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One day my son asked me why the veins are blue, if red blood flows through them: I myself became interested, and I found the answer

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One day my son asked me why the veins are blue, if red blood flows through them: I myself became interested, and I found the answer
One day my son asked me why the veins are blue, if red blood flows through them: I myself became interested, and I found the answer

Video: What Color is Blood REALLY? (6 min version) 2024, June

Video: What Color is Blood REALLY? (6 min version) 2024, June

We do not know whether scientists can study the human body 100%. From time to time, they discover new and more amazing things. In the process of studying veins, scientists were able to explain why the vessels are blue, although red blood flows in them.


The answer is simple

This question may seem complicated, but the answer is very simple. Blood, regardless of the color of the vessel, will always be red. The blue color of the veins that is visible under the thin skin is just an optical illusion.

The walls of the vessels are actually gray-white. When color is absorbed, our eye sees only the shade that is obtained when light is reflected from tissues.

Accordingly, if the vessel is very close to the surface of the skin, we see it red. Since blue light is absorbed by a vein.

If the vessel is located deeper, then the situation is the opposite. Our eye sees a blue tint.

Our body has many mysteries, so this simple illusion should not surprise us. It turns out that even our own skin misleads us.
