
Singer Sergey Krylov - Russian artist, showman

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Singer Sergey Krylov - Russian artist, showman
Singer Sergey Krylov - Russian artist, showman

Video: Sergej Krylov plays Shostakovich-violin concerto №1(Cadenza IV.Burlesque) conductor-Dmity Liss 2024, June

Video: Sergej Krylov plays Shostakovich-violin concerto №1(Cadenza IV.Burlesque) conductor-Dmity Liss 2024, June

Our hero is singer Sergey Krylov, a popular and talented showman and just a good person. In this article we will talk about his early years, his favorite work and personal life, in which there is love, family and prosperity.

Singer Sergey Krylov: biography

Born in Tula, August 25, 1961. Sergey’s mother devoted her whole life to an arms factory. And the future artist did not know his father, the stepfather became the most expensive person in the world. Unfortunately, the tragedy overtook the Krylov family, in 2004 robbers shot them.



At the age of three, he spoke for the first time, as the singer Sergey Krylov himself repeatedly pointed out, he began to sing much earlier than talking. In the music industry, he was conquered by Joseph Kobzon with the song “I look after her, ” which gave impetus to the development of Sergey’s creative potential. While studying at school, the boy attended a music institution in parallel, where he studied all the intricacies of singing and musical literacy. Creativity and music really liked the young performer, so he was very pleased to attend all classes, not missing a single one. The acting abilities of the guy made it possible to feel confident in unfamiliar companies, easily make new acquaintances and win girlish hearts.

The beginning of the creative path

After graduating from school, the singer Sergei Krylov wanted to study at a higher educational institution. And in 1981 he became a student at the Yaroslavl Theater Institute. After graduation, he immediately goes to conquer Moscow. After some time, I was able to get a place as a musician at the Record studio, this is his first work in the music field. Already in 1986, went on the first tour in the group of Levon Vardanyan in the Saratov region.

The unusual image of Sergey Krylov (see the photo of the singer in the article) gave a chance to quickly begin solo swimming. So, on April 1, 1987, he made his debut performance at the festival of laughter in front of the 20, 000th audience. Sergey was distinguished by an original manner of performance, a colorful appearance, so he did not remain without public attention, and soon his popularity began to grow at a fast pace.


1988 was a significant year for Krylov, the Primadonna of Russian pop music turned her eyes to him. As a result of their communication, the clip “Hello, Alla Borisovna” was released. The famous artists of the Russian show business took part in the recording of joint hits, having noticed in time a talented musician in a young guy. The artist managed to work fruitfully with Yuri Loza, Matvey Anichkin.

The famous hits of Krylov

The popularity of the young artist grew rapidly in the legendary 90s. At the Moscow Youth Palace, Sergey Krylov, a singer from God, showed everything that he is capable of, and soon took a stable position in the contemporary artistic get-together. At that time, the audience loved non-standard personalities, so he was received with great hospitality.

And finally it happened, on December 1, 1991, the artist performed his new hit called “Girl”, which made him famous. He dedicated this composition to the 50th anniversary of his beloved mother.

During 1992-1994, singer Sergey Krylov was the host on the night channel. Nevertheless, he does not stop there and is constantly looking for new ways to realize his talent. In 1994, he sponsored a Russian artist at Eurovision. Further creates the show "Angel-421", which excites the audience of the most diverse age category. In 1995, the artist gave his first recital for the first time, but not in Russia, but in America.


The performer could not ignore the 60th anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky. In honor of this event, he releases a disc entitled "Monsieur Vysotsky, come back to us."

In 2003, Krylov launches an album with the title "Everything is OK." But in 2006, the man once again surprised with his unusual and non-standard solution, since he participated in the modeling business.

Personal life of Sergey Krylov - singer and showman

During his studies at a theater university, Sergei married and soon became a father. The first marriage brought Krylov daughter Caroline (who was born on 01/31/1980). Young lovers could not cope with everyday difficulties, and the union broke up the next year. Having learned family life early, the young performer learned to independently solve difficulties and get out of any situations. Relatives have long been resigned to Sergey's non-standard behavior. Having divorced his first wife, Krylov moved to another city, where fate brings him to a new passion. Lyubov Dubovik was a student at the Yaroslavl Institute, in which our hero also studied. The girl conquered him with her sincerity, positive energy and kindness, becoming him a true friend. In this marriage, the young family had a son, Jan, on November 5, 1992.
