
Nicole Fox: biography, personal life, photo

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Nicole Fox: biography, personal life, photo
Nicole Fox: biography, personal life, photo

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Video: Nicole Fox: "How I quit smoking when I fell pregnant" 2024, June

Nicole Fox is an ordinary girl from Colorado, who quickly conquered the fashion world first, and then the cinema. The student, who had not dreamed of fame before, managed to overcome the fear of the podium and shyness, to take first place in the 13th season of the famous TV show "Top Model in American Style" and competently use her own victory. What is known about the childhood and youth of the star, her career achievements and relationships with the opposite sex?

Nicole Fox: childhood

A supermodel was born in the state of Colorado, this joyful event happened in 1991. Almost from the moment of birth, Nicole Fox was different from her peers, she was characterized by such qualities as shyness, isolation. As a child, she avoided active games and almost did not take part in children's pranks, consciously choosing loneliness. The little American had no friends.


Drawing from an early age was a passion that Nicole Fox has been subordinate to all his life. Basically, the girl painted self-portraits, as she did not have models willing to pose. Parents even equipped a small studio for their daughter, where no one bothered her to indulge in her favorite business.

Nicole Fox could hardly have imagined herself on the podium at that time. The model’s career was not favored not only by natural isolation, but also by the short stature of the girl. Interestingly, the data on the growth of stars in different sources differ from each other - 168-170 cm. However, secretly from her relatives she dreamed about filming a movie.

Interrupted Learning

Torn between the desire to become an actress and an artist, Nicole still made a choice in favor of painting. After receiving secondary education, she continued her studies at the University of Colorado, stopping at the Faculty of Fine Arts. It is curious that Fox managed to finish this institution only years later, when she already declared herself as a model and even an actress.


The student found out about the beginning of the next season of the show “American Top Model” by chance, noticing an ad at the university. Her attention was attracted by the fact that this time the organizers decided to give a chance to short ladies to prove themselves. Interestingly, the growth restriction for potential contestants was 170 cm. Nicole Fox, whose photo can be seen in this article, was almost convinced that she would not get on the qualifying round. However, her fears were groundless, a red-haired student impressed the organizers. Education had to be temporarily postponed.

American Top Model

The one who decides that Nicole Fox’s road to victory and the glory that she brought turned out to be short and tireless. Yesterday's student had to fight every day with her characteristic shyness, which looked strange against the background of the uninhibited behavior of other contestants. In addition, she did not immediately have a relationship with competitors who did not like an unusual girl.


Demonstration of models of clothes on stage was the most difficult task for Nicole. Her gait at first remained the object of criticism of the jury. The situation was different with photo shoots. The pictures in which Fox was present always came out bright, dynamic. It seemed that she was born in order to pose for photographers. The judges also liked the stubbornness of the red-haired girl, her will to win and her readiness for constant work on herself. The pros outweighed the cons, which allowed the student to be in the finals.

The victory was a complete surprise for Nicole Fox. The girl’s biography says that for some time she could not believe in her even after the announcement of the results.

Modeling career

Winning the show “Top Model in American Style”, the red-haired beauty signed a contract with the CoverGirl brand, the amount of which amounted to 100 thousand dollars. She was also waiting for an appearance in Seventeen magazine, working in one of the best agencies in the country, with which she collaborates to this day.


Nicole used the chance she received as much as possible. At the moment, her schedule of participation in fashion shows has been planned several years in advance, she is the “face” of several well-known brands and constantly shines on the covers of popular glossy magazines. Of course, the star has thousands of fans copying her style. She also managed to star in a dozen film projects, but fans are convinced that her star roles are yet to come. The last picture in which the girl starred, at the moment, is the historical drama "Garden of Eden", which is expected to be released this year.