
Why are we so angry loud champing? Many things that annoy us, as it turned out, have their own pattern.

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Why are we so angry loud champing? Many things that annoy us, as it turned out, have their own pattern.
Why are we so angry loud champing? Many things that annoy us, as it turned out, have their own pattern.

Each person at least once faced with annoying situations. For example, when someone champs loudly or you run around the house looking for keys when you are late. However, no one thinks about why this happens. It turns out that all unpleasant situations have their own explanation. Having learned about them, you can avoid irritation.

The smell of sweat becomes sharper when a person is nervous


Sweat is produced by the body in order to cool the body. An increase in body temperature is associated with stress. When a person is nervous, his body temperature rises, which means that the body begins to produce sweat. This liquid contains a large amount of nutrients that are very attractive to bacteria. Accordingly, when a person is nervous, the glands secrete more sweat, which means that more bacteria are formed. These same bacteria during decay release substances that create an unpleasant odor.


Snoozing an alarm is not good


Each person, without exception, experienced a strong reluctance to get out of bed at 7, 8 or even 9 in the morning. Everyone wants to sleep longer. However, the secret lies in the fact that you must by all means get up from the first alarm clock. That is why it is so important. When a person falls asleep again for another 5-10 minutes, setting off the alarm, a new phase of sleep begins, which should last at least 100 minutes. If a person interrupts this phase, he wants to sleep even more, since he did not complete it completely. That is why when you put off the alarm for another 5-10 minutes, you want to sleep even more after these precious minutes.


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Why does champing get angry

Many people are particularly annoyed by the sounds of champing, clicking, or sniffing. There is even such a syndrome called misophonia. The brain of people suffering from this syndrome more acutely perceives such sounds, therefore they react so nervously and maliciously to sounds. 1/5 of the world's population has such a syndrome. However, unfortunately, it is impossible to cure him, so you should put up and avoid annoying sounds.

Why own voice on the recording seems unusual


Probably, everyone was interested in the question of why on the recording we hear our voice differently than in reality. The fact is that in the process of speech we hear our voice in two ways: through the eardrum and through the auditory ossicles. When we listen to the recording on which the voice sounds, we only hear it with eardrums. Therefore, the sound is distorted, and the voice seems unnatural.

Why do red eyes appear in the photo


Have you noticed in some flash photos that your eyes turn red? There is an explanation for this. The fact is that during a flash, the pupil of the eye does not always have time to narrow, which means that the flash is reflected in the retina. That is why red color appears.

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Why, when breaking an egg, the shell gets into the plate


This happens when the egg breaks in the upper or lower parts. There the shell is thicker, which means there is a higher probability that it will fly apart when broken. You should break the egg with a knife or on the edge of the table precisely on its widest part. There the shell is thin and it will not get on the plate when broken.

Why can't you find your keys


You often run around the house in search of keys because when you get home you automatically put them in some place and do not remember, because you do it out of habit. That is why then you can’t remember where the keys are.

Select one place where you will constantly put the keys. Then you do not have to look for them.

Why is the little finger punch on the nightstand so painful


What a pain it is when the little finger collides with the corner of the bedside table, bed or table! The fact is that on the feet there is a large number of nerve endings, but very few soft tissues that can soften the blow. As a result, the blow falls precisely on the bone, on which there is a place with blood vessels and nerves.