
Omsk poet Dmitry Rumyantsev: biography, creativity and interesting facts

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Omsk poet Dmitry Rumyantsev: biography, creativity and interesting facts
Omsk poet Dmitry Rumyantsev: biography, creativity and interesting facts

It is known that literature and history go hand in hand in an inextricable link. The poet may not be a participant in some events in public life, not compose political manifestos, but, one way or another, he fulfills his mission. According to critics, his job is to testify.


Dmitry Rumyantsev is a poet of a rare type. Witnessing is the main and most pronounced feature of his poetry. Connoisseurs and critics of literature do not regard historicism as a virtue or a disadvantage of one or another author. Both prose writer and poet can be endowed with this quality, interest in history. Rumyantsev is considered to be interesting precisely due to the interpenetration of history and literature inherent in his work.

Poetry is fate

Dmitry Rumyantsev is 40 years old. He is the author of four poetry collections. The first of them came out back in 1999, bringing the young poet a prestigious literary prize to them. Dostoevsky. The second and third collections were published simultaneously - in 2011, two years later the fourth was released. The output of each book by the author is considered a real literary event.

Dmitry Rumyantsev is a member of the Writers' Union, he is a diploma winner of various literary contests. Repeatedly, the poet took part in the International Seminar of Young Writers, held in Lipki (Moscow Region). Among Omsk Rumyantsev Dmitry Anatolyevich is the undisputed leader in publications in leading Russian literary magazines. His poems appeared on the pages of the publications: “New Youth”, “New World”, “Star”, “Siberian Lights”, “Day and Night” and others. This fact, according to experts, perhaps the most clearly demonstrated the viability of Dmitry Rumyantsev as The author emphasizes the nonrandomness of his presence in modern poetry.


What are his poems about?

To answer this question is not so simple. Someone once deduced a formula according to which real poems are written exclusively about love or death. Perhaps this is so. But Dmitry Rumyantsev’s poems are never driven into any specific framework. The poet does not set out to bring his work in line with strictly defined topics. His works, according to experts, are rather complicated. They can not be called "popular" or publicly available. Most likely, it will be difficult for an unprepared reader to accept everything written by Dmitry Rumyantsev. People who are versed in poetry have no doubt that this author may soon become a symbol of literary Omsk.


Hermit Literature

Many consider his figure atypical for modern literature. Today, among poets and writers, it is generally accepted that it is good manners to be media characters: everyone tries to be in sight, to attend parties and various meetings.

Against the background of his contemporaries, Dmitry Rumyantsev seems to be a hermit: he is rarely seen speaking to readers, he does not have a promoted author group on social networks, he does not seek to "publicize" his name.

While many of his brothers are making titanic efforts in the field of self-PR, Dmitry Rumyantsev writes poetry. According to critics, his creative energy will last for many years. The poet is endowed with remarkable power, which will surely help him in the future to overcome the inevitable creative crises, updated and with new works. This, according to experts, is incomparably better than a loud, but one-day glory.


"A grain of sand on the scales of eternity …"

Without awareness of the past, it is impossible to determine one's place in the present. In the poems of Dmitry Rumyantsev, the present is closely intertwined with the past, events - with the works that arose against their background, the authors - with the characters they created. The impression is created at first glance fragmentary, but the mosaic is also assembled from shards, and what material to prefer for this is a personal matter of each artist. The best position for perceiving the mosaic is detachment, some distance: at the same time, the integrity of the images obtained is not in doubt.

In any of Dmitry Rumyantsev’s books, such a distance is assumed - in them the author shares his thoughts with the reader, but he doesn’t familiarize himself at all, keeps his distance. From fragments and shards and the past he creates a picture of his own present: the historical names show the features of modern Omsk.

The poet does not flaunt his inner world, does not open it explicitly, allowing only guessing. The reader is practically not invited by the Rumyantsevs to empathy: they indicate some kind of soul movement, but it does not require that they necessarily join them. Rather, the poet invites the reader to observe and comprehend, i.e., fulfills his mission of the same witness. He interprets himself and man in general as a particle of the historical process, due to which the author’s attitude towards himself is formed, quite detached, deprived without undue selfhood and “fervor” —this kind of author’s behavior in literature is called truly modest.

His poetry is called typical and one hundred percent masculine. This is a highly conscious, leisurely and quiet story of a calm man with a high degree of responsibility for his words. Each of us is a grain of sand on the scales of eternity, as if the poet says, but anyone can shake her scales with her weight. Critics unanimously note the responsibility characteristic of Rumyantsev - to the world, to his own word and to his reader.


Philosophy of understanding

So critics define the poetry of Rumyantsev. Comprehending a history of a kind, starting with a description of the picture of peasant everyday life at the dawn of building a communist future, the author does not separate himself from his ancestors, and his ancestors from the whole people. The everyday, everyday moments conveyed by Rumyantsev are perceived by certain particles of history. The diary inherent in his poetry is characterized by a certain tinge of chronicle, in his story about a secret smoke break behind the school there are documentary features of the era. The human life is considered by the poet in dynamics. He covers with a glance her whole process - from the beginning or even from the very moment of its inception to a certain outcome.

In his plot pictures, sketches, light or dark moments of a sinister or beautiful life, there is no moment of evaluation and condemnation. Whatever Dmitry Rumyantsev narrated, he is definitely not a judge - neither to the world, nor to man. Perhaps this is the principle proclaimed by him (“Do not judge this world, // Though you die, but love and believe …”), and gives Rumyantsev's poetry a special, dull and implicit, attractiveness.

Dmitry Rumyantsev: biography

Dmitry Anatolyevich Rumyantsev was born in 1974 in Omsk. After graduating from the Faculty of Philosophy, Omsk Pedagogical University was published in many leading Russian literary journals (see article above).


He is the author of several poetry books. It is known that for the first time Dmitry Rumyantsev published a book of his poems in 1999. The poet is a laureate of the Omsk Regional Youth Literary Prize. Dostoevsky (1999), All-Russian Literary Prize. V.P. Astafyev (2005) and a number of other prestigious competitions. Member of the Union of Russian Writers. Lives in Omsk. There is no free information about the personal life of the poet and his family.


In order to travel through the poetic worlds of Dmitry Rumyantsev, you must have a certain cultural baggage. Behind the doors of his books, not only modern or 30-year-old Omsk, but also Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, the Czech Republic, Germany forty-fifth, pre-revolutionary Russia.


The poems of Rumyantsev mention Pushkin and Derzhavin, Bryusov and Leskov, Blok and Chaadaev, as well as Zabolotsky, Mandelstam, Nabokov. There are clearly echoes from Homer, Cicero, Aristotle, Kant, Plutarch, Quintus Horace Flaccus, Rimbaud and Rabelais, Kafka and Cavafy, Basho and Murakami, Derek Walcott and Uistena Oden.

His poems are not historical opuses, but real eyewitness accounts: they are personal and imbued with a real lyrical feeling. Books characterizing the maturity of the master are his collections published in Omsk in recent years:

  • "Comparative biography", consisting of poems from 2001-2005. The book was published in 2011 by Omskblankizdat.

  • "The Nobel Dead End", including works from the period 2006-2011. It was released in 2011 by the Omsk State Pedagogical University.

  • "A suffering animal." This book of poems was published in 2013 by the publishing house IP SP B. Zagursky.