
The main solutions to air pollution

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The main solutions to air pollution
The main solutions to air pollution



Atmospheric pollution, sources, consequences, ways of solving the ecological crisis are very actively studied by modern scientists. At the domestic and intergovernmental levels, various normative acts are adopted aimed at improving the situation in the world. Let us further consider how atmospheric pollution affects the planet. Sources, consequences, solutions to problems will also be described in the article.


Relevance of the issue

The economic activities of people over the past century have caused serious air pollution. The ways to solve the environmental problem today are different. In the air basin, water, soil in many places there are toxic substances, the content of which significantly exceeds the MPC (permissible norm). This, in turn, negatively affects the health of the population, the state of ecosystems.

Environmental crisis

This concept has been used very often in the last few decades. The environmental crisis may be local or global. The first is expressed in increasing the level of electromagnetic, thermal, noise, chemical pollution due to the functioning of one or several sources located close to each other. A local crisis can be overcome relatively easily through economic or administrative measures. For example, a decision is made on the need to improve the process, reprofiling the company or closing it. The global crisis is a great danger. This phenomenon is a consequence of the combined activities of all mankind. A global crisis is emerging by changing the characteristics of the natural environment throughout the planet. Accordingly, it is dangerous for the entire population. The global crisis is much more difficult to deal with than the local one. The problem can be considered resolved while minimizing pollution to a level that the natural environment will be able to cope on its own. For this, international summits are held. The latter, in particular, was held in 2016 in Paris.


Negative factors

Considering air pollution, causes and solutions to the environmental crisis, scientists analyze various objects, human activities. The analysis allows us to establish the most dangerous of them and develop methods that reduce or exclude their negative impact on nature. All sources of pollution are divided into two large categories. The first includes natural objects and phenomena:

  1. Volcanic eruptions.

  2. Peat, forest fires that occur without the participation of people.

  3. Emission of methane by decomposition of organic residues.

  4. Sand, dust storms.

  5. Natural radiation.

  6. Weathering processes.

  7. Distribution of plant pollen.

A more detrimental effect on the environment is exerted by:

  1. Tests of nuclear weapons.

  2. The work of thermal power plants.

  3. Toxic gas emissions from enterprises.

  4. Work boiler rooms.

  5. Decomposition of garbage and waste in landfills.

  6. Fires caused by people.

  7. Vehicle exhaust fumes.

  8. Flights of jet aircraft.

Negative Impact Results

Due to rash business activities, a tremendous amount of toxic compounds, soot and heat are emitted into the upper layers of the air envelope. This leads to depletion of the ozone layer and the appearance of holes in it. Actively passes through them radiation. The temperature on the planet is constantly rising. This leads to the melting of glaciers, an increase in the volume of water in the oceans. Due to the increase in temperature, the habitats of many animals begin to disappear.


Negative effects on health

Recently, industrial-urban air pollution has been particularly active. Ways to solve the environmental crisis of a local nature must be actively sought in the framework of interagency cooperation. Delay in this matter is unacceptable, since we are talking about the state of human health and their environment. According to statistics, on average, in one day a person inhales up to 20 thousand liters of air. In this case, together with oxygen, particles of ash and soot, as well as toxic fumes, enter the body. All this settles in the lungs, gradually poisoning the person. Prolonged exposure to smog impairs well-being, leads to headaches, nausea, and irritation of the mucous membranes. People have cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of other internal organs. In the absence of adequate measures, the active effects of toxic substances can be fatal. Depletion of the ozone layer creates the conditions for irradiation of the planet. Ultraviolet light begins to act more strongly on humans and animals. Negative radiation exposure reduces immunity, provokes the development of serious diseases, including cancer of the mucous membranes and skin, cataracts, etc.


Greenhouse effect

It is a consequence of deforestation and the destruction of the ozone layer. Holes present in the upper air layers begin to let in more radiation, the lower layers of the atmosphere are warming up, and then the Earth’s surface. The heat emanating from the planet does not rise up. The reason it does not return is because greenhouse gases accumulate in the lower layers, making them too dense. The greenhouse effect leads to another serious problem - warming. Due to the delay in radiation, the temperature begins to rise on the surface of the Earth. This, as mentioned above, provokes the melting of glaciers and other problems. Scientists are already observing the flooding of a number of coastal zones. If you do not stop the greenhouse effect, many animals, plants and people can die.

Acid rain

This phenomenon is a consequence of the emission of harmful compounds into the atmosphere in a large volume. The acid in the air is formed by oxides of hydrogen chloride, sulfur, nitrogen, interacting with water vapor. Precipitation containing it leads to serious negative consequences. In particular, brick and concrete structures, pipes, external facades and roofs are destroyed. Over several decades, acid rain has damaged many cultural and historical monuments. Such precipitation destroys metal, glass, rubber. Cars that have been exposed to acid rain tend to become unusable. The soil cover suffers significantly. Soil acidity increases, fertility decreases. Acid rain ravages green spaces, causing huge losses to the agricultural sector. The selective harvest dies, the trees begin to rot. Poisoned grass gets into animal feed, as a result of which they develop serious illnesses, often leading to death. Acid rain causes ecosystem death.



They are usually called strong air pollution in large cities. In calm weather, the upper layers heat up more. Because of this, the gases rising from the ground cannot reach the upper strata and settle, forming a caustic veil. Under the influence of light, unstable, but very toxic compounds begin to form in the smog.

Photochemical fog

It is presented as a multicomponent mixture of primary and secondary aerosol particles and gases. The photochemical fog contains oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, a variety of organic substances of peroxide nature. In a complex, they are called photo-oxidants. Such a fog appears due to chemical reactions in the presence of a number of conditions. The determining factors are the high concentration in the air of hydrocarbon, nitric oxide, other substances, intense radiation, calm and weak air exchange within the surface layer with a powerful inversion during the day.

Air Pollution: Solutions

As can be seen from the above, the environmental crisis requires immediate action. At the same time, it must be said that every person should be included in the implementation of measures to reduce the harmful effects of human activity. Finding solutions to air pollution is the business of absolutely all people. A special role, of course, belongs to scientists. Analyzing the situation, they find the most rational and effective options for reducing the negative impact of emissions. Currently developed the following main ways to solve the problem of air pollution:

  1. Absorption method. It involves the installation of filters from limestone, activated carbon, ammonia. All these compounds have the ability to absorb harmful gases. This method is considered one of the most common, due to its simplicity and high quality cleaning. The disadvantage of the absorption (absorption) method is that the filter units are large and take up a lot of space. Difficulties are also associated with the need for periodic replacement of cleaning fluid.


  2. Oxidative method. This method involves "burning" harmful impurities. However, carbon dioxide is released.

  3. Catalytic method. It allows the passage of toxic gases and vapors through solid catalysts, contributing to the acceleration of their separation. This method is quite effective, but requires significant financial and energy costs.

  4. The mechanical method. It is used today quite rarely. The mechanical method involves the directing of toxic gases into special turbines. The screws present there, create vortices, due to which the process of collecting toxic compounds. It is worth saying that this method requires high energy costs. The filtering process is also complicated by the need to provide ongoing maintenance of the plants. Moreover, the cleaning efficiency is quite small.

  5. Electro-firing method. This method is considered the newest and most effective today. Gas is sent to the vessels and then passed through an electrified flame. However, this method has a significant drawback. Putting it into practice is quite difficult.

Ways to solve air pollution, in short, are measures aimed at reducing hazardous emissions. When developing certain measures, it is necessary to take into account the economic component. Pollution control methods should be as efficient and minimally costly as possible.


Comprehensive measures

Currently, scientists are proposing to combine the main ways to solve the problem of air pollution. So, for example, in many enterprises filtration plants of various types work. Some filters are installed, while others use special lead-free additives, catalytic converters. As a result, gases pass through several stages of purification. Considering the main ways to solve atmospheric pollution, one can not say about new developments in the automotive industry. As you know, transport is considered one of the main suppliers of toxic substances into the air. Today, new models are released, equipped with exhaust filtration systems. In a number of countries, public transport operates exclusively on electricity and biofuels.

Organizational activities

Recently, a question has been raised at the governmental level regarding the arrangement of large megacities. Discusses activities aimed at separating airports, highways, enterprises, factories from residential development. As the border between these zones will be a forest belt. It will become a natural filter and oxygen generator. In developing ways to address air pollution, scientists and officials are turning their attention to the waste management system. Most support the need for reform. Options are being discussed in which landfill area could be reduced. To do this, it is necessary to produce recycling raw materials.