
Why is it worth visiting the monument to Leskov in Orel?

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Why is it worth visiting the monument to Leskov in Orel?
Why is it worth visiting the monument to Leskov in Orel?

Video: Best Attractions and Places to See in Oryol , Russia 2024, June

Video: Best Attractions and Places to See in Oryol , Russia 2024, June

Any city is famous for its attractions: parks, gardens, sculptural compositions, fountains. Today we will make a kind of virtual tour and talk about the monument to Leskov in Orel.

Brief information about the writer

The homeland of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov is the village of Gorokhovo (Oryol Uyezd, Oryol Province). In the period from 1841 to 1846 he studied at the Oryol Gymnasium. In 1847 he entered the service in the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court. This gave him rich material for fiction. He spent the last period of his life in St. Petersburg, but the writer did not cease to feel inextricable connection with his native places all his life.


Property Location

This city is considered the "literary nest" of a whole galaxy of famous writers. Therefore, there are a considerable number of monuments dedicated to outstanding personalities. Only the monument to Leskov in Orel cannot be confused with any other.

An unusual literary sculpture was established on the anniversary date - the 150th anniversary of the writer. Place of installation - Arts Square - was not chosen by chance. Since in the historical center of the city there are several ancient buildings that have this or that relation to N.S. Leskov.

This is the Michael-Archangel Church (by the way, its mention is found in a number of works by the writer) and a small quiet park - on the one hand, a classical gymnasium where he received his education, and the old building of the Central Bank - on the other. Throughout the day, trams run past the monument.
