
Papa Guiye - Senegalese football player, centerback club "Aktobe"

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Papa Guiye - Senegalese football player, centerback club "Aktobe"
Papa Guiye - Senegalese football player, centerback club "Aktobe"

Papa Guiye is a Senegalese footballer, the central defender of the Aktobe Kazakhstan club. Born on June 7 in 1984 in the city of Dakar (Senegal).


Papa Guiye: biography. The beginning of a football career

The future footballer grew up in an intelligent family: his father was the director of the school, and his mother was a teacher at the university. Since childhood, Dad fell in love with football and at the age of six he enrolled in the local football section, which was based within his own school. The talents of the young guy were immediately noticed by the coaches, he predicted a successful football career.

The professional career of the Senegalese began in 1999, when he entered the football academy of the club “Duan Dakar”. Here he showed good results and was a true leader of his team. The head coach often experimented with a football player, releasing him in different positions. Here, from time to time, he acted as a striker (striker), lateral, winger, playmaker, and also demonstrated the highest skill in the defensive line. Papa Guiye played in the Senegalese club until 2004, after which he was made an offer from the Ukrainian Premier League - the Volyn football club (Lutsk) announced its transfer intentions. In early 2005, Guillet moved to live in Ukraine.


Performances for Volyn (Lutsk): Senegalese conquered Ukrainian championship

The Ukrainian football championship was far superior to Senegalese in level, but Papa Guiye was a cut above his new teammates professionally. The whole game rested on him: the Senegalese possessed good stamina, could play on the "second floor", and also worked out in defense. Here he played only two seasons (2004/2005 and 2005/2006). The footballer was distinguished by unsurpassed composure and professional calm: for the entire period of his stay in Lutsk Volyn, Papa Guiye did not receive a single yellow and red card. This is a very surprising statistic for the “centerback”. All Ukraine started talking about this player.

Soon, a new contract was offered to the Senegalese - Kharkov Metalist offered more favorable conditions and a salary for the football player.

Transition to Kharkov "Metalist"

In 2006, Papa Guiye transferred to the Metalist. Here he began to play as a defensive midfielder, but over time he moved to the position of the central midfielder, where he was forever fixed. In the first season for “Kharkiv” Guiye played in 24 matches and scored one goal scored. Also at Metalist, he received the first yellow card for his career in Ukraine. In 2007, the Senegalese was recognized as the best defender of the Ukrainian Premier League according to fans.

Oddly enough, but Ukrainian football fans quickly fell in love with the Pope, despite the fact that he was a foreigner. In 2008 he was recognized as the best legionnaire of the Ukrainian football championship. Together with Metalist, he reached the ¼ finals of the Europa League and won silver medals in the UPL. In subsequent years, Kharkiv Metalist experienced financial difficulties, due to which the club often changed leadership. In 2015, Papa Guiye announced his retirement from the club. Despite this, he took 9th place among the players with the most games in the history of the Kharkov club.


Footballer Papa Guiye - Dnipropetrovsk player

The transition to the Dnepropetrovsk "Dnieper" took place in the spring of 2015. In the new club, everything started well: the Senegalese constantly went out in the starting lineup and demonstrated high-quality football. In the same year, the team took part in the Europa League, where Papa Guille was directly involved.

This year, many Ukrainian clubs were in crisis due to the aggravated political situation in the country. Dnipro was no exception: the club management delayed the salaries of the players for several months. In view of this, the Senegalese legionnaire did not have the best memories, because he did not see his salary for a whole year. In the summer of 2016, the football player left the club.


The end of the "Ukrainian" story for a football player

At the end of August 2016, Papa Guiye (photo below) signs a contract with FC Rostov, which represents the Russian Football Premier League. For some reasons, the Senegalese could not play for the main team, so in the winter of that year he was forced to change the club.

At the beginning of 2017, Papa Guiye joined the Kazakhstan club Aktobe as a free agent.