
Olga Zeiger: biography, personal life and photo of the actress

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Olga Zeiger: biography, personal life and photo of the actress
Olga Zeiger: biography, personal life and photo of the actress

Video: Olga Kurylenko - Rare Photos | Childhood | Family | Lifestyle 2024, June

Video: Olga Kurylenko - Rare Photos | Childhood | Family | Lifestyle 2024, June

Actress Olga Zeiger loves art in all its manifestations. Moreover, it does not matter for her what is better: to perform arias in La Scala or to cook borsch for kindergarten tomboys. Both that, and another occupation either acquires an element of eternity, becoming a real art, or remains an ordinary work.


It is extremely difficult to adhere to the principle: “it is not quantity that matters, but quality”, but this is Olga Seiger's motto, a biography whose personal life is described in this article.

The personal life of the actress

For everyone who follows the life of the actress, it is no secret that at the moment she is divorced. From the age of twenty, this fragile woman has always been married, believing that life behind a broad male back is a component of happiness. Having found freedom for the first time, Olga Zeiger (whose photo is attached to the article) finally fully enjoys it.

Olga met her ex-husband Arseny Epelbaum, studying at the institute. The student had a long time to win the heart of a girl with character. But the persistence and unpredictability of Arseny did their job. Once for the next performance Olga decided to shave baldly. This terrified her. The gallant knight Arseny, or, as Olga Senya called him, offered his hair to be sacrificed.

Midsummer night's wedding

The act did not go unnoticed, but he had to “follow” it for another six months. They ringed each other when both were twenty years old. Together they came up with a party script called "A Midsummer Night's Wedding", gifts, kisses, veils - everything was real.


Together they spent the day away. Common friends, interests, common work. When Olga was twenty-one years old, the original young husband prepared her an egg from twenty-one quail eggs.


But freedom is not for long, the role of the wife and mother, which the actress considers the most fascinating, she is still going to play. After all, it was not without reason that together with their former spouse they implemented a project called the Home Theater. The plays for children's performances were written by adults (that is, Oksana and Arseny), and the roles were distributed only among the children. The number of productions exceeded dozens, and the performances themselves were more than serious. This is Eugene Onegin and Romeo and Juliet, and so on.

“Theater is cool, ” said Olga Zeiger. Biography, the personal life of the actress and director, despite her youth, will sink into the soul for a long time, even after a brief acquaintance. Consider the chronology of the life of a young woman, from childhood to the present day.

Olga Zeiger biography, personal life

The future popular actress of cinema and theater was born in 1984 on March 27. Olga grew up surrounded by close people who generously gave the baby a huge portion of love. All the vagaries of the little princess were unconditionally fulfilled. My daughter’s categorical refusal to go to kindergarten forced her mother to leave the place of work in order to take up her upbringing.


The influence of parents, two grandmothers and beloved grandfather on the character and personal life of Olga Zeiger was incredible. Mostly the grandfather, who became a good angel for the granddaughter, opened the world of books to her and instilled a love of reading.

First loss

Once, as if by chance, he gave her a pamphlet explaining where the children came from. After a couple of years, thanks to her grandfather, she discovered for herself Stefan Zweig and his incomparable story "Letter to a Stranger." The girl adored her grandfather, who worked hard and gifted granddaughters (Olga has a younger sister) with countless gifts.

Once Olga compiled a wish list, he was immediately embodied. There was no case that my grandfather failed and did not fulfill his promise. Years later, Olga Zeiger (biography, the actress’s personal life is described in the article) realized what it means to be the head of a clan and what impact a friendly, strong family has on a person. Every Sunday, they gathered together and discussed the events of the past week, shared their plans for the future. Grandfather died when the girl was fourteen years old.

The first experience of acting

Olga Seiger dreamed of an acting career from the age of twelve. Happy moments were remembered: here she sits in a row on a bench all the old grandmothers she knew, gives each one a leaf and starts singing and singing hoarsely. Leaves replaced bouquets of flowers intended for the artist.


Olga remembered how she dreamed about world peace, about a magic wand and … about the profession of a saleswoman. Her grandmothers and mother were the buyers, and the process of buying and selling and accepting money for the goods caused unchanging enthusiasm in the girl (Jewish roots apparently affected, noted Olga Zeiger). The surname Zeiger in translation means "watchmaker" or "saw, vertical sawing." Olga admits that by nature the second value is closer to her.


Brought up in the spirit of the fact that all her desires should be realized, Olga Zeiger decides to put her biography on the path of acting. She manages to immediately enter GITIS, but not in the theater, but in the pop department. At the very first vocal lesson, the teacher told the student to go out and close the door on the other hand, since she was strictly forbidden to sing …

Four years later, at the final exam, she prepared two songs: “My God”, which was once performed by the legendary Edith Piaf and which not everyone can master and a comic number for a song by Mireille Mathieu.

Comic number

The last song of the French sparrow, Edith Piaf, will become her hallmark over the years. Performing it in France, Olga Zeiger won a loud ovation and shouts “bravo”, and a comic number for the song “All children sing with me” for several years “fed” the author and performer. Briefly, the number was as follows: Olga went on stage in an absurd hoodie, in glasses with sealed glasses and a quietly thin voice, began to sing a French song. Then she unexpectedly threw off her hoodie, took off her glasses and stayed in an evening gown, continuing to sing in her chest voice. Along the way, she looked out for a man in the hall and invited him to sing in unison. If he did not go, and the man was real, not fake, the actress took off her dress and remained in one combination and again lured the unfortunate one.


An even more embarrassed audience did not go again, then she began to sing with a grotesque anguish, complaining to the public that he did not want to go to her, deceiving her. At the end, the red man from shame either went up to the stage and she began to undress him, or clung to the chair even more. Olga Zeiger, to the audience’s cheerful laugh, pulled off the combination, threw it to the “boyfriend” and remained in the funny leopard underwear, which she sewed herself. To a joyful laugh and a standing ovation, the number ended.

The series "Trace"

Olga Zeiger, having graduated from the institute, simultaneously began to appear in the series in 2007. Like other applicants for the role of ballistics Tatyana Belaya, Olga came to audition, completed the task and calmly returned to her business, thinking that the actress with an angelic look would certainly not take such a serious role. Therefore, the call from the assistant director caught her by surprise. As it turned out, the authors needed a similar paradox - an angelic appearance and the presence of weapons in their hands.

In the series, Olga had to shoot only seven times catching dangerous bandits. With partners and colleagues in the series, she has preserved the best relations. After filming, they always gathered somewhere in a restaurant or at Maisky’s house (actor Pavel Shuvaev), discussed the next series and so on. Thanks to "Trace", the actress has her own fan group and many fans who send gifts and flowers to her idol for her birthday.

Olga Zeiger. TV series

The filmography of Olga Zeiger is small, mainly in the movies she managed to work in eight projects:

  • Adjutants of Love.

  • The Talisman of Love.

  • "Love is like love."

  • "Cursed heaven".

  • "Atlantis".

  • "Track".

  • "Interns."

  • "Youth".

Olga serves in the Praktika Theater, which was conceived by the head Eduard Boyakov as a place where modern performances with relevant subjects would be staged. The young actress managed to show herself in the new temple of Melpomene, staging the exclusive performance of "Alice in Overseas", the screenwriter, director and sole performer of which is herself.


In addition, the young but energetic Olga participates in the entreprise “Zoykina apartment”, “Cabaret Theater” and “French Chanson”.