
The lacquered lizard is a master of scare

The lacquered lizard is a master of scare
The lacquered lizard is a master of scare

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Video: Lizard People Conspiracy Theory Explained 2024, July

The lamellar lizard belongs to the class of reptiles (or reptiles), the order squamous, the agam family. It lives in the north of the Australian continent and in the south of the island of New Guinea. In natural conditions it can live up to 5 years, in captivity lives up to 10 years.


In length, a lacquered lizard grows to 80 cm, with more than 50 cm falling on the tail. Weight can be up to 0.7 kg. Her body may have a pinkish tint or dark gray. Transverse stripes, more noticeable in young individuals, pass along the tail and back. The whole body is covered with scales that perform a protective function.

The lizard got its name due to a thin skin membrane around the neck, interrupted at the back of the head and dissected under the throat, resembling a collar or cloak. This frill is covered with flat scales, slightly thickens to the edges and is supported by two long cartilaginous outgrowths of the hyoid bone. With the tension of the muscles supporting the outgrowths, the cloak can rise and fall when these muscles relax. In a calm state, the collar of lizards is not noticeable.

The cloak of males is brightly colored, since in addition to scaring off enemies, it also serves to attract females during the mating season. With the help of a collar, the animal can regulate body temperature: in the morning, a protruding cloak captures the sun's rays, at elevated temperatures it helps to cool.


The lacquered lizard lives on trees, but in search of food it can descend to the ground. Various invertebrates and small reptiles, less often small mammals, are prey.

The lacquered lizard is vulnerable to enemies (birds of prey, snakes, cats) in an open area. Therefore, she developed her own special defense mechanism. When meeting with the enemy, she freezes, hoping that she will go unnoticed. If they did see her, she abruptly spreads her collar and makes hissing sounds. The more the lizard opens its mouth, the more the collar unfolds, which in adult males can reach a diameter of 20 cm. As a rule, the enemy recedes from surprise. To enhance the effect, the lizard flaunts its teeth, rises on its hind legs and twists its tail. If all intimidation does not take effect, she flees or attacks the enemy. When attacking, she can bite painfully, inflict tangible blows with a tail covered with prickly scales. When running away, the lizard-like lizard only moves on its hind legs, using its tail to maintain balance.


During the breeding season, the male, nodding his head in a certain way, invites the female to mate. During intercourse, the male holds the female with his teeth. Later, the female, having made a hole in the wet sand, will lay 8-14 eggs in it. The offspring will hatch approximately 10 weeks later.

There are lovers who contain lizards at home. In the terrarium there must be snags and a drinking bowl with clean water, in which it is necessary to put a stone so that you can get out of the bowl. An ultraviolet lamp is required. The temperature must be maintained at 30 ° C and periodically sprayed into the terrarium, at least once a day.

Food for lizards can be bought at pet stores. You can also feed your pet live insects, small mammals, bird eggs. The domestic lizard will not refuse the prepared mixture consisting of meat, carrots and gravy chopped salad in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. It is desirable to add vitamins and calcium to such a mixture.