women's issues

Some tips on decanting milk after feeding

Some tips on decanting milk after feeding
Some tips on decanting milk after feeding

Video: 4 Easy Steps to Using the Haakaa Pump 2024, June

Video: 4 Easy Steps to Using the Haakaa Pump 2024, June

Today, experts have conflicting and ambiguous points of view regarding whether to express milk after feeding. Medical professionals with extensive experience in the field of obstetrics believe that this is necessary. Others, adhering to modern recommendations, argue that it is quite possible to do without this procedure. On the question of whether it is necessary to express milk after feeding, the nuances and features of a particular situation are crucial.


Moreover, it is logical that when a young mother spends all her time with the baby and does not leave him for a minute, then there is no need to express milk. However, what to do in a situation when there is a need to leave the child for a certain time, since urgent matters require personal intervention. Of course, in this case, the peanut should in no case remain hungry, and the question of whether to express milk after feeding, disappears by itself.

At the same time, experts do not advise decanting immediately before feeding, despite the fact that breast milk is produced in the mother's body as it is consumed. In any case, the baby will not experience nutritional deficiencies.

Do I need to express milk after feeding in order to enhance lactation? Undoubtedly, yes. At the same time, this should be done, according to experts, at least 3-4 times daily in between feedings. It is also worth emphasizing that it is necessary to express milk to the maximum.


Some young mothers are also interested in the methods of this procedure - whether to do it manually or through a breast pump. If the "food" for the baby is not expressed so often - then manually, but in the case when this process is regular, it would be useful to stock up on a breast pump.

Is it necessary to express whole milk in a situation when it stagnates? The answer is negative. This should be done until the chest becomes soft.

When to express breast milk is not necessary? When there are no problems with its development, you are always inseparable from the baby, the baby normally breastfeeds and at the same time feels full, the above procedure can be avoided. In what cases can one do without this?


The question of whether to express milk after feeding, when you need to leave the baby for a while, has already been considered. In such circumstances, you should adhere to the rule - 150 ml of milk per feed.

The above procedure is required, as already emphasized, to enhance lactation, when the mother is deficient in milk and the baby feels hunger because of this.

Another situation of mandatory pumping is when you feel pain and discomfort, because your breast contains milk in excess.

It is better to store this food product in special bags or bottles that are sold in pharmacies. Experts do not recommend boiling expressed milk before feeding the baby.