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Original wedding show: interesting ideas

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Original wedding show: interesting ideas
Original wedding show: interesting ideas

Video: Most Amazing Wedding First Dance Mash-up! 2024, July

Video: Most Amazing Wedding First Dance Mash-up! 2024, July

If you are planning not just a wedding, but a truly unforgettable celebration - it's time to book a show. A dozen years ago, such events were an unattainable dream for many, but now an interesting performance can be ordered even for a holiday with a small budget. You can surprise guests and leave pleasant memories of the celebration with the help of the most popular wedding show programs.

How to choose a show?

Since each year the number of diverse and peculiar programs is growing inexorably, it is worth approaching the choice with special responsibility. Gypsy dancing is unlikely to fit harmoniously into a modern French-style wedding. When choosing a program, it is worth considering any detail of the event. However, the most important rule is to follow your desires, not the prescriptions.


What to consider when choosing a show?

In order for all the elements of the wedding celebration to be in harmony with each other, the following rules should be followed:

  • Consider the theme and style of the wedding.
  • Do not forget about the age category of the invitees.
  • Properly allocate the budget.
  • And most importantly - consider the tastes of future newlyweds.

Fulfillment of these points is the key to an amazing wedding.

Rules for choosing show programs

The main mistake of many grooms and brides is the principle "the more, the better." If you follow it, the celebration risks becoming a concert. Psychologists have found that more than three versions of the show tires guests and distracts from the holiday itself. And if the budget of the wedding is small, you should not order 3 low-cost submissions, because someone said that it should be.

It is better to give preference to one room, but really luxurious. The memory of one amazing show is much better than the three “nothing”. If, nevertheless, it was decided to make several programs, then they should be in different styles so as not to bother guests or the newly made family.

Soap bubbles show

The most laid-back option that will appeal to both adults and young children. Soap bubbles of various shapes and sizes, which shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, will present real children's joy to all guests. Professionals of their business arrange various performances that are in no way inferior to theatrical productions. Such a show will help guests remember with what enthusiasm everyone in the childhood blew bubbles and what happiness they experienced when the bubble grew to large sizes. The main feature of such performances is the newlyweds and some of the guests in the process themselves appear inside the bubble. Almost a childhood dream! It is especially recommended to arrange a soap show for a wedding if there are many children present.


Shadow show

Such a program is gaining popularity more and more every year. After all, this is a real explosion of romance. A whole love story is created on the canvas, it is not possible to look away from such a view. Absolutely all guests will be impressed. When for a split second you stop realizing where reality is, and where is imagination - is it not magic? Shadow show is a great chance to provide guests with the opportunity to participate in the event and tell their story.

Songs and Dances

The absolute classics of all such celebrations are music and dance groups. What a wedding without music, right? Such a program will be appropriate at any time and at any holiday. And it is not necessary to order cover bands for the whole event and pay a lot of money. It is enough for the musicians to perform some of their favorite compositions and play a song for the first dance of the newlyweds.

In addition to musicians, a great addition will be the performance of a show ballet in an appropriate style. Dance is a body language with which you can convey absolutely any thoughts and emotions. It is only important to observe the style of the wedding. If young people and older people are present at the festival in equal proportions, you can order a folk dance in a modern way. This option can be a real highlight of the evening.


Bartender show

A relatively new kind of wedding events. The bartender show is not only juggling with bottles, burning cocktails, but also the opportunity to try the most sophisticated and incredible drinks. The bartender can prepare cocktails for guests, for example, only in the colors of the wedding. A pleasant experience of such skill is guaranteed.


Sand ceremony

In addition to the shadow show, a sand ceremony will help tell your love story. You can add a touch of exclusivity to such a program and revive from the sand tremulous memories from the life of the bride and groom. A sand show for a wedding is an animation created by the artist’s hands from sand that crumbles on an illuminated surface. At this time, drawings can be broadcast on a large screen. Such a wedding sand show is a real source of tenderness and romance. Everyone will cry! Of happiness, of course.


Wedding Slideshow

At first glance, an ordinary slide show can give a special charm to an event. It perfectly conveys the most touching moments in the life of the newlyweds. You can order such a slide show in any photo studio and even do it yourself.

In addition to the fact that such a show will not leave guests indifferent, it will remain a souvenir for many years. And for every anniversary, you can watch it again and again, recalling the most beautiful moments. It is recommended that you do not exceed the slide show time (maximum 15 minutes) so that guests are not tired.

These can be photographs of the bride and groom from infancy until the wedding. It will not be superfluous to look for joint photos with friends and relatives so that each guest feels himself part of this celebration.

Light or laser show

A laser show for a wedding will definitely turn the head of the guests and surprise you with its special effects. Everyone can feel like a hero of the film. The incredible play of light illusions is not only impressive, but also safe. Do not want to order shows that are already tired of everyone? So the laser show is what you need.


Fire show

Tired of fireworks and luminous flashlights? A wedding fire show is what you need for a memorable end to the celebration. Fire, torches, burning poles - a bewitching spectacle that will definitely forever be remembered not only by guests, but also by newlyweds. The final step may be the lighting of hearts or the names of the bride and groom.

When choosing a show program for a wedding, remember that you are the main persons of the celebration. Therefore, entertaining rooms should emphasize the significance of your event and be as close as possible to you.
