
Why do flies land on humans? What attracts them?

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Why do flies land on humans? What attracts them?
Why do flies land on humans? What attracts them?

Video: Flies Are Attracted to Us for One Strange Reason 2024, June

Video: Flies Are Attracted to Us for One Strange Reason 2024, June

It’s great when the sun is shining outside the window, everything around is blooming and green, and the thermometer rises higher and higher every day. But with warmth not only pleasant moments come, but also something very annoying and annoying for almost any person - insects. They fly into houses and cars, sit on the body. Mosquitoes, midges, bees, beetles - there are a lot of representatives of a buzzing and such annoying fraternity, but there are also especially nasty ones among them. And then everyone at least once, but the question arose about why flies sit on a person. Well, it's worth it!


What kind of beast is this?

Before looking for an answer to the question of why flies sit on a person, it is necessary to understand what kind of creatures they are. They relate to representatives of the diptera detachment, which also includes mosquitoes. Speaking of flies, many imagine almost the same insect that constantly buzzes in the room or swarm swirls over the trash.

In fact, representatives of this species are very diverse, live in different parts of the world, are both very dangerous to humans and completely harmless. The diet of an ordinary housefly is quite wide: fat, sweat, blood and other excretions of living creatures, nectars and plant juices, the remains of other insects or human food. They eat with the help of a tongue of an unusual shape - in the form of a proboscis, through which the fly sucks its prey.


Temporary features

Surely many noticed that the harassment of these insects at different times of the day has different intensities. So why do flies land on people more often in the morning than, for example, in the evening? Firstly, a person sweats throughout the night and, accordingly, after sleeping, a rather large amount of secretions accumulate on his body, which smell so appetizing for insects. Secondly, in the dark, flies are inactive and, like their "victims", rest. Naturally, in the morning insects begin their vigorous activity for the purpose of feeding. So the answer to the question: “Why do flies stick to a person in the morning?” - is trivially simple. They, just like people, just want a hearty breakfast!

Special flavor

Sometimes the answer to the question: “Why do flies land on humans?” - It is not at all in the body odor, but rather the opposite. The fact is that some aromas applied by people to the body in the form of perfumes, eau de toilette or deodorants are incredibly attractive to insects.

Of course, this happens extremely rarely with the products of famous brands, as well-known manufacturers take care to prevent such a problem. But with perfumes of unknown brands produced by unknown where, how and by whom, this can easily happen.


Is it dangerous?

Besides the question of why flies land on humans, many are also worried about how dangerous this is. Insects themselves, which fly into rooms or buzz annoyingly in the courtyard of a house, are most often harmless. Much more trouble for human health can bring bacteria that these same flies and carry.

The fact is that these dipterans are not particularly picky about the objects they land on. Therefore, the situation is absolutely real when a fly, after sitting on a stale or unprocessed product (meat, fish) or, worse, on the remains or vital products of a creature, can easily sit on a person. If there is a wound or a scratch on the body, and the insect passes through it with its paws, infection is likely.

Another danger may be larvae of flies. Having found a suitable environment, dipterous parents will gladly settle their offspring there. If these larvae enter the human body, then the consequences can be most sad.


How to solve a problem

So, having figured out why flies often land on humans, it is worth considering how to cope with all this. Here are some simple rules to help:

  • To prevent flies from settling in the house and not annoying all households, it is worth closing the windows and doors with special mosquito nets, which also protect the house from mosquitoes and other unpleasant creatures.

  • Outdoors or just outdoors, sprays, aerosols or creams designed to protect against insects will help well. They can be purchased at pharmacies and supermarkets. The variety of these tools is quite large, and you can choose based on individual characteristics and needs.

  • It is better not to buy products that do not undergo heat treatment on the street, especially during the hot season. Flies especially love dried fish and meat, sausages and sweets.

  • It is better to cover infants in a stroller or cradle for a walk with a light cloth or net and make sure that insects do not sit on their delicate skin.

  • Follow body hygiene, wash regularly with soap and shampoo. Of course, it is impossible to completely wash off all fat and sweat, and this cannot be done, but it is quite possible to reduce their aroma. And be sure to wear clean clothes, without stains and food debris, because they also smell very attractive to flies.

  • If insects are particularly bored, then you should try changing your perfume. Perhaps the problem is in her smell!

Incredible theories

In addition to the scientifically substantiated facts why flies always land on humans, there are various assumptions that have nothing to do with science. For example, some argue that the aura of a person determines the attractiveness for insects. The worse it is, the more flies will annoy its owner.

Other people are simply sure that dipterans do not “hunt” for good people and that they instinctively choose only negative personalities.

There are an incredible amount of such theories and reasoning, but this has not been proved by science. Therefore, you should not believe other people's speculations and various "signs" and go around the tenth road of a person on whom flies are constantly landing. Perhaps it just smells too attractive.
