
Why Greenland is called Greenland - what we know

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Why Greenland is called Greenland - what we know
Why Greenland is called Greenland - what we know

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Greenland is the largest island in the world. It has an area of ​​over 2 million square meters. km It is under the control of Denmark. Due to its northern position and high altitudes, the climate there is harsh. Low temperatures are also promoted by the peculiarity of the arrangement of ocean currents. The prevalence of negative temperatures leads to a gradual accumulation of ice, the average thickness of which is 2300 m, and the maximum is 3400 m. Its total volume is 2.6 million cubic meters. km On top of the ice sheet is sprinkled with snow, which is carried by the winds in the form of a blowing snow.

An ice-free rim stretches near the coast, the width of which in some places reaches 200-250 km. If we consider the relief of Greenland, as it would be in the absence of ice, then the central part of the island will be located below sea level and, accordingly, will be covered by water. Along the edges will be mountain systems, with the highest and most extensive in the east of the island.


The article answers the question why Greenland is called Greenland.

Greenland Climate

The large size of this island and its meridional location lead to differences in climatic conditions. The most comfortable climate is characteristic of the southwestern suburbs. Summer is cold there, but not extreme, and winters are moderately frosty.

In the west, the islands are much colder. Here the average January temperature is -27 ° C. The most severe climate is typical for the central part. There, even in summer, the temperature is below -10 ° C, and in winter there are severe frosts, often below -60 ° C. Surviving in such conditions is almost impossible.


Greenland's climate is gradually becoming warmer, and the total volume of ice is declining. Over the past 23 thousand years, so much fresh water has been released due to melting that the ocean level has risen 4.6 meters. Ice melts in the summer in the coastal zone, while its gradual movement from the center to the outskirts is characteristic.


Scientists have shown that the dynamics of ice is different in different regions of Greenland. Some glaciers are gradually shrinking, while others, on the contrary, are growing, and the sizes of the third ones are fluctuating without showing clear trends. Nevertheless, Greenland (the origin of the name of which is one of the "arguments" of the skeptics of the theory of anthropogenic warming) is gradually being freed from ice and, according to forecasts, can cause a rise in sea level.

Vegetation and animals

Plant cover is distributed only in areas free of ice. In the coastal zone in the extreme south of the island, thickets of some types of shrubs and birch twigs, as well as juniper grow. There is also meadow vegetation. Further to the north, it is replaced by the tundra, first shrubby, then moss-lichen. And the most severe coastal landscapes are located on the north coast. There is an arctic desert with sparse vegetation.

Animals typical for these latitudes: polar bear, reindeer, polar wolf, and musk ox in the north.

Why is Greenland called Greenland?

Such a paradoxical name was given to her by the first European colonists. This was in the years 900–1000. ad. At that time, the climate was milder and warmer, especially in the northern regions. And the nature of the island has not yet been disturbed by man. The coastal zone was covered with greenery, and therefore the first impression of sailors could be like that. All this can answer the question why Greenland is called a green country.

Knotted mountain birches grew here, there were lush meadows and good opportunities for growing vegetable crops. It was also possible to engage in hunting and fishing. In economic terms, the most important was the extraction of walrus tusk, which was exported to Europe. All this may be an explanation of why Greenland is so called.

The island was well developed in the coastal zone. Many churches, 2 monasteries and 300 houses were built. Another plus was that a warmer climate allowed the sea to remain free of ice. At least between Europe and the south of Greenland.

What happened then

Due to inept economic activity, forests were cut down, and the natural brushwood accumulated over the millennium was used up. There was nothing for people to warm up. At the same time, the island became much colder, which led to a decrease in the number of fish and the impoverishment of pastures. The number of livestock has declined sharply. There was an acute shortage of dairy products. Growing vegetables has also become more difficult. Another negative factor was the cessation of walrus tusk exports. This happened due to the fact that they began to actively import it from Siberia. The amount of ice in the seas has increased. And the ports were looted by pirates.

Material for the construction of ships due to the felling of trees has become scarce. Only boats could be built.

Vitamins became a problem for local residents, which led to a decrease in the growth of women and men. Some of the Greenlanders returned to Europe, while the other crossed the Strait of Davis to America.


The disappearance of the Greenland colony dates back to the 14th - early 15th century. In 1721, there were only ruins and graves on the island.

Greenland now

Currently, Greenland is a real paradise for tourists. In addition to the endless ice, here you can see picturesque icebergs and fjords. In the extreme south of the island there are thermal springs. Cities are colorful houses and buildings, randomly scattered among the rugged terrain.
