
The transition period of the state: problems, politics, society

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The transition period of the state: problems, politics, society
The transition period of the state: problems, politics, society

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Emil Durkheim defined the concept of "anarchy" as a complete lack of power within a particular state. Over time, some scholars began to identify anarchy with a transitional state. In this, of course, there is some truth, but this is far from all that society faces during this period.

Definition Problem

Under the state, it is customary to mean a public organization that is controlled by special mechanisms of government, located in a certain territory. However, there is still no single true definition that would be accepted in the scientific community and international law. Since the UN has no right to put forward theses as to what the state is, the only documented definition is what was used in the Montevideo Convention (1933).


What is a state?

With regard to modern definitions of the term “state”, the following can be listed:

  • The state is a specific political organization endowed with power, which expresses the interests of the people (V.V. Lazarev).

  • Under the state can be understood a political organization that protects and controls economic and social public structures (S. I. Ozhegov).

But, whatever the definition, the state has stable characteristics, which often change during the transition period.


State characteristics

Often you can encounter confusion in the concepts of "country" and "state", which are often used as synonyms. Meanwhile, they have a big difference: the word “country” is used when it comes to the cultural or geographical characteristics of a particular state, while the “state” itself defines a complex political structure with mandatory characteristics:

  • The presence of documents that declared the primary goals and objectives of the state (laws, constitution, doctrines, etc.).

  • There are social management systems. These include government bodies and social institutions.

  • The state has its own property (i.e. resources).

  • It has its own territory on which a certain number of people live.

  • Each state has its own capital and subordinate organizations (law enforcement agencies, armed forces, local administrative boards).

  • Mandatory is the presence of state symbols and language.

  • Sovereignty (that is, the state must be recognized by others in order to appear in the international arena.)

On the way to transition

The state is considered a holistic and stable system, the main task of which is to protect the interests of citizens. This procedure is carried out by passing laws and sanctions, according to which the subjects act. It is worth noting that all the accepted norms support the rule of law, traditions and the integrity of society, and the population is involved in government activities in accordance with international agreements. Simply put, a political organization must ensure the harmonious and full-fledged existence of every member of society.

However, this is not always enough, there are times when the current state apparatus is not able to satisfy all the needs of citizens. Then a new political force begins to come to power, which breaks the old social structure and creates new mechanisms of government and ways of development of the state. This is the transition period of the state.



Under the transitional period they mean state legal systems that are in a state of transformation, changing the state system and law. For example, history knows many cases when the slaveholding form of power changed to a feudal one. Feudal power was replaced by capitalism, and socialism replaced it.

This process has always been complex and controversial. Not only power was changing, but the features and rights of classes. A striking example of a transition state can be called the USSR in 1991. Literally in a matter of days, the 15 Union republics, which received full independence, had to form their own state apparatuses that would fully satisfy the needs of the population and meet international standards.

Features of the transitional state

During the transition period, there is a comprehensive deconstruction of all state elements. Main stages:

  1. It arises due to social upheavals (coups, revolutions, wars, failed reforms).

  2. It suggests several scenarios for the development of the state, leaving the ruling elites themselves to choose which way development will continue according to historical changes, cultural, ethnic, religious and economic characteristics.

  3. External relations are undergoing drastic changes, the legal system and the economic basis of the state are weakened. Accordingly, the standard of living also becomes lower.

  4. Social and political foundations are weakening. The level of tension and uncertainty is growing in society, as a result, one can observe the state of partial anarchy.

  5. Executive transitional power dominates transitional politics.


How long does the change in the political apparatus last?

In a transitional state, all system-forming standards are supplanted, and, as practice shows, this process takes some time. You cannot come to an instant system change. The problem lies not only in the complexity of the transformation of government, but also in the awareness and acceptance of changes by citizens.

If people get used to any conditions over time, then the formation of new norms in social institutions takes a lot of time. It may happen that new institutions do not take root in the updated system, while the old ones fit perfectly into it. During this period, the legal system for regulating the state apparatus, which should provide new political needs for ongoing changes, receives a special burden. And if the state does not come to a new style of government in a relatively short period of time, this can only mean that the changes are provoked by subjective (artificial) factors.

If we talk about the timing of the transition period, then in general it ends in 5 years. During this time, the new state apparatus manages to form and take effect. Take, for example, Crimea. It became part of Russia in 2014, and the country's leading political scientists assure that the transition period will end in 2019.



The main problems of the transition period in the state include the unstable economic situation and difficulties in understanding the new laws, which significantly slows down the transformation process. The main problems can be identified as follows:

  1. Irresistibility of a difficult transformation. Simply put, it is difficult for individuals and legal entities to adapt to new market conditions.

  2. Uncertainty and underdevelopment of market infrastructure.

  3. The problem of price liberalization.

  4. Difficulties with stabilization of macroeconomics.

  5. The problem of mentality.

  6. Problems of upholding new positions in the international arena.
