
Empty Lake: the mystery of the Siberian reservoir

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Empty Lake: the mystery of the Siberian reservoir
Empty Lake: the mystery of the Siberian reservoir

Video: Born of Nuclear Blast: Russia's Lakes of Mystery 2024, June

Video: Born of Nuclear Blast: Russia's Lakes of Mystery 2024, June

There are a large number of unique natural monuments on our planet, each of which has some peculiarities. These can be places in which various electromagnetic anomalies occur or people often die. Perhaps in every country there are such mystical places. One of them is located in Russia, and they call it the Empty Lake. Let's try to figure out what riddles this natural attraction holds in itself.


One of the most mysterious lakes

Altai Krai has approximately 20, 000 freshwater bodies. It is for this reason that Altai is often called the Country of Blue Lakes. However, there is one among this number of reservoirs in which fish is not found - this is the Empty Lake. At first glance, this is nothing strange and unusual, because there are many lakes with a lack of living creatures today. But in most cases there is some explanation for this. And in this situation, experts can not find any factors determining this feature of the lake.


Where is the miracle lake located?

The Empty Lake is located in the Kemerovo Region, where the number of freshwater bodies is quite large - about 850. The lake, which we will discuss later, is located in the Tisulsky District, at the foot of the Kuznetsk Alatau plateau. The reservoir is part of the lakes that surround Bolshoi Berchikul (its area is approximately 2 km²).

Empty Lake could never boast of any valuable resources, for this reason there are no references to it that have remained since ancient times. The reservoir simply existed, and only local residents knew about its features.


Features of the reservoir

An empty lake is considered a body of water of continental origin. The water in it is fresh, and its chemical composition meets all standards and does not show any deviations. A large number of scientists have repeatedly studied this reservoir, conducted analyzes of its water. Nevertheless, the work of specialists did not produce any results: no toxic substances were detected in the water, which could affect the death of the fish. On the contrary, the water in Lake Empty is absolutely usable. Those who have tried it say that it resembles champagne in some way, since it contains small bubbles of natural gas that is safe for human health. Thus, the researchers were not able to understand why the fish were not found in these places.

Specialists also studied the issue of local ecology in order to find out if there were any incidents or natural disasters, as well as technical pollution, recorded in this area. But they did not know what exactly scared the fish and why they did not like the waters of the Empty Lake in Siberia.


Mystical halo around the lake

This pond is in contact with other lakes, clean and fresh, in which fish are found. It would seem that the inhabitants of the waters could expand their territory and choose the Empty Lake as their place of residence. But that did not happen. This fact gives this pond a kind of mystical flair. Repeatedly, the most tenacious and unpretentious fish were launched into the lake: crucian carp, pike, perch. Thus, experts and local residents wanted to artificially populate the pond with animals. However, these attempts were unsuccessful: the fish simply did not breed and die. The same thing happened with aquatic vegetation - it soon decayed. Today there is neither a blade of grass, nor a small fish, and even the birds for some reason do not like the shores of this strange "empty" lake in Western Siberia.
