
Why are Russians called Russians? Why are Russians called quilted jackets, katsapami, Muscovites?

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Why are Russians called Russians? Why are Russians called quilted jackets, katsapami, Muscovites?
Why are Russians called Russians? Why are Russians called quilted jackets, katsapami, Muscovites?

It is believed that people call themselves on the basis of what kind of ideal they associate themselves with. Many, to talk about themselves, do not invent anything. They simply pronounce the word "man" in their own language. Why are Russians called Russians? Where does this oddity come from? After all, this is an adjective. That is, a word describing quality, not belonging. Let's understand, rummaging in scientific works.

As different nations call themselves

The name of some, as already mentioned, simply reflects the fact. So, the name "Mari" means "man" (Mari) in translation. Gypsies prefer to talk about themselves as “Roma”. If translated into Russian, then again it turns out "man."


Other nations preferred to associate themselves with leaders, such as Jews and Czechs. Others are used to being associated with their homes. These are the Poles and Italians. There are even more interesting examples. Germans are generally called differently. They themselves say "Deutsch, " the French call them the word "Aleman, " the English call "joman." In Russia they were called from the word dumb, that is, those who do not understand local speech and are not able to answer.

Another thing is our people. Whatever theories have been invented to explain why Russians are called Russians. Some claimed that the Normans were so called that in the 10th century they intended to own the local people. Others defended the view that the name comes from the tributary of the Dnieper. This is a small river - Ros. Only there is no such precedent for people to be called from a water body. Somehow this does not fit with self-awareness (albeit ancient). Theorists, it seems, were cunning.

Version of academician Trebachev O. N.


The scientist also wondered why Russians are called Russians, considering its importance undeniable. In his opinion, the solution was to affect the future fate of the people. He convincingly proved that the root of the word goes back to the ancient Slavonic "ruks-" and the Indo-Aryan "rox-". Both are translated approximately the same and mean "white, bright." This, by the way, was more like the truth, since the name of the people was associated with racial attributes, which was justified millennia ago. And now we can proudly, referring to an authoritative opinion, to the question of why Russians are called Russians, to answer: "We are the people of the Light!" Yes, and the roots of ancient words can be cited for justification. It will turn out quite objectively, conclusively. Although there are other sources confirming the academician’s theory.

Arabic manuscripts

“Rus is tall people with fair skin, ” says manuscripts created long before the famous Slavic sources. “These people are blue-eyed and fair-haired. In addition, they called their land Rus, which meant“ white light. ”The rest of the territory, which they didn’t live, was not regarded as their homeland, that is, their own. " Maybe it was from those times that the Russians appeared qualities that distinguish them from other tribes. Firstly, we will not set our eyes on foreign lands. Secondly, they are ready to give for their lives. Agree, this is not just a word denoting a people. This is a symbol of his character, and therefore fate. Russians are those people who inhabit (care, care, love) the earth. They sprout in them the soul, making them not territories, but Motherland in the most elevated sense. This logic, by the way, will tell why the Russians are called quilted jackets. Although it seems that the offensive nickname comes from the clothes that our ancestors wore for a while.


Why are Russians called quilted jackets

To understand the depth and dubious insult of this nickname, it is worth talking to those people who still remember the times of the Great Patriotic War. Ask about the living conditions in which they had to survive. What did they eat, what did they dress. It turns out that most of the population was really saved from the cold by quilted jackets. These are rude and ugly clothes. They called it that because cotton wool served as a heater.

Those who so call the Russians put an insulting meaning into the word. Like, you are poor, uncultured hillbilly. Only a quilted jacket is also a symbol of the heroism of our grandfathers and grandmothers, who were able to defend the rear, giving strength to the front. This is a constant reminder of the feat of every resident of a huge country that defeated fascism. Now you can answer the question of why the Russians are called Colorado. Very much these 2 names have something in common.

Colors of St. George Ribbon


The black and yellow strip in imperial times was attached to the awards. In the Soviet period, they forgot about it. Now in Russia it is a symbol of national patriotism. A certain political strategist who does not belong to our friends saw in this important attribute a resemblance to the Colorado potato beetle. The one, if you saw him, is also striped, although his colors are somewhat different from the patriotic symbol of the Russians. Nevertheless, the cunning political strategist decided that one could take advantage of the likeness and put into circulation the offensive nickname "Colorado". The idea was not entirely successful, because, judging by the information from that side of the planet, it aroused a public, no less patriotic, of the state of Colorado (USA). People decided that somewhere their countrymen were being beaten, or they were encroaching on their land, they began to create self-defense units with fear.