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Unusual male names: a list of Russian and foreign. Men's names on the church calendar

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Unusual male names: a list of Russian and foreign. Men's names on the church calendar
Unusual male names: a list of Russian and foreign. Men's names on the church calendar

Video: SOS #39 The War on Christmas 2024, July

Video: SOS #39 The War on Christmas 2024, July

Ancient unusual masculine names, which you rarely see today, very often sound like outlandish names of unprecedented things and phenomena. But some old Russian names are so beautiful and caressing the rumor that many no, no, and dare to name their son Lazarus or Agnius, Arius or Bartholomew, Victoria or Gordey. Dominic, Kasyan, Cyrus, Dobromil, Milorad - many, of course, are unlikely to be needed, but still take this impressive list into service.


Very exotic names: Azhar, Aziz, Bagrat, Helian, Fernan, Juvenal, Sozontius, Straton - they were hardly heard at all by the average inhabitants, and meanwhile these are Slavic masculine names used by our ancestors.

Men's names on the church calendar

In olden times, the boy was given a name with great meaning, a person was “enrolled” in a particular clan of martyrs or ascetics described in the holy calendar.

You might want to name your son Amos or Helion, Octavian or Oliver, Thorium or Eugene. Each name has its own interpretation. Adele is not only a feminine name. Anastasius - you hardly knew that there is an analogue of the female "Anastasia".

Names are very ancient concepts, names of Deities, characteristics, belonging to something sacred and good. Domestic and foreign male names - unusual and common - basically mean some kind of virtue, for example, Cupid - love, Miroslav - the glorifying world, Nazar - that person who has dedicated himself to God, Luke - a bright, clean person.


Choosing a name for a son is a serious matter. Men's names in the Calendar are written according to the dates of the modern style, the name and date of the Baptism can be chosen independently.

Choose the right name for the baby

Use our list. Which ones did your husband like best? And you? How will the name be in tune with the middle name? Choose wisely: Buyan Petrovich, Jaromir Miroslavovich or Amur Ivanovich - not the most successful options.

If you want to name the baby by the holy calendar, choose the name of one of the saints on whose days the birth of your son was necessary.

  • Minea is a month.
  • Mitrofan is the glory of the mother.
  • Parfen is virgin.
  • Nestor is the one who returned home.
  • Modest is modest.
  • Panteleimon is gracious to all.
  • Naum is consolation.
  • Niphon is sober, judicious.
  • Onisim - fulfillment, completion.
  • Patricius is the offspring of a noble father.
  • Palladium is a reliable stronghold.
  • Onnheim is useful.
  • Paramon is a solid, loyal person, you can rely on him.

The most unusual Slavic male names


Old Russian names for boys are very beautiful. Let's see what they mean. Too many names literally mean what sounds in the name. And since the name carries a program for a person with its own meaning and a set of letters, choose it wisely. Names with the root of "glory" are associated with fame, celebrity and fame. With the root “sweet” - the person will be sweet, joyful. The root “regiment” in the name indicates that its carrier is a warrior.

Glorious, ruling, bearing victory


August is majestic, sacred..

Maximian is the greatest.

Markell is warlike.

Calistratus is an excellent warrior.

Macedonia is the great Macedonian.

Aniky is a victory.

Nikander is a victorious warrior.

Kalinik is the one who triumphed by kindness.

Maximillian is a descendant of the greatest.

Pankratius is omnipotent.

Nikifor, Nikon, Nikita - the winner.

Bronislaw is the one who defends fame.

Hermann is a warrior, a warrior.

Vseslav is a well-known and famous person.

Svyatopolk is the head of the holy army.

Demid is ruling.

Yaropolk - the one who is the leader of the solar army.

Demian is a conqueror.

Old Russian names

Kuzma is the organizing world.

Thomas is a twin.

Eustathius is permanent.

Ambrose is divine.

Fedot - the one that was waiting for a long time.

Potap is a stranger who came from another country.

Akaki - not malicious.

Anastasius is reborn.

Agathon is noble.

Anisius - execution.

Agap is a favorite.

Antip - stubborn.

Anthimius - covered with flowers.

Arefius is a farmer.

Arius is brave.

Eucarpius is fertile.

Athanasius is immortal.

Bonifatius is good.

Elisha - saved by the Lord.

Blasius - simple, rude.

Aristarchus is the head of the best.

Eumenius is supportive.

Athos is generous.

Erofei - sanctified by God.

Helium is the sun.

Ephraim is prolific.

Dementium is a tamer.

Evdokim - he is surrounded by an aura of good fame.

Eulampius - beautifully glowing.

Egor is a man with a plow, a farmer.

Eleferi - independent of nothing, free.

Eutychius is happy.

Eusebius is pious.

Elizar - God's help.

Eumenius is supportive.

Erasmus and Erast - a minion of love, beloved.

Epiphanes - famous, glorious.

Jeremiah is the messenger.

Yermiy is a gifter of wealth.

Yefim is pious.

Yermolai is a human messenger.

Efrosin - joy, fun.

Zeno is divine.

Ignatius is unknown.

Hilarius is cheerful, joyful.

Zosima - living, living.

Hilarion is the source of fun.

Iliodor is a solar gift.

Ilya is God's fortress.

Innocent is innocent, harmless.

Callist is supremely handsome.

Kalisfen - power and beauty.

Kapiton is very stubborn.

Kyriak - born on Sunday.

Cornelius is horned.

Kondraty - broad in the shoulders.

Xenophon is a stranger, a foreigner.

Concordius - consonant, unanimous.

Larion is cheerful, joyful.

Exotic rare names on the letters "AI"


  • Amplus, Amos, Wil, William, Volt.
  • Damir, Daniel, Joy.
  • Gallium, Horace, Granite, Gustav.
  • Dionysus, Dani, Dan.
  • Heraclius, Isaac.
  • Gerard, Joseph, Jaurès.
  • John, Dionysius.
  • Ishmael, Eli, Icarus.

Rare names starting with “KR”

  • Camille, Kai.
  • Mark, Markel, Marlene.
  • Karen, Karl.
  • Columbia, Christoph.
  • Marsen, Marseille.
  • Martin, Mercury.
  • Maurice, Murat.
  • Melvon, Milan, Michelle, Moses.
  • Nazar, Nazim, Nathan, Nelson.
  • Radim, Radik, Raymond.
  • Robert, Roland, Romain.
  • Neon, Ninel, Nicander.
  • Rustam, Rurik.
  • Oganes, Odysseus, Oxar, Porfiry.
  • Noah, Nolan, Nord.
  • Ralph, Randolph, Rem.
  • Rudolph, Ruslan, Russo.

Unusual foreign names starting with "S"


  • Sevastyan, Serapion, Sigismund.
  • Sylvester, Simon, Socrates, Solomon.
  • Tengiz, Theo, Theodore.
  • Tigran, Timur, Titus, Tom, Thomas.
  • Farid, Felix, Fernand.
  • Fernand, Fidel.
  • Florence, Florence.
  • Florin, Phot, Franz.
  • Francisco, Friedrich.
  • Charles, Charles.
  • Shamil, Schmidt.
  • Enver, Erlen, Ernest.
  • Juvenile.
  • Yanuari, Yaordan, Jan.

Twice as much


Double male names are a new trend, today in Russia you can increasingly meet boys so named.

Adam Bronislav, Adrian Dmitry, Joseph Ilya, Kazimir Peter, Alexander Adam, Alexander Bogdan, Lev Maryan - the Catholic world is not opposed to this, but in Orthodoxy there is still an opinion that, by imposing a double name on a child, you deprive him of a guardian angel and doom to double life.

Lion natures

Do you want your son to possess the qualities of a king of beasts? Call him Leon, Leonard, Leont or Leonty, Ruslan. Boys with these names should have remarkable courage.

Elemental Names

Some unusual Russian male names are directly related to the elements:

  • Seraphim is fiery and fiery.
  • Sylvester and Sylvia, Sylvan or Selivan - forest.


  • Emilius is very affectionate, flattering.
  • Meletius is extremely caring.
  • Meliton - honey.
  • Erast is wonderful, lovely, sweet.
  • Milan and Milen are very nice people.
  • Milovan - caress, take care.
  • Klim and Clement mean "gracious."

Belonging to the Lord

The list of unusual male names is continued by those that have anything to do with God:

  • Paphnutius - belonging to the Almighty.
  • Lazarus is the one whom the Lord helped.
  • Phiogen is a god-born.
  • Nathan - God gave.
  • Theophanes is the one who appeared from the gods.
  • Azariah is God's help.
  • Theophilus is a god-lover.
  • Semen - heard by God in prayer.
  • Fedot - God-given.
  • Dorotheus is a gift from the gods.
  • Dosipheus - given by God.
  • Saveliy - begged from God.
  • Feklist - God's creation, creation.
  • Micah - who is like God.
  • Fedos - God-given.
  • Matvey is a gift of God.

The rarest Kazakh names for boys

A name is a pride for any person. Look how beautiful the unusual modern masculine names that give children in Kazakhstan are beautiful. Do not neglect your full name and when meeting you, call yourself fully.


Zangars are open, energetic, funny, believing in good. Translated from Kazakh, this name means "outstanding." Zangars are very punctual and love to make plans in advance, although they are not against making current adjustments to them.


Perhaps, but not completely, this name comes from the words “zat” and “bek” (“thing” and “master”), and it can be translated as “master of things”. If a mother wants her son to live in prosperity and not need it, perhaps she will call her son like that. Men bearing this name are calm, philosophically reasonable. No stressful event can bring them out of balance - why worry if everything goes away?


“Grace of God” is the Muslim name of one of the revered prophets in Islam. Ises are rational, thoughtful, as a rule, their career growth awaits them, they become wonderful family men. Good energy named after is extremely strong.


Translated from Persian “master”, “master”, “mentor”. Not exchanged for trifles, never bends under the burdens of life. He sets himself only major goals and, believe me, he’ll come out of his skin to achieve his goal.


According to one version, the name comes from the Turkic “oryz” - translated as “lion”, and if translated from the ancient Turkic language, this name is nothing more than “happiness and luck” in the translation. A very strong leader, it is difficult for him to obey anyone.


There is a version according to which the name "Oral" appeared in the languages ​​of the ancient Türks and means in translation "the one who returned." This is a very good, good name for its energy. It is a pity that it refers to forgotten male names. These are self-sufficient people, reasonable men, you can always rely on them.


Translated from Arabic - “scorching”, “hot”. Ramadan is a man-fire, sensual, bright and emotional, an eccentric. Sometimes cruel, prone to authoritarianism and violence.



Translation from Persian is “warlord”, from Turkic - “hero”. In the Ottoman Empire, the title "Sardar" was assigned to the army commander. On the one hand, Sardar wants to become a famous person on a global scale, on the other - a homebody closed from the world, whose personal life is closed.


This name is translated from Arabic as “generosity” and “well-being”, as well as “happiness”. These are bold and independent, artistic, charming and elegant people. Never go unnoticed.


The holder of this name is proud and ambitious, subject to the opinion of others, restive. Toreali does not like to be responsible, he definitely needs a “leader”. These men are very clean.


According to one version, this name with Persian roots means "grateful, " according to the second - the name "Yakir", common among ancient Jews and translated as "dear", served as its basis. Shakirs are noble, capable of sacrificing for the good of a loved one.

Interpretations of rare male names

These beautiful unusual masculine names are very rare.

  • Groin - a strong and broad-shouldered man.
  • Polien is multi-praise.
  • Plato is broad-shouldered.
  • Polycarp - multiple, fertile.
  • Pimen - commander, shepherd.
  • Proclus is one who was born without a father.
  • Protasius is the foremost.
  • Procopius is a man clutching the hilt of a sword.
  • Prokhor - a man sang in the choir.
  • Renat - reborn.
  • Rem is an oar.
  • Robert - means fame, brilliance and splendor.
  • Rodion - interpreted as denoting a pinkish color.
  • Savvaty - Saturday.
  • Samson is sunny, like the sun.
  • Sevostyan - respectable, worthy.
  • Lukyan and Lukiy - the light shining.
  • Simon is a noble name, glory.
  • Spiridon is born in sin.
  • Solomon is a prosperous, peaceful person.
  • Sosipatr is literally "saving the father."
  • Thaddeus - the name is associated with praise.
  • Falalei - Olive in bloom.
  • Sofron - a man who thinks sensibly, is intelligent.
  • Terenty is a name with a negative value (annoying).
  • Timothy is a deeply God-fearing person.
  • Titus - used to defend honor.
  • Filaret is a loving virtue.
  • Tikhon is a messenger of happiness, its bearer.
  • Florian is blooming.
  • Tryphon is one who does not hesitate to live luxuriously.
  • Chrysanthus is a goldflower.
  • Trofim - fat, full.
  • Frol is blooming.
  • Theophylact - a guardian, one whom the Lord protects.
  • Phlegont - burning, burning.
  • Photius - gives light, illuminates everything around.


These unusual modern male names, meaning happiness and love, can not be found at every step:

  • Felix is ​​happy.
  • Makar - blessed, happy.
  • Philemon is a favorite.
  • Kharlampy - illuminated by the radiance of love and joy.