women's issues

Do I need to decant after each feeding? A matter of concern to many young mothers

Do I need to decant after each feeding? A matter of concern to many young mothers
Do I need to decant after each feeding? A matter of concern to many young mothers

Video: Kathy Leahy : Breeding saltwater fish in your home CAN be done. Here's how I do it. | MACNA 2019 2024, July

Video: Kathy Leahy : Breeding saltwater fish in your home CAN be done. Here's how I do it. | MACNA 2019 2024, July

Your pregnancy has ended, and the baby was born. Inexpressible joy engulfs you. Having a rest from childbirth, you can hold your little happiness in your arms. Now for both of you, a new stage has begun, connected not only with joy, but also with some questions. First of all, it is breastfeeding. Young mothers are worried about how to do this, how often, whether it is necessary to express after each feeding, and so on.


No one today will dispute the importance of this process. Breast milk is irreplaceable in anything. Its value is difficult to overestimate. However, not everyone succeeds in establishing this method of feeding. Why is this happening?

It is very important to try to put the baby to the breast immediately after birth. In the future, the mother should make sure that the baby is not fed with mixtures. Otherwise, he may refuse in the future from the chest. Is it necessary to express after feeding? This question excites many. There are a number of indications for this. But some experts consider this superfluous.

To begin with, I would like to note that after feeding it is necessary to squeeze out a drop of milk and treat it with a nipple. So you protect yourself from cracks and infection. Whether it is necessary to express after each feeding is up to you. But remember that washing the breasts for a nursing mother in the usual way is not recommended. Various gels, soap, and so on should be excluded. Quite enough ordinary clean water.


The breast should smell like milk, and the harsh smells of hygiene products can scare away the baby. Thus, milk remains the only protection for the breast. In this case, decantation is justified and very useful.

Do I need to decant after each feeding in large quantities? Some mothers try every time to free their breasts from all the milk that is in it. Is it really necessary? Initially, the body cannot know how much milk the baby needs. Therefore, initially it arrives quite a lot. Naturally, the newborn is not able to eat it all. If you see that the child is full and gaining weight well, it becomes clear that he does not need more milk. By staring, you give a signal to your body that food is not enough. Thus, you provoke additional milk production, which is completely undesirable. Answering the question "whether it is necessary to express after feeding, " we can say that no.


When is it really necessary:

  1. The baby cannot suckle. He may be weak, premature, sick. In this case, so that the milk does not disappear, the mother will have to express herself.

  2. Mom feels bad or is not yet ready to feed due to surgery.

  3. If there is a blockage of the milky duct. Examination of the chest reveals painful tubercles and seals. This can be very dangerous for a woman’s health. In this case, there should not be a question “should it be expressed after each feeding?”. This must be done along with breast massage. In this case, the medical staff of the hospital where you are should help you.

  4. Mom needs to leave for a long time.

So, whether it is necessary to express after each feeding, of course, you decide. However, experts do not recommend doing this without any particular reason.