
Why cloves were called cloves: history of the name and interesting facts

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Why cloves were called cloves: history of the name and interesting facts
Why cloves were called cloves: history of the name and interesting facts

Video: Cloves - History and Facts 2024, June

Video: Cloves - History and Facts 2024, June

Have you ever wondered why cloves were called cloves? Where did the flowers come from? The term "name" somehow does not really go to these beautiful creatures of nature. As a rule, the history of their appearance is usually associated with mythology. As you probably already guessed, the heroine of this article is a carnation. Her story was no exception. Why the carnation flower is so named, we will understand further.


origin of name

Why was cloves called cloves? From Latin its name (Dianthus) can be translated as "divine flower." Myths say that she is the favorite of the ancient Greek god Zeus. Another option, why cloves were called cloves, says that the Germans gave her a name for the similarity of the flower with a certain spice.

The Carnation Legend

Why a carnation flower was called carnation and where it came from, tells a beautiful legend. The ancient Greek goddess of hunting Diana was out of sorts, as one of her days passed without prey. On the way, she met a beautiful young shepherd who played the flute. The goddess came into a real rage and accused the young man of scaring her game. The young shepherd fell to his knees and begged forgiveness, assuring that he was not guilty of anything, but the goddess was adamant. In a fit of rage, she attacked the young man and pulled out his eyes. Recollecting herself, the immortal realized the horror of her act. To perpetuate these eyes, which looked so pitifully at her, the goddess threw them onto the path, and carnations appeared from them.


When a flower appeared in history

The appearance of cloves is associated with the name of St. Louis. She was brought from the Crusades by the military, who besieged Tunisia in his last campaign. The Crusaders brought with them not only flowers, but also the plague. During the terrible epidemic, which claimed many lives, the king, versed in herbs, decided that clove is the "antidote." He ordered to drink with boiled broth the sick soldiers. The medicine helped many and stopped the epidemic, but the French king himself could not be protected from the disease.

Carnation as the emblem of the Royal House

Prince Conde (Louis the Second of Bourbon) simply adored carnations. By intrigue, Cardinal Mazarin put him in jail. While imprisoned, the prince grew his favorite flowers under the window. His wife, meanwhile, did not give up, raised a rebellion and ensured that Conde was released. Since then, carnation has symbolized the supporters of the prince and has become the emblem of the entire Bourbon house.


During the revolution that took place in France in 1793, innocent people decorated themselves with a carnation flower during the execution. In this way, they expressed that they were dying for their king. And the girls, seeing off their beloved, presented them with red carnations as a sign of the wish of victory and return home healthy.

Warriors believed that carnation was able to work miracles, and carried flowers as a talisman with them during the battle.

On which holidays can I give cloves

Why cloves were called cloves is now clear. But nevertheless it is not very customary to give it, at least in our country. Most often, cloves are a guest at a funeral or at the Eternal Flame. These flowers are usually presented to veterans on Victory Day, or they are part of school bouquets.


When is it still appropriate to present these flowers? There are several options:

  1. As a gift to a man. Then the shades should only be dark.

  2. For the boss or boss. If the leader is a woman, you need to choose light colors. Remember the episode from the Soviet film "Office Romance", where Novoseltsev stealthily gives his director Lyudmila Prokofievna a bouquet of red and white carnations?

  3. Pink carnations will tell the young girl about the feelings of her chosen one better than any words.

  4. If you do not want to choose roses for your wedding bouquet, stop at carnations; such a bouquet will look very gentle and almost weightless.

  5. For the soul of the company, multi-colored flowers are best suited.

Color shades

Clove has a rich color scheme. Among its shades can be distinguished:

  • white - they are so tender that resemble the feathers of a swan;

  • pink, pastel to poisonous fuchsia;

  • saturated red, some of them appear black;

  • warm beige and orange shades;

  • flowers with multi-colored petals - torn leaves will give such a bouquet cheerful notes.

Wedding bouquets

In the language of flowers, carnation expresses faithful love. If the wedding bouquet is made up of flowers of the same hue, this means that complete understanding will prevail between the spouses. The bride, who chose carnations for the wedding bouquet, will become a faithful spouse to her husband. These flowers are in harmony with lisianthus, roses, irises.