
A letter of request is our emotional message requiring a mandatory response

A letter of request is our emotional message requiring a mandatory response
A letter of request is our emotional message requiring a mandatory response

Whether you want it or not, no kind of activity is possible without requests for assistance and assistance. When working in a small or large company, you will certainly interact with many managers and employees of other organizations, your colleagues or employers, partners and customers. At the same time, conduct business and personal correspondence, often using e-mail.

Of course, a letter of request is written only when there is a good reason for this: you need information, documents, material assistance, any action. Therefore, its text should be appropriate. He is obliged to clearly convey the essence of the problem and how to solve it, a wish or requirement. It is unacceptable to throw out emotions in such letters, they should be restrained, even if the person closest to you read it, not to mention business correspondence. It is ridiculous, but most correspondents who did not study the rules of etiquette at one time make this mistake and write in the texts: “Outrageous! We demand! Strictly! ” Therefore, often such a superemotional letter of request does not receive the expected reaction, but is simply ignored by the person who received it.


To prevent this from happening, before you start writing, ask the key questions: “Why do you need to do this?”, “What result do you need to get?” After that, it will be easier to formulate the main phrase, for example: “I ask you to finance the project …”, “I am counting on your participation …” One letter of request may contain several requests or suggestions at once, then the corresponding words, such as: “Together with we hope so … ", " Along with this … ", " At the same time, we ask for assistance in … ".


In no case can you ignore the rules of elementary politeness, therefore, regardless of whether this is a personal or business letter, the request must be stated correctly. And no matter how much you like or dislike its recipient, remember that what you write with a pen (on the keyboard) cannot be cut down with an ax. In addition, any message can be read not only by the addressee, but also by his colleagues, relatives, friends. Why put yourself and others in an awkward position?


In the rules of good form, as well as in the rules of business correspondence, it is very important to be able to greet the interlocutor. Even working as a salesman in a stall, it is unacceptable to leave someone without this important element of the hostel, especially if you turn to someone for help. Therefore, each request letter should begin with a concise and respectful greeting and end with a good wish and a polite goodbye, after reading which, the addressee, even if he does not know you personally, will understand that he is dealing not with a hysterical person, but with a person who controls himself.

Let’s briefly imagine how the request letter should look structurally? Example: a greeting, a brief description of the situation, the essence of the question and petition, an expression of hope for help, a polite farewell.

In our life, every day, through your actions and actions, you voluntarily or involuntarily create a reputation for yourself. The letters you write are a very important component in this life process.