
Why Mubariz Ibragimov is the national hero of Azerbaijan

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Why Mubariz Ibragimov is the national hero of Azerbaijan
Why Mubariz Ibragimov is the national hero of Azerbaijan

Video: Mubariz Ibrahimov-The National Hero Of Azerbaijan 2024, July

Video: Mubariz Ibrahimov-The National Hero Of Azerbaijan 2024, July

The history of each country knows many heroes who gave their lives for their homeland. Their names are written in stone so that descendants know and honor the memory of those who gave their lives for the peaceful life of compatriots. And it’s a pity that there are still places on Earth where wars do not stop and new heroes appear almost every day … One of them is Mubariz Ibrahimov.

Why Azerbaijan and Armenia are at war

The conflict between the two countries has long historical roots, but the peak fell on the years 1987-1988, and in 1991-1994 military control over Karabakh began. In 1994, a protocol on a ceasefire and ceasefire was signed between Bishkek and Azerbaijan between Azerbaijan on the one hand and Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic on the other. But the truce in its direct meaning does not exist to this day, because daily shelling occurs on both sides and both countries lose soldiers. Armenia refuses to return its lands to Azerbaijan and is legally considered an occupier, since the UN Security Council recognized the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic as Azerbaijan and there are 4 resolutions requiring the immediate return of territories to their rightful country.


Who is Mubariz Ibragimov

Let's talk about this hero. A soldier of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mubariz Ibrahimov was born on 02/07/1988 in Aliabad (Bilasuvar district). In 2005 he graduated from the Malik Piriev rural secondary school in Aliabad, and in 2006 he was called up by the military commissariat for military service in the Internal Troops as a shooter, and on November 20, 2007 he was transferred to the reserve as commander of a subgroup. But on September 18, 2009, he was again accepted into military service of his own free will. At the same time, he graduated from the training courses for ensigns organized by the Air Force Training and Education Center of Azerbaijan. He served as deputy commander of a motorized rifle platoon of a motorized rifle battalion. Colleagues and wards say about Mubariz Ibragimov that he was a worthy and conscientious employee.

How did the national hero of Azerbaijan die

On the night of June 18-19, 2010, Armenian troops attacked the border military zone controlled by Azerbaijan - the Terter district, the village of Chayly. Azerbaijani troops repelled the attack of the Armenians, and as a result, both sides suffered losses - the Armenians lost 4 soldiers, and the Azerbaijanis - ensign Mubariz Ibrahimov. His body after the battle remained in the territory controlled by the Armenians. Later, the body of a heroically killed soldier was photographed by the Armenians, and the photo was posted on social networks. According to the Armenian side, the battle was started by Azerbaijanis. The reason they call the meeting of heads of state in St. Petersburg, which ended not in favor of Azerbaijan.


Did Armenians return ensign body to Azerbaijanis

The next day, the body of Mubariz Ibragimov was in the territory controlled by the Armenians and soon this situation began to acquire a conflict character. The Azerbaijani side officially turned to the Armenian with a request to return the body of the serviceman, and those, in turn, referred to the lack of a request. Later, on August 03, 2010, a certain user of the Odnoklassniki social network, under the fictitious name of Tehler Jan, posted the photographed body of Mubariz Ibragimov on his page. Prior to this event, 07/07/2010, the Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova, who asked Jacob Kellenberg, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, to assist in the return of the body of the soldier, joined in deciding on the return of the body to her homeland.

A photograph that appeared on the web forced the Baku office of the ICRC to turn to the central office. The Armenians called the photo that appeared in Odnoklassniki a provocation of Azerbaijanis, but in October they confirmed the fact that the body was on its territory. In response to the refusal of the Armenians to return the body of the ensign, the chairman of the Office, Sheikh ul-Islam Allahshyukur Pashazade, wrote a letter to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and the Catholicos of all Armenians Garegin II asked the Armenian president to return the body to the Azerbaijani side. Later, at a trilateral meeting between Presidents I. Aliyev, D. Medvedev and S. Sargsyan, it was decided to exchange bodies between the warring parties with the support of the OSCE Minsk Group and the ICRC. On November 6, the body of Mubariz Ibragimov was brought to Azerbaijan, and on 7 was buried on the Honorary Burial Alley in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku.


Photo by Mubariz Ibragimov

This is a real hero. Loyal to his homeland and work - this is how one can describe a person named Mubariz Ibragimov.


Photos widely presented on the Internet only confirm this fact: on them it is depicted with colleagues or alone. But almost always in military uniform.

Below is another photo of Mubariz Ibragimov (at a young age).
