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Monument to Peresvet in Bryansk. Historical events

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Monument to Peresvet in Bryansk. Historical events
Monument to Peresvet in Bryansk. Historical events

Video: Bryansk | What to see in Bryansk, review of the coffee shop Mikale | Monument to Alexander Peresvet 2024, June

Video: Bryansk | What to see in Bryansk, review of the coffee shop Mikale | Monument to Alexander Peresvet 2024, June

The monument to Peresvet in Bryansk has been standing for a long time. However, to begin with, the city of military glory Bryansk is located on the banks of the Desna. Its population is just over 400 thousand people. A magnificent panorama of the beautiful and picturesque distant, residential quarters of the business working city opens from the Pokrovskaya Gora region, which rises directly above the city, forming the steep Desna coast. Once upon a time, it was from here that an ancient settlement began, which eventually formed the fortified city of Bryansk.


Monument to Peresvet in Bryansk. Pokrovskaya mountain

On all sides, the fortress was closed by high and steep mountain slopes, impassable forests and ravines, which served as a reliable defense of the city from numerous enemies.

Before starting the story about the monument to Peresvet in Bryansk, it should be noted that Pokrovskaya Mountain for a very long time, literally until the end of the XVIII century, was the center of the city. Following the fortress arose. The city of Bryansk was first mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1146, when only 350 people lived on Pokrovskaya Hill. Then various people, artisans and peasants began to settle there. In 1246, the city was transformed into the center of the Bryansk principality. Bryansk Prince Boris Mikhailovich, who died in 1401, was the son of Prince Mikhail, who was killed in the Golden Horde, of Chernigov, and he began to build and strengthen the city.


Memorial Complex

The opening of the monument took place in 1985. Then the city celebrated its 1000th anniversary. In honor of this great event, it was decided to erect a whole complex - a monument to Alexander Peresvet and Bayan and a stele with his Mother Mother. Behind the backs of the first two characters a snow-white arrow is visible, above which stands a sculpture of a simple working woman, who personifies the image of the Motherland and mother. In her hands she holds a sickle and a hammer, they are symbols of tillage and skill. Newlyweds come to these famous monuments of the Pokrovskaya Mountain to honor their memory, and at the same time take pictures and leave a ribbon for good luck.

Relight and Bayan

Briansk is called the land of Relight. His magnificent sculpture was erected at the highest point of the Pokrovskaya mountain. The composition includes the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo, riding a mighty horse. The Russian warrior monk Alexander Peresvet at the beginning of the battle fought with the most powerful Tatar hero Chelubey. According to ancient legend, this Russian warrior was from Bryansk. Next to him sits the harp hoe Bayan, who was also once a resident of these places. It was he who, with his songs, raised morale to the warriors before the battle.


Monument to Peresvet in Bryansk: history

It is believed that Peresvet was born in Bryansk and before the adoption of monasticism was a boyar who participated in military campaigns. In the life of Peresvet and Oslyaby it is indicated that they were disciples-mongrels of the Monk Father Sergius of Radonezh, to whom the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Donskoy went for spiritual support and blessing. Rev. Sergius blessed not only him, but two warrior monks with him: Alexander Peresvet and Andrey Oslyabya. Alexander prayed in one of the cells and, leaving his apple stick, which is now kept in the Ryazan Museum of Local Lore, went into battle.

From the side of Mamaia, the Chelubey warrior, who had 300 fights and did not lose a single one, confronted him with great strength. Peresvet knew that Chelubei’s spear was poisoned and a meter longer than him, and he could hardly reach him, so he took off all his armor, remaining in the same schema and with a cross on his chest. He had previously calculated that the enemy’s spear would pass through his body at speed and give him the opportunity to get closer to Chelubey so as to bring him down and hit him to death. This all happened, and Peresvet, having received a mortal wound, was able to return to duty and die in the arms of his comrades. The faithful horse carried him, remaining in the saddle of the winner, to his own.
