
Nightmares are useful: researchers have told how bad dreams help in reality

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Nightmares are useful: researchers have told how bad dreams help in reality
Nightmares are useful: researchers have told how bad dreams help in reality

Scientists were able to prove that people who constantly have bad dreams and nightmares more effectively deal with stressful situations. They even at night face stress and tension, which is relieved by the actions taken. Therefore, in reality, people can cope with depression, anxiety, anxiety and other psychological problems.

Research results

Scientists from Switzerland and the United States subjected 18 participants to a bizarre experiment. At night, they used electrodes to track brain activity. Researchers repeatedly awakened subjects, forcing them to answer questions related to dreams and dreams. They determined exactly what emotions people experience during sleep.

Researchers found that during nightmares, activity was often intensified in areas of the brain that control emotions. This suggests that if people see bad dreams, then this has a positive effect on the performance of the brain. People experience serious and strong emotions, so they do not contain anger or aggression. In real life, they face different problems, but they can’t react too much already, so they calmly cope with stressful situations. They easily endure attacks from colleagues or the employer, and can also restrain emotions during conflicts.

Second experiment

In the second experiment, 89 people were involved. These people during the week filled out a special diary in which they described their dreams. All participants underwent magnetic resonance imaging while viewing photos with some scary scenes.

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Scientists have found that in people who have nightmares more often, the emotional areas of the brain reacted faster and more efficiently than in people with calm and happy dreams. Researchers paid especially much attention to the fear that people experience during sleep. At this time, certain areas of the brain are activated that affect the psycho-emotional state of a person.

The lead author of the study, Lampros Perogamvros from the University of Geneva, claims that by analyzing brain activity based on the reactions of the experimental participants, scientists were able to identify two areas of this organ. They are responsible for causing fear and anxiety during sleep. They are activated not only in a dream, but also when awake, if a person is faced with any terrible or shocking things and events.

Researchers Findings

Scientists who conducted the experiment, came to shocking results. The conclusion of the researchers is that nightmares can be useful because they make it easier to deal with stressful situations in real life. However, the traumatic and anxious nightmares that cause insomnia and stress are only counterproductive.


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Therefore, people should not be afraid of any unpleasant or evil dreams, as this only helps to strengthen their psyche. Usually nightmares are associated with the fact that people are used to experiencing serious emotions on their own, without trying to relieve tension. Therefore, the brain tries to reproduce certain shocking situations in a dream so that a person can get rid of anxiety and depression.

How can I use these results?

People should relate to bad dreams more easily, as they have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state. But an excessive increase in nightmares signals mental stress and certain problems in real life. If you can’t cope with such a condition on your own, it is recommended to consult a psychologist.


Although the results of the researchers are indeed considered unusual, artificial nightmares are not recommended in any way. Some people do not remember at all what exactly they dream about, therefore they cannot say how dreams affect their psyche.