public organizations of Belarus and international associations in order to form the image of their country in children and help build a better future. The center pays great attention to the international integration of its students, participating in various competitions at the world level.



Want to visit the Youth Palace (Minsk)? How to get to it, many are interested. The center is located almost in the heart of the capital. A beautiful large building and inspired young people will be hard to miss in the midst of the bustle of the city. For accuracy, we add that the Youth Palace (Minsk) has the address: 41 Starovilensky Tract. It’s impossible to get there by metro, so you have to take a taxi, go by public or private transport.