the culture

Objects of the social sphere: list, classification, characteristics, purpose

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Objects of the social sphere: list, classification, characteristics, purpose
Objects of the social sphere: list, classification, characteristics, purpose

Video: Java Programming Tutorial - 04 - Defining a Class and Creating Objects in Java 2024, July

Video: Java Programming Tutorial - 04 - Defining a Class and Creating Objects in Java 2024, July

Premises, structures, buildings, where a significant number of people are temporarily or permanently located, are objects of the social sphere. They can be divided into classes and types according to the method of use. Objects of the social sphere in our turbulent times should ensure the safety of people there, including from the terrorist threat. Here it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the contingent - age, physical condition and the like, as well as its quantity. Such objects of the social sphere are categorized (classified) precisely because each class and type, that is, each category, requires the creation of an appropriate level of protection, and this is determined by the specifics and scope of security, organizational, security and other measures to fully protect them from threats, including terrorist.



The classification criteria are the following parameters, selected in a practical way from the point of view of expediency:

1. Functional signs.

2. The predicted consequences of the commission of a terrorist act at the facility.

3. The degree of security that objects of the social sphere have.

4. The significance and concentration of religious, cultural, historical, artistic, material values ​​located at this facility, and the predicted consequences of criminal attacks on these values.

5. The number of personnel and citizens (visitors) at the facility at a time.

However, the functional sign predominates in the classification: the clinic is either a children's theater, a nursing home or a stadium. The first category is objects of temporary, including round-the-clock, or permanent residence of people. The classification of objects in the social sphere begins with people having sleeping quarters, regardless of the age of the people who live there: boarding schools and child care facilities, hospitals, homes for the elderly and disabled (non-apartment type), preschool child care facilities. Next are pensions, motels, campsites, rest houses and motels, hostels, hotels. The protection of social facilities is also very important here. This also includes residential buildings - multi-unit. The second point of this classification are cultural, educational and entertainment institutions, the main premises of which are characterized by the massive stay of visitors in certain periods of time. This can be a cinema, a concert hall, a club, a circus, a children's theater and an ordinary one, a stadium and other sports facilities where there is an estimated number of seats for spectators. This class includes both indoor and outdoor stands. For example, the equestrian center, where races are held, and therefore there are places for spectators. All museums, dance halls, exhibitions and similar institutions also belong to this class.


Public services

Institutions where there are more visitors than the workers serving them are of the third type. These are objects of the social sphere, the list of which is not so long. These are outpatient clinics and polyclinics, fitness centers. This also includes their premises of the household plan, sports and training facilities (without stands). The fourth section of this classification includes design and scientific organizations, educational institutions, and administrative institutions. These premises are used only for a certain time during the day, and there is a constant contingent that is used to these conditions. Usually these are people of a certain physical condition and age. For example, schools and extracurricular, secondary special, vocational schools, universities, institutions for continuing education. This includes design and engineering organizations, editorial and publishing, information, research, offices, offices, banks, and management institutions.

Otherwise, the same objects of the social sphere are classified by types of protection. Their definition by classes is as follows. There are objects that are subject to state protection, for others - mandatory protection of PSBs (units of private security) is mandatory, still others are protected by private security organizations (PSOs), fourth are protected by everything - from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to private security agencies, PSBs and similar organizations, and fifth are not protected no. Such a distribution is made with a forecast of possible consequences if a terrorist act is committed, and the main criteria are the number of victims, the amount of material damage, as well as the emergency zone. Everything that relates to objects of the social sphere is classified by these two criteria: functional and by type of protection.


Social work

The vital activity of all groups and segments of the population depends primarily on conditions that determine the level of development of society, the state of social care, social policy and its content, as well as the possibility of its implementation. The characteristics of the objects of the social sphere directly depend on all of the above, since social services are necessary for all people, without exception, regardless of age, health, occupation, and so on.

The population is naturally structured, and the foundations of each structure are very different. One needs a theater, and the other equestrian center. Still others found themselves in such a difficult life situation that without a specific object in the social sphere they cannot solve the problems that have arisen. Such a contingent needs social assistance, support, protection. The reasons may be deviant behavior, family dysfunction, health, orphanhood, homelessness and the like. These people themselves become the object - but the social work of certain institutions: courts, hospitals, administrative institutions and other organizations.


According to the spheres of human life, one can determine another major group that requires the work of certain objects of the social sphere. First of all, this is the production infrastructure, environment, environment, and so on. The form of resettlement is also extremely important, because the concentration of people is extremely uneven: in the metropolis, for example, there is even a state circus, but in the village the cinema did not survive.

There are also intermediate forms of resettlement, where also the saturation with objects of domestic and cultural purposes leaves much to be desired. The village library is inaccessible to many people, since in the whole country they close no less than hospitals, schools and kindergartens. Transport and landscaping, located in the department of local administrative facilities of the social sphere, are almost everywhere in stagnation. But the means of communication are developing, the Internet is almost everywhere, and therefore the village library is not enough in demand.



The objects of the social sphere constitute the social infrastructure in the aggregate of enterprises and industries that ensure the normal existence and livelihoods of the population. This includes housing and its construction, housing and communal services, cultural facilities, organizations and enterprises of the healthcare system, educational institutions and pre-school education. One can not do without organizations and enterprises related to leisure and recreation. This includes: catering, retail, services, passenger transport, sports and recreational facilities, public services, legal and notary offices, banks and savings banks … The list of social facilities is much longer.

The process of infrastructure development has accelerated significantly in all countries without exception, with a high level of economic performance since the second half of the twentieth century. The scientific and technological revolution required not only a sharp increase in the intelligence and quality of the workforce, but also health promotion. All labor motivations changed, which served as an incentive for the development of various areas of the social sphere. The creation of a qualitatively new material base in the infrastructure sectors ensured its highly efficient functioning. All branches of material production underwent a scientific and technological revolution, which significantly reduced the number of people employed there, and as a result, it became possible to significantly redistribute labor from production to the service sector, so the variety of infrastructure facilities became more significant, and their number increased many times. The quality and standard of living of the population in its bulk have increased.


Economy infrastructure

The classification of economic objects of the social sphere consists of two areas - production and non-production, that is, social, which, in turn, is divided into industries and sub-sectors related to the production process. This ensures the conditions of social and labor activity of people, their existence is enriched by services of everyday life, culture, interpersonal and social communication. Thus, the entire social infrastructure can be divided into socio-economic, ensuring the comprehensive development of the human personality - this is culture, healthcare, education, and domestic, which creates the necessary conditions for the life of people - this is housing, utilities, retail and so on..

Statistical studies, which are carried out on their own within the country, as well as by international organizations, put the level of social infrastructure in the first place in the estimates. For example, indicators such as the number of beds in hospitals, the number of doctors, teachers in primary and secondary schools. Such objects characterize not only the level of social infrastructure, but also a fully existing reality. With the help of such studies, we can identify a stable set of all material elements that provide the conditions for rational and effective human activity in all aspects of personal and public life. This approach to the classification of objects in the social sphere is somewhat general, but compared with others, it is of serious importance in practical application.


Precision and linearity

Social infrastructure is divided into "point" and "linear", where the latter should be understood as a network of roads and railways, power transmission and communications, and the like. The definition of the point infrastructure is the objects themselves, such as theaters, libraries, schools, clinics and everything else. This type of classification can be applied at almost all levels of the organization of the social sphere. A manufacturing organization has some elements of a linear infrastructure, but on the whole it is pointwise, and if we take into account the level of the economic region, the division will be almost equal, and interacting.

In this way of classification, the form of organization of the infrastructure is clearly defined, without detailing its content side. Studying the problems of the region’s economy, they usually use the concepts of general district infrastructure, elements of inter-district significance of infrastructure objects, and the like. If the specificity that is always inherent in social infrastructure is not at the forefront, such a division not only has the right to exist, but is also convenient enough for monitoring large territories.


The fact that the objects of social infrastructure consist of a complex of various educational, cultural and healthcare institutions, public catering and trade enterprises, passenger transport, water supply and sanitation, financial, postal and telegraph institutions, sports and health facilities (this includes not only sports palaces, stadiums and swimming pools, but also holiday homes, and parks with entertainment and sports programs), - in a word, an incredible amount of absolutely different images differences in their functions, goals and objectives, - speaks of the impossibility of compiling a complete picture.

The element-by-element characteristic of the infrastructure is similar to the usual enumeration series, where each institution, institution, organization is practically not connected with each other, and other types of activities of the population are taken into account rather weakly. It is more convenient and much more lawful to classify objects of social culture according to the organization levels of the society in question. Since there is no universal classification method as such, the division occurs according to the tasks assigned to analysts.


Most often, they begin by analyzing the infrastructure of society as a whole. Management practices use quite broadly both general and calculated indicators that characterize the level of condition, security and development trends of each of the elements of infrastructure. The development of indicators itself provides an opportunity to study the relationships and mutual influences of the meaningful processes of the development of society and the existing material base.

At the level of a large economic region, social infrastructure is explored within the framework of its rather closed system of economics, and development indicators of different economic units can be compared, which provides the basis for obtaining rich information on the achievement, advancing or lagging of an object from others and to develop solutions for taking effective action. Already at this level, it is necessary to introduce certain amendments to the development coefficient, taking into account the climatic, national and other features of this region.
