
Nepomnyashchy Oleg Naumovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts

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Nepomnyashchy Oleg Naumovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts
Nepomnyashchy Oleg Naumovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Undoubtedly, the eminent administrator and producer Nepomnyashchiy Oleg was a large figure in the domestic show business. It was he who made many pop artists of the Soviet and post-Soviet era successful. And it is not only about such legendary people as Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru. Nepomnyaschiy Oleg helped “find himself” in musical creativity to stars whose popularity rating began to grow rapidly in the early 90s: Vladimir Presnyakov, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov. And this is not a complete list of performers.


However, not everyone knows that Oleg Nepomnyashchy, before entering the world of show business, tried more than one professional role, performing both on the circus arena and on the stage. Being an accomplished producer, he will even try his hand as an actor, and quite successfully. What turned out to be the creative path of the legendary administrator and what heights in his career he managed to achieve?

Years of childhood and youth

What primarily interests people when it comes to celebrities? Naturally, a biography. Oleg Nepomnyashchy himself, thanks to perseverance and hard work, made his way in life.

He was born on January 4, 1939 in the small village of Khlebnoye, which was located in the Crimean region. His father was not only the chairman of the first collective farm in the USSR, but also the holder of the honorary title “Cavalier of the Order of Lenin”. The mother of the future producer worked in the field of cotton production. It is noteworthy that when Nepomnyashchiy Oleg was born, he was christened by two names: one (from the pope) - Naum, and the other - Musik (diminutive from Muslim). The first appeared in official documents, and the second had the status of everyday.


After graduating from ten years, the young man went to conquer the capital. Oleg Nepomnyashchy successfully passed the entrance exams at the Institute of Oil and Gas Industry. Gubkin and became a student of this university.

The beginning of the creative path

Soon, the young man realized that he was somewhat mistaken in choosing a profession, as he was more attracted to the creative path.

In 1964, in the capital, conversations about the art of pantomime began for the first time. However, experts in this area, of course, at that time were not. And here the eminent French actor - mime Marcel Marceau comes to Belokamennaya on tour, who initiates the opening of the pantomime studio in the Central House of Arts. Oleg Nepomnyashchy very soon begins to study the "great art" in this studio. Having mastered all the intricacies of the "harlequinade", the young man falls into the Moscow youth pantomime ensemble.


In 1968, the future producer begins to transfer knowledge to students of the School of Circus and Variety Arts, which was one of a kind throughout the country.

Acquaintance with the Diva

Then Nepomnyashchy Oleg Naumovich, whose biography, of course, deserves detailed consideration, first gets acquainted with the beginning singer Alla Pugacheva. In the summer, he and his students went on tour through the fields of the country so that his wards could demonstrate their knowledge in practice, and at the same time earn a little. As it turned out, there was no accompanist in the team of Nepomniachtchi, and Alla Borisovna was recommended to Oleg Naumovich. The maestro was pleasantly surprised that Pugacheva, among other things, still has excellent vocal skills. The audience was indescribably delighted after her chants.

At the peak of a career

In the early 70s, Nepomnyashchy went for a while to work in the capital of Kazakhstan and developed the talent of the local actress Guldzhikhan Galieva. Soon Oleg Naumovich establishes the national Kazakh music hall - "Gulder". At the choreographic school, the maestro conducts classes for students. The fame and recognition of the talent of Nepomniachtchi were not long in coming.


In the mid-70s, he turned into a famous director, administrator, producer of Soviet pop stars. Nepomniachtchi is involved in several projects at once. He attends rehearsals of the Muscovites ensemble, where Yuliy Slobodkin, Valery Durandin, Alla Pugacheva work. Impresario works a lot with the Chervona Ruta music band. Oleg Naumovich becomes the director of the now famous singer Sofia Rotaru. He organizes and launches the Vladimir Presnyakov Show and Farewell to Childhood projects. In addition, Nepomniachtchi devotes time to work in the circus and puppet theater.

Director Kirkorov

Back in 1983, Oleg Naumovich made an invaluable gift for the young Philip Kirkorov, who was then a high school student. The maestro gave the teenager a counter-lock for the Primadonna’s concert, which took place at the Rossiya Central Concert Hall. After him, the future "king of pop" firmly decided to do vocals. Subsequently, Oleg Nepomnyashchiy (producer) became the director of Philip Bedrosovich and organized several popular projects: “I am not Raphael” and “The Best, Favorite and Only for You”.


Back in 1957, the maestro became a laureate of the World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow. And in 1995, he was awarded the title of Laureate of the National Ovation Award in the nomination “Manager”.


In the early 2000s, the maestro began to abstract more and more from the world of show business, devoting more time to his family and hobbies. Oleg Nepomnyashchy (producer) considered painting and cars to be his hobby. His favorite artists were I. Levitan and I. Repin.


At the sunset of his creative career, the maestro sat down to write memoirs. As a result, in 2000, the book “Once Upon a Time Tomorrow” was published, in which the author revealed some secrets of the backstage life of pop stars. In addition, Nepomniachtchi managed to act in films. The viewer remembered his vivid images in the paintings “Border. Taiga novel ”and“ Pops ”.

Personal life

Oleg Naumovich was an exemplary family man. He married a girl named Elena. The maestro has two children: daughter Elena (from her first marriage) and son Alexander.