women's issues

Why does a woman have a bulging pubis?

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Why does a woman have a bulging pubis?
Why does a woman have a bulging pubis?

Video: Pubic Bone Downslip Hesch Method 1 2024, June

Video: Pubic Bone Downslip Hesch Method 1 2024, June

It is impossible to count on fingers how many “problem” places exist in the female body. For example, many include bulging pubis. Should I panic with this feature? What does she come from? Are there any measures that encourage the adoption of a normal form?


The pubis as part of the body

The pubis is a part of the female body that performs many different functions. First of all, this is the protection of the uterus. During pregnancy, she will always be under the pubic bone, which will allow her to carry a healthy child. Also, this part of the body plays an important role in sexual intercourse - it protects internal organs from unwanted trauma. Schematically, the pubis is part of the pelvis located in front, exactly in the middle. From above it is reliably covered with adipose tissue. Gynecologists claim that this important part of the body of each woman is noticeably different - it can be almost flat or, on the contrary, protrude too much, hair can grow abundantly or not, and the shape can also be different.


Features of genetics

Many people wonder how bulging pubis appears in women. Specialists respond to it very differently.

  • The first version is that it is a genetic predisposition of women. About three percent of the patients at the gynecological clinic are endowed with this part of the body. The pubic bone is located a little closer relative to the pelvis or has a larger size, which is why there is a feeling that it is bulging.

  • The second version is the amount of adipose tissue. It is believed that women who are prone to fullness become the owners of such a "diagnosis".

  • Another version is the possible injury to the pelvis.

Too often gynecologists are asked by too thin women about why the pubis sticks out. Experts do not react to it in any way, considering it a self-hypnosis, since against the background of general thinness some parts of the body may seem unnecessarily large.

What to do?

No matter how strange it sounds, for many women, bulging pubis is a real problem that prevents them from living fully. Doctors do not recommend eliminating it, since, on the contrary, they consider this a positive quality: the higher the pubic bone is located, the more the genitals will be protected. However, this does not apply to situations where deformation has occurred as a result of injury. In this case, you need to contact the therapist, gynecologist and surgeon with this problem as soon as possible.

If you still have a desire to deal with such a problem as a bulging pubis, you can try to lose weight by 5-7 kilograms. The adipose tissue covering the bone will become smaller, due to which visually this part of the body will look less convex. Many experts recommend doing exercises that affect the pelvis, so that adipose tissue breaks down faster. It is worth considering that enhanced sports contribute to muscle growth, which will create the opposite result. The use of anti-cellulite agents is also allowed.

You can resort to plastic surgery, which will reduce the pubic bone. Doctors have a negative attitude to such a procedure, believing that it is necessary to resort to it in a pinch.
