
She loved her daughter less than her son, but when trouble came, he showed his face

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She loved her daughter less than her son, but when trouble came, he showed his face
She loved her daughter less than her son, but when trouble came, he showed his face

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Lyudmila got married at 28. Now such an age for marriage is considered normal. But during the Soviet Union, girls got married much earlier. She went to friends at the wedding of all her friends, and she chose what was “left” - Sasha. An uncouth, uneducated man who loved to drink and couldn't make much money. Two children were born - a boy and a girl. It was the children who were to become the meaning of her life. However, only one child always received love and attention. Then no one thought what it would turn out to be.

In life, it’s not always the way you want

Lyudmila grew up in an intelligent wealthy family. Her father was a learned architect. The girl at that time had everything she wanted - delicious food, beautiful outfits, travels throughout the Soviet Union. She graduated from school and followed in the footsteps of her father - she also became an architect, she really liked the work.


Many women who choose a life partner are often mistaken. Ludmila was also mistaken. When she came to her mother-in-law's house, it turned out that her husband was from a dysfunctional large family, where not only his father but also his mother were drinking. Fortunately, Lyudmila got an apartment from work, and she did not have a chance to live with her mother-in-law. Life went on, Lyudmila and Alexander had a daughter, Kristina, and then, three years later, a boy named Anton.

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Routine family life


Lyudmila noticed that living with her husband is not as good as with her parents. Sasha liked to drink, and he brought little money, despite the fact that he worked as a car mechanic at a taxi fleet. It was difficult for the woman to pull the family, she constantly took part-time jobs. She always devoted more time to her son, walked and went to the river in the park.

Then perestroika struck, the husband went to another woman, she was left alone, no salary was paid. Fortunately, the father always helped his daughter and grandchildren with groceries. But it was difficult - they ate sparingly, children dressed very badly. As you may have guessed, the former spouse did not help either.

Deprived daughter and spoiled kid

It would seem that in such difficult times the family should have rallied. Kristina was 12 years old when her father left, Anton - 8. The daughter, as she could, helped her mother with the housework and studied at school, and not bad. She washed the windows, cleaned, cooked. Anton, on the contrary, did nothing, and his academic performance left much to be desired.


Many women dream of daughters and love them more than sons. But in the family of Lyudmila everything turned out the other way around. Anton received more attention. Either his mother loved him more, because he looked like his father - this still remains a mystery. But the boy was allowed everything. Mother brought him food on a tray, if only his son would not be upset that he was torn from his beloved cartoon.

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And so it went on for many years. When Anton grew up and began to come home very late, Lyudmila could get out of bed in the middle of the night and run into the kitchen to fry potatoes of her beloved son. And he never, never once said her long-awaited words: “Thank you, mom.” But the woman did not even notice and did not demand.

Children's resentment of the daughter

Lyudmila did not spoil her daughter; she didn’t bring food on a tray. The girl went to school in one black long skirt and a tiger turtleneck for a year. She was a teenager, she wanted to dress beautifully, like her classmates, but she understood that her mother had no money. But by that time, she began to understand that my mother loves her brother more.

This became even more noticeable when the children of Lyudmila grew up. Anton gave his mother a higher education, paid. When he fell ill and needed money for treatment, she sold a garage and a car to save him. She always helped her son and wailed that he was a poor boy. Although Anton at that time already worked in the traffic police, he bought cars for himself. He lived with his wife in a rented apartment and did not live in poverty. One of his cars cost as much as a normal apartment in the same area. But he preferred to wait until the long-awaited inheritance from his mother fell on his head.


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Kristina was educated herself. Received in absentia. I went to work right after school to be able to buy at least something for myself. And this is instead of studying in the daytime, living the best student years and chatting with friends. When the time came to get married, the daughter came to her mother for advice. The answer was: “Do you want, marry him, you still do not need anyone else.” The girl got married, gave birth to two children and lived with her husband for 15 years. She was very upset that her mother still loves her son more.

Housing problem

It so happened that the life of Christina with her husband did not work out. After 14 years of marriage, he began to drink heavily, offend her. She returned with her children to her mother. I bought a boiler so that the children had hot water, changed all the pipes, made a little repair. All for the money. Anton did not take any part in this.

But he got another bzik. He began to periodically visit his mother’s house and claim that his share was there. And in all seriousness, declared that he had dreamed all his life that Christina would live with her husband and not pretend to her mother’s apartment. He hoped that he would just go there with his wife, and his sister would be left without an inheritance. It turned out that he was also greedy. He didn’t give anything to his mother even for his birthday.


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Lyudmila firmly believed that the apartment should be divided between two children equally. She didn’t care that Christina had two children, that she had a small salary and that she would not buy her living space. She did not take into account the fact that her son treats her badly, she did not notice his shortcomings. And always justified him. Thus angry Christina. There was simply nothing to share. The apartment was in a socket on the outskirts of the city, however, a three-room apartment, but completely without repair. No one has done it since the receipt of the living space.

Unexpected illness put everything in its place

A couple of years after the daughter returned home, Lyudmila began to notice that she was hard of hearing in one ear. Then the woman's hands began to tremble, and her legs did not obey, it became difficult for her to walk. Kristina took her mother for an examination in the regional center. The verdict of doctors - a complex and expensive operation is needed, then rehabilitation, and it is not clear how it will end.


Kristina, despite resentment, did everything possible to find the necessary amount of money. She turned to social networks, to colleagues, took a loan, sold her jewelry. It was lucky that the operation was successful.

Anton didn’t give a dime, his wife called and said that it would be useless to do the operation anyway, and that it would be wasted money.

Lyudmila returned home. She went badly, could not eat, could bathe only with the help of her daughter. Kristina looked after her, despite children's insults, and did not leave her in trouble. The son did not even come and did not call.

Mother's remorse

It took Lyudmila many years to understand that her son did not appreciate her efforts. She realized that all his life he had treated her consumerly. After all, Anton turned away from her in a difficult moment in life, while she did everything for him.

One day, Christina came home. On the kitchen table was a bottle of champagne and a large envelope. When the girl went to the table to see what was there, she heard mother’s footsteps behind her.


“Forgive me, daughter. I didn’t appreciate you when you were little. But life goes on, let's try to fix everything. ” There were tears in the eyes of the woman.