
The ugly children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis

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The ugly children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis
The ugly children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis

Video: Dark Secrets Demi Moore's Daughters Revealed About Their Mom 2024, June

Video: Dark Secrets Demi Moore's Daughters Revealed About Their Mom 2024, June

Demi Moore and Bruce Willis were called the most beautiful pair of Hollywood. Indeed, many lovers envied many, because in addition to their external attractiveness, they had a really strong relationship. The couple was an example of a strong family union. However, their marriage still broke up after 11 years, which is a lot for Hollywood. In 1998, former lovers terminated their legal relationship. What caused the divorce, and how many children do Demi Moore and Bruce Willis have? This will be discussed later.


How it all began?

The love story of movie stars began in the summer of 1987. They first saw each other on the set of Stakeout - "Tracking". From that day on, they began to spend a lot of time together and literally did not let each other go for a minute. The actor at that time had serious problems with alcohol. In addition, he was a womanizer and could not miss a single skirt. Demi was also far from being a good-looking girl, but was reputed to be a brawler. In general, young celebrities were perfectly suited to each other. Surrounding people, as well as friends of the stars did not believe in the longevity of this relationship. They predicted an early parting. However, despite various rumors and third-party speculations, the lovers had the most important thing - mutual understanding.

Over the years of marriage, the couple had a lot of things, including quarrels. However, despite this, they continued their union. They say that the reason for the long marriage was a very peculiar and unconventional relationship between Demi and Bruce. They gave each other complete freedom in everything, including all kinds of affair on the side.


And how it all ended

After 11 years of family life, the couple decided to leave, which they did in 1998. Why the couple took this step is still unknown. The true reason for the separation of the stars is kept under seven locks. Nevertheless, media representatives and fans suggest that this will be influenced by Willis's rampant lifestyle. He loved women and was not limited to just flirting with them. In the end, Demi got tired of all this, and she decided to put an end to these relations. Despite this, her ex-husband, Demi Moore and children quite often communicate with each other.

Celebrities have managed to preserve the warmth of the relationship and to this day they are good friends. Willis also managed to find a common language with the actress's new bridegroom at that time - Ashton Kutcher, whose wife Demi Moore became in 2005. The ex-wife maintained warm relations for the sake of her daughters.


Children of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore

Ex-lovers have three daughters. The first girl named Rumer was born in 1988. Then in 1991, Scout was born. After another 3 years, the youngest was born in the couple. Some fans of the couple are surprised why such beautiful parents did not have very nice children, because they should have inherited a dazzling appearance. But nature has its own view on this matter. Enemies openly state that the children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis are “scary”. Others say that the girls are very similar to their father, this is especially noticeable when they are near. But from the beautiful Demi, the daughter did not inherit almost anything.


Dad's heredity

The biggest similarity of children and their dad, according to fans, is a rather large jaw. Such a family trait brings a bunch of inconveniences to the children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis. So, the eldest daughter of actors Rumer once admitted that she does not like her appearance and is uncomfortable about this. The fact is that the girl is trying to prove herself as an actress and TV presenter, and such an appearance is not her ally in this.

The daughter became like a mother

Little Rumer was called a “potato” in her childhood and was told that she looked like a boy. She repeatedly said in an interview that she was thinking about plastic surgery and “would gladly fix her horse’s jaw”. By the way, some time after Rumer gave this interview, many noticed changes in her appearance: her face became more harmonious and proportionate, her jaw became softer, and her lips acquired a beautiful bend. Fans of the stellar family suspected that Rumer had really decided on the operation. After that, the eldest of the children of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis began to resemble a mother.
