
An unexpected Japanese footprint in the life of Mendeleev: did he recognize his granddaughter

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An unexpected Japanese footprint in the life of Mendeleev: did he recognize his granddaughter
An unexpected Japanese footprint in the life of Mendeleev: did he recognize his granddaughter

Each of us, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, has been known since school, primarily as the creator of the table of chemical elements, the image of which was visited by a scientist in a dream. However, we forget that the scientist was not only a chemist - Dmitry Ivanovich was also involved in physics, metrology, economics, geology, was fond of aeronautics and instrumentation, and also worked as a teacher. And even more so for the simple layman little is known about his personal life. Meanwhile, it contained interesting facts.


Wives and children

Dmitry Ivanovich had two marriages in which the scientist had three children from his first wife and four from his second.


The first wife of a Russian scientist was the stepdaughter of the Russian storyteller Pyotr Ershov - Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva. Their eldest daughter Masha died in infancy, Vladimir died at a relatively young age, and Olga lived a long life.


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At the age of 43, Dmitry Ivanovich met the artist Anna Popova, who at that time was only 17 years old. The girl fascinated the scientist so much that he fell in love with memory and began to seek a divorce with his wife Feozva. Obtaining permission to divorce was not easy, and even after the divorce, at the direction of the church, the scientist was forbidden to marry for 6 years. However, Dmitry Ivanovich settled this issue for 10, 000 rubles, and in 1881 Mendeleev was combined by a church marriage with his young bride. This union brought the spouses four children: twins Maria and Vasily, the son of Ivan and daughter Lyubov, who later became the wife of Alexander Blok.