women's issues

Wear high heels even when you're tall - 10 small tips on how to look and feel better

Table of contents:

Wear high heels even when you're tall - 10 small tips on how to look and feel better
Wear high heels even when you're tall - 10 small tips on how to look and feel better

Video: 5 Clothing Items TALL Girls Should Avoid | "Don't Make These Fashion Mistakes! 2024, June

Video: 5 Clothing Items TALL Girls Should Avoid | "Don't Make These Fashion Mistakes! 2024, June

Sometimes nothing happens in our life, and we suffer from a lack of change in it. But even the most minor changes can raise our spirits, as well as change our attitude to many events. We’ll give you ten small tips to help you look and feel much better.


Wear heels

Some women completely refuse heels, motivating this by the fact that their legs are very tired. In no case do this! Choose comfortable shoes with a low heel. This is the only way you can feel like a real woman! After all, the heel makes your legs more slim and beautiful!

Take a walk in the fresh air

Sometimes to raise the mood you need to go out. You can go to the store or take a walk with the dog. Fresh air will positively affect your well-being.

Buy a new varnish

No way to visit a manicurist? No problem - do it yourself! Experiment and create interesting designs!


Physical exercise

They will help you in many situations. Trouble at work, fatigue or problems in your personal life? Go to the gym or turn on the music and arrange fitness in your apartment. Exercising will make you distract from all problems, and make your body more slim and fit!

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Lace, silk, satin

Even clothing can contribute to positive emotions. Go to the store and get yourself something from silk or satin. Incredibly, very soon you will see positive changes.


Body lotion

We do not forget to look after the face, regularly applying nourishing and moisturizing creams to it. What about the body? Do you always remember that it also needs care, like a person? Get a pleasant-smelling lotion for yourself and rub it into your skin regularly. Touching delicate and velvety skin will fill you with pleasant emotions.

Healthy food

Refusing a lot of sweets, fatty and high-calorie foods, you can not only make your figure more slim and fit, but also improve your mood.

Change your appearance

Perhaps you will dye your hair or make a new haircut. Even minor changes in appearance will contribute to pleasant changes.


If you are in trouble, then be sure to please yourself with a new thing. It may even be small. But surely new!
