
Earth Orbit: An Extraordinary Journey Around the Sun

Earth Orbit: An Extraordinary Journey Around the Sun
Earth Orbit: An Extraordinary Journey Around the Sun

Video: Orbit - Earth's Extraordinary Journey 2024, July

Video: Orbit - Earth's Extraordinary Journey 2024, July

We rush around the Sun at an incredible speed of about 100, 000 km / h. And every year, flying about nine hundred million kilometers, we return to the same point from which this incredible journey through the dusk and vacuum of space began. Three main parameters: the Earth’s orbit, its rotation around its own central axis and the inclination of this imaginary rod, called precession, formed the appearance of the planet and still continue to form its appearance. This means that they determine the whole life of mankind every minute of any day for billions of years of the Earth's existence.


But there is another fourth fateful parameter, without which the Earth’s orbit, and its revolution around the central axis, and precession would be meaningless from the point of view of the formation of such an unusual appearance of the planet, and, most importantly, the origin and development of life on it.

The fact is that the Earth in the Solar System occupies a perfect incredible, ideal, unique (here any epithet will be appropriate!) Position, already called by the world science "Goldilocks belt". By this concept is meant the location of the planet relative to the celestial body, in which water is in a liquid state, and, therefore, life becomes possible. The Earth’s orbit is conveniently located at such a comfortable and favorable distance from the Sun.

Since its birth, our blue planet has already made over four billion revolutions in its phenomenal orbit. And everything that the Earth flies past, over and over its space path, is an extremely hostile environment. This is the most extreme journey in the history of mankind.


The Earth’s orbit around the Sun is a very dangerous route, where deadly solar radiation and destructive cosmic cold are accompanied by violent attacks by comets and asteroids. This is not to mention the enormous amount of less likely threats. But, despite the many dangers that await us on the way, the Earth’s orbit, as mentioned above, is located in the right place. Perfect for the birth of life. The rest of the planets in the solar system are much less fortunate …

The earth was born just over four billion years ago from clouds of cosmic dust and gas that remained after the formation of the Sun and revolved around a newborn star. This birth was a severe test, both for the planet itself and for its orbit. As it grew, the young Earth was attacked by other cosmic bodies - the era of the Great Collisions began, which ultimately predetermined the entire ordering of the structure of our planetary system.


There is irrefutable evidence that during this period of chaos, the Earth collided with a certain small planet, which also revolved around the Sun. The result of this cosmic cataclysm was the phenomenon of precession. The earth began to rotate at an angle of 23.5 ° relative to the vertical, which caused such a variety of climatic zones on the planet. If the central axis were perpendicular to the orbit, the day on our planet would be equal to night. And we would never see sunrises and sunsets …