
Writer Alexander Snegirev and his work

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Writer Alexander Snegirev and his work
Writer Alexander Snegirev and his work

Video: Alexander Alar - Live @ WAVE / Pink Lake, Spot Guide Home Spot, Ukraine / Progressive House Mix 2024, June

Video: Alexander Alar - Live @ WAVE / Pink Lake, Spot Guide Home Spot, Ukraine / Progressive House Mix 2024, June

Writer Alexander Snegirev, winner of the Debut and Russian Booker awards, writes short stories and short stories combining autobiographical details with emotional humor. Its modern subjects and witty syllable will not leave indifferent the most diverse readers.

A little biography

The writer Alexander Snegirev is our contemporary. He was born in Moscow on January 6, 1980. In fact, his name is Alexei Vladimirovich Kondrashov. This pseudonym was born when the writer decided to take part in the Debut Award. According to Snegirev, each writer should have a pseudonym. Since the writer’s grandfather’s name was Alexander and he liked the bullfinch bird, such a creative name was born.


The biography of the writer Alexander Snegirev is not very long. After graduation, the writer entered the Moscow Architectural Institute, but left him after the second year. I decided to change the direction of activity and graduated from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia with a degree in political science. He traveled a lot around the world, earning his living as working professions.

As a writer, Alexander Snegirev began publishing in the magazines New World, Banner, and October after receiving the Debut Prize. In 2007, he won the Crown Award, and in 2008, the Eureka Award.

Now he is deputy editor-in-chief of the literary magazine "Friendship of Peoples."

A bit of bibliography

Alexander Snegirev became famous as a story writer after his collection of short stories, Elections, was awarded the Debut Prize.

Later, from 2007 to 2015, he wrote a dozen novels, among which his most famous works are Oil Venus (2008) and Faith (2015).


The novel “Oil Venus” is not at all about oil, as one might think, but about an architect who is raising a son with Down syndrome. Snegirev himself noted in an interview that this topic is very important for him. Oil in the novel plays a symbolic role in the limbs of our lives, because oil is a product of the processing of organisms and, as the writer said, “we all will one day become oil”.


For the novel Vera, the writer Alexander Snegirev received the Russian Booker Award for the best work in Russian. Initially, the work was planned as a story. This is a novel about a woman who is unlucky with her life partners, but she is struggling with her fate. The writer himself believes that in our country a lot rests on the shoulders of women, and this overcoming of difficulties inspired him to have a full-fledged novel. He himself believes that such a prestigious award imposes great responsibility on him as a writer, because polar opinions are immediately formed: “the award was given undeservedly” or “it was not without reason given”, and something needs to be corrected and something must correspond.

A little interview

Snegirev was asked if his prose is autobiographical. He said: “I am writing about myself: about my feelings and feelings, about what I love and hate, about life and death. People often tell me that I write superficial texts. I am very upset. I examine myself and others and carefully peer into the world. But, perhaps, my world is small, not an endless ocean, but a sad pond with muddy water, which seems to me an outer space."


In an interview, it turned out that social networks helped learn to write books to writer Alexander Snegirev. The brevity of presentation, which is implied in the posts, disciplines the writer to create short works with the maximum density of information.