
Decembrists Island. History of development of the territory

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Decembrists Island. History of development of the territory
Decembrists Island. History of development of the territory

Video: The Decembrists. Trailer. Russian Movie. StarMediaEN. English Subtitles 2024, July

Video: The Decembrists. Trailer. Russian Movie. StarMediaEN. English Subtitles 2024, July

Dekabristov Island in St. Petersburg is located in the Neva River Delta, on the territory of the Vasileostrovsky District, and represents administrative district No. 11.


History of the formation of the territory

The Chernaya River (Smolenka) cuts off from the Vasilievsky Island the territory that was once called the Island of Golodai, and now - the Island of the Decembrists.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the island's area was 40 hectares and increased due to the addition of part of the territory of nearby islands and Vasilyevsky Island by filling up the channels between them.

In the 1960s, the territories of the islands of Volny and Zolotoy were annexed to the Decembrist Island. Thus, its area has grown to 400 hectares.

In the 1970s, intensive development of residential areas was going on in this territory, according to the general plan for the development of St. Petersburg.

The origin of the name of the island

The former name of the island is Golodai, which is translated from Finnish as "willow tree". The name was in use until 1920 and was replaced by a more harmonious - the island of Decembrists. It was believed that it was here that the bodies of the Decembrists M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, K.F. Ryleyev, P.G. Kakhovsky, P.I. Pestel, S.I. Muravyov-Apostol, who were executed in 1826, were secretly buried. year in the Peter and Paul Fortress.


Settlement history

On the right bank of the Smolenka River was a Finnish settlement - Chukhonskaya Sloboda. In the second half of the XVIII century, this territory is rapidly being built up, the first streets appear - Uralskaya and Dekabristov Lane. At the beginning of the XX century, industrial enterprises and residential quarters are being built here. Residential buildings of this time on the streets of Zheleznovodskaya and in Kakhovsky Lane have been preserved.

The island, in comparison with St. Petersburg, has a rather modest past, it always remained on the edge of the city and city life, there are no castles and palaces, imperial parks and architectural masterpieces.

Currently, the construction of a trade and passenger port is planned on the Decembrists' island, and huge territories are being reclaimed. The city is constantly striving to expand due to the water area of ​​the bay, the pace of this process is increasing every year.

Streets and their features

On the island of Decembrists in St. Petersburg there are four main and largest streets: Uralskaya, Shipbuilders, Morskaya embankment, Cash.

The youngest and longest is the Sea Embankment. It arches around the Vasilievsky Islands and the Decembrists. The same arcuate - Shipbuilders street. Combining, these two streets resemble a huge horseshoe. Both streets were laid in the 1970s. The largest buildings located on them are the Marine Facade and the Marine Cascade. Their construction began in 1999 and continues to this day. The complex of buildings of the Sea Cascade is gradually decreasing towards the Gulf of Finland, resembling a cascade. “Marine facade” is a group of buildings that have different sizes and even geometric shapes.


Ural street is the oldest. It was laid in the second half of the XVIII century. The street goes around the island from the north and is part of the industrial zone. For a long time she was busy with industrial enterprises, workshops and workshops. And only since the 1990s, shopping and entertainment complexes began to appear here. On the territory of the street is the famous Kalinin Pipe Plant, which during the war produced Katyusha during the blockade. Not far from the factory is the building of the Rot-Front fur factory, and there is also the paper mill Baltic Paper JSC.

Nalichnaya Street on the island was laid in the 70s, all the buildings located on it belong to the typical architectural objects of that time.

Decembrists Garden

At the intersection of Ural and Nalichnaya streets, there is a garden formed around a memorial monument placed on the alleged grave of executed Decembrists. The garden is flooded in spring, as it is located in a lowland. The forest park is planted with birch, linden, maple, jasmine and lilac. This is the only park on the territory of the island of Decembrists.
