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New Year in China: features, traditions and interesting facts

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New Year in China: features, traditions and interesting facts
New Year in China: features, traditions and interesting facts

Video: Bet You Didn't Know: Chinese New Year | History 2024, June

Video: Bet You Didn't Know: Chinese New Year | History 2024, June

New Year in China is a holiday of the coming spring and the beginning of sowing. It is celebrated, focusing on the lunar calendar. There is no specific New Year date in China. This holiday is the longest in the country. It symbolizes the beginning of the awakening of nature after winter and the beginning of the life cycle of both every person and the whole country.

About holiday specifics

New Year in China lasts 2 weeks. Fireworks, vibrant concerts with performances by famous artists, congratulations and gifts - all this happens in the same way as in all other states of the world.


The new year in this country is interesting in symbolism: 12 animals correspond to certain years and are talismans. In some countries, they are happy to follow Chinese traditions, using animal symbols corresponding to each year.

What is the number of New Year in China

This holiday comes from January 12 to February 19, depending on the lunar cycle. For Russians accustomed to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar number of the New Year in China seems random. The Chinese associate this holiday with the first new moon of the year, which comes after the Winter Solstice. In China, after the culture of the West penetrated Asia, the New Year began to be called Chunjie, that is, the Spring Festival.

About the history of the holiday

New Year in China is celebrated for more than one thousand years. History goes back centuries to the rites of sacrifice and the cult of remembrance of the ancestors. The holiday is associated with the reign of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1100 BC). Then the tradition was born to give a red envelope, which is filled with money, to all the children who entered the house.


In mythology

New Year in China is associated with the legend of the horned monster Nian. All year he lives at the bottom of the sea. And only once Nyan crawls ashore, eating pets and food supplies, scaring the villagers. The monster was afraid only of red color. The savior from the monster in one version of the legend is a child, in another - the old sage.

According to mythology, a rich table protects from the monster, which can feed it to the full. Based on this fact, New Year in China is usually celebrated with a variety of delicious dishes. The Chinese also hang red posters with congratulatory inscriptions, which depict the golden character Fu, which means "welfare."

New year 2018

What is the number of New Year in China? In 2018, the Spring Festival begins on February 16. As usual, the holiday will last 2 weeks. Although earlier the Chinese celebrated New Year for almost a month! But, obeying the business regime, the country decided to reduce the number of days of rest. New Year's traditions in China require the whole family to gather at the festive table. The Chinese believe that dead ancestors celebrate this holiday with the living. Therefore, it is also called "Meeting after separation."


This year's patroness will be the earthen Dog. She will replace the Fiery Rooster. Dogs are expected of peace, kindness and tranquility in all spheres of life. To meet her correctly, you need to know her character and habits. The element of the Dog is the Earth, responsible for the balance of relations and the stability of life. The fiery Rooster will carry away stormy passions. They will be replaced by the desire for peace. The dog is honest, faithful, loyal, friendly, although, on the other hand, it can be unpredictable.

How to prepare for the holiday

The Chinese, following the traditions, throw away their old clothes, do the general cleaning, thus letting in positive energy into their home. When the holiday comes, brooms, mops and rags should be hidden. In China, it is believed that settling dust symbolizes luck on a holiday. Those who clean the New Year risk losing their happiness.


On the eve of the holiday, people not only carry out thorough cleaning in their homes, but also hang a red cloth with a golden image of the character Fu in a direct or inverted form on the door. And in the kitchen they hang an image of a "sweet god." Before the holiday, women abundantly smear his lips with sugar syrup or honey, so that he, going to heaven to report on human behavior, could speak only kind words.

Festive table

In different areas of China, there are various traditions of serving the New Year's table. However, they are united by the fact that one of the main dishes is dumplings. They symbolize wealth, abundance and prosperity. Dumplings are made by all family members. In China, New Year's dumplings often take the form of ancient precious ingots. In one dumpling, the Chinese put a coin. The lucky one he will get will be lucky all next year.


On the table should be more than 20 dishes, among which must be present chicken, fish, beef, pork and duck. Families with good incomes have all of these dishes. Poor families put only 1 meat dish on the table, although no one eats it so that the neighbors can see it: they can afford it.

On the eve of the holiday, pork sausage is cooked, which is dried on the street.

Mandarins, which symbolize the rebirth of life, are also very popular. On the table there should be 8 - the number of infinity.

About traditions

Spring Festival in China is celebrated in the family circle. New Year's celebrations are long enough, so the Chinese have time to see all the relatives.

An interesting fact: the Chinese have no holidays. It turns out that the New Year weekend is the only chance to travel. One can only guess what congestion during 2 weeks after the holiday in the popular tourist corners of China.

People really like to participate in traditional entertainments and processions. On New Year's holidays, a lantern festival is held, as well as the launch of crackers. Undoubtedly, the main decoration of the holiday is the dancing of dragons - giant bright dolls of fairy monsters. This action attracts a large number of tourists to China. How to celebrate New Year in China? Of course, as in all other corners of the planet: bright and fun.


In China, there is a rather strange tradition: in order to scare off trouble and attract success, people wear red underwear for the holiday, which appears in large quantities on store shelves on the eve of the New Year's celebration.

Superstition breeds tradition. Even the launch of firecrackers and fireworks is a tradition that originates from ancient China. So it was customary to scare away evil spirits who, on the eve of the New Year's holiday, strive to penetrate people's homes. The Chinese have a special love for fireworks. Therefore, they adorn their magical radiance with any celebration.