
The area and population of Pushkin. St. Petersburg, the city of Pushkin

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The area and population of Pushkin. St. Petersburg, the city of Pushkin
The area and population of Pushkin. St. Petersburg, the city of Pushkin

Video: камеронова галерея. лабиринт. Пушкин - столица мира. The town of Pushkin is the capital of the world 2024, June

Video: камеронова галерея. лабиринт. Пушкин - столица мира. The town of Pushkin is the capital of the world 2024, June

Until 1918, Pushkin was called Tsarskoye Selo, and after that, until 1937, it was called Children's Selo. It is a major center of scientific, tourist, military and industrial life. It is under the protection of UNESCO.

Foundation History

From 1609 to 1702, the Swedish tycoon lived here. His small estate was called the Sarsky manor. It included a wooden house and buildings for household purposes, a neat garden with two perpendicular tracks located dividing the territory into 4 squares.


The first mention of this village is contained in a document dated 1501. Then Peter I expelled the Swedish population and took possession of this land, handed it over to A. Menshikov. 06/13/1710, this item appears under the name Tsarskoye Selo. He was presented to M. Skavronskaya, later the Emperor’s wife Catherine Alekseevna. This moment is considered the founding date of Pushkin. At that time he played the role of a country residence.

Object improvement

In the period 1718-1724. the construction of the palace and the surrounding buildings of the auxiliary type was carried out. They were surrounded by greenery of a picturesque garden. Between 1719 and 1722 created 2 ponds on the terrace below.

For employees of the palace built a settlement nearby. In 1716, the Assumption Church appeared. The first street that arose in 1720 is Sadovaya (formerly called Perednaya). During 1721, the Kuzminskaya settlement was established. The peasant population of the province of Suzdal lived in it.

The oldest stone building, the Znamenskaya Church, began to be built in 1734. The city appeared here in 1808. The monument to urban development was the local museum-reserve. The ensemble of the 18-20th century, including the park and the Catherine Palace, as well as the buildings adjacent to them, deserves no less attention.


Area, topography and climate

The area of ​​the city of Pushkin is 201 square meters. km It is located on the territory of the Prievskaya lowland, to the left of the river. Not you. There are a variety of landscape forms: plains, ridges, terraces, valleys and hills. Forest arrays are mixed with agricultural land.

The city of Pushkin (St. Petersburg) is the location of springs that feed ponds and streams. 350 million years ago (Paleozoic) there was a sea. Clay, sands, limestone, sandstones have survived to our days. Their layer reaches 200 m and covers a crystalline diabase, gneiss, granite foundation. The formation of the current topography stimulated an ice cover (Valdai glaciation, which occurred 12, 000 years earlier).

When the thaw occurred, the Littorin Sea appeared, whose depth was 8 m higher than the current one. 4000 years ago there was an ebb, and the river appeared. Neva is the result of postglacial deposits. For 2.5 thousand years, right up to the present day, relief changes have not been noticed.

The local climate is characterized by moderation, humidity. It is a transition between continental and marine. Summer does not last long, rarely there is heat. Much longer is winter, interrupted by thaws.

The transitional periods of spring and autumn are long, so the average indicators are more usual for local residents. Temperatures are above zero between April and November. The coldest in February. The annual rainfall is 590 millimeters.

Atmospheric flows, as a rule, are clean and fresh, come here from the south, so that the weather is mild. One air mass can rapidly change to another. Frequent are cyclones. The sun is least in November-January. In total, the local climate is quite comfortable for living.


Territorial division

You can get to the center of Pushkin if you move northeast from the park area. It is mainly built up with buildings of 3-4 floors of stone. Most of them were built in the pre-revolutionary period.

The main historical district is Sofia. Next to it are st. Park and Sapernaya, Pavlovskoe and Krasnoselskoye highways. In Krasnoselka, Arakcheevka, Babolova and Soboleva were previously located - private areas of the city. Pushkin is a place, exploring which, you will stumble upon the Fridentalsky colony, which belonged to the Germans. A large number of high-rise buildings in the BAM. There was a private sector. Also noteworthy are the New Village and Belozerka, Novosyolki, who grew up from the countryside. Another historical district is Kondakopshino. In addition, there are zones called Pavlovsk-2, Lesnoye (refers to the GPP), Novokondakopshino.

Many may be interested in the question of how to use the index? G. Pushkin is divided into only 2 postal districts, therefore, departments accept letters by details: 196601 or 196609.


National features

A 19th-century guide indicates that the population of Pushkin (St. Petersburg) was 15 thousand people. It was unlike other cities in ethnic composition.

Petty bourgeois, peasant people, clergy and merchants amounted to 7 thousand people. The remaining half consisted of military, court, and colonists. It was not just a quiet corner for life, but an important political point.

Local society had a special coloring. Many Petersburgers came here for 3 months and left the city. In 1939, in the Leningrad Region, as in the entire Soviet Union, a population census was carried out, according to the results of which it turned out that 17, 711 thousand Jews lived here. When the Germans occupied the city, they were almost completely destroyed.

Population dynamics

At the beginning of the 18th century, Sarsky Manor included more than 43 villages, 6 wastelands, peasant and bobyl households. Over time, the population grew. Under the reign of Peter I, 200 peasant families lived here.

The structure of the village included a church parable, guard soldiers and court servants. New villages appeared, where there was 71 courtyard, consisting of immigrants and 69 - of the local population.

In 1732, a census was conducted, according to the results of which there were 48 men. In the surrounding villages, 105 Latvian yards were counted, in which representatives of the strong and fair sex were in a ratio of 336/343, respectively. In 1796, the Palace settlement included 779 buildings, in which 2, 800 people lived. Sofia has become home to 1.6 thousand people. (146 dwellings).

In 1845, Colonel Zhukovsky made a report which reported that along with the garrison the population was 121.94 thousand people. Of these, 9.066 thousand were men, 3.128 thousand were women. Hundreds of families came here in the summer to rest with the yard. Workers also went to Tsarskoye Selo (1-1.5 thousand people).


XX - beginning of XXI century

In 1909, there were 31, 201 thousand people. Of these, 2.8 thousand were the nobility, 309 - the clergy, 691 - citizens with an honorary title, 241 - merchants, 2.505 thousand belonged to the middle class, 13.653 thousand - to the peasants, 52 - to the colonists, 8.169 thousand - to the military, 1, 369 thousand were retirees. Foreigners with families - 237 people. The remaining population groups - 209 people.

The number of people increased, and after a century there were 108.3 thousand people. Directly in the city of Pushkin lived 93.8 thousand people.

The territories of Pavlovsky and Pushkin districts were combined into a single administrative unit. In 2001, the total purely people amounted to 124.3 thousand citizens.

In 2002, the calculation was again carried out, showing a total of 116.811 thousand (in Pushkin district, there were 100.097 thousand people). Of these, 56% were of working age. This was the moment of the first positive changes in the birth rate (it grew by 5%).

In the future, a positive dynamics of the population was observed: 2003 - 84.6 thousand people., 2006 - 110.9 thousand people.


Closer to our days

The number of people living here has changed due to the rapid development of construction.

According to 2008 data, 1, 278 thousand people were born, which exceeded the results of 2007. However, in order for the population of Pushkin to be properly reproduced, the indicator had to double. 285 people born of illegitimate unions. In 60% of cases, both parents applied for registration.

In 2009, 1471 couples entered into a marriage union, and 742 - terminated.

There are more women than men. Of the total mass of them, 54%, which is 4.5 thousand people. exceeds the number of representatives of the stronger sex. These are mainly people of working age. The fair sex live longer.

The population of Pushkin has an average age of 40 years. Based on demographic and social indicators, we can talk about its aging. If the trend does not change, soon senior citizens will make up a third of the total mass. In 2009, 19, 316 thousand foreigners were registered for migration. 1377 people came here in search of work, 435 people received Russian citizenship.

Since 2012, there has been a steady increase in the number of people:

  • in 2012, the population of Pushkin was 95.239 thousand people;

  • 2013 - 97.34 thousand people;

  • 2014 - 100.753 thousand people;

  • 2015 - 101, 101 thousand people.

In 2016, the population of Pushkin is 102.729 thousand people. Of them, able-bodied - 63%. 13% are still too young to work, 24% are already old.
