
Why do Japanese live longer than anyone else in the world: the secrets of longevity

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Why do Japanese live longer than anyone else in the world: the secrets of longevity
Why do Japanese live longer than anyone else in the world: the secrets of longevity

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Already all over the world they know that Japan has the longest life expectancy. Why do Japanese live longer and look much younger than their years? Elderly people lead an active lifestyle, play sports. Also, in Japan there are practically no full people, and this is considering the fact that they all love to eat. Listed below are 11 reasons why the Japanese live longer.

Fish is the basis of everything

One of the secrets of why the Japanese live the longest is eating habits. The basis of their menu is fish, a huge amount of vegetables and fruits, soy and tofu. Due to the fact that the Japanese eat fish in large quantities, their body receives a sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Most people in Japan love red fish.

The Japanese diet also has a lot of fruits and vegetables. But the most important thing: they are all fresh, not subjected to heat treatment. Even the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun are very fond of algae and soy. These products are highly nutritious, but at the same time low in calories, which allows the Japanese to stay slim.


Small portions

Another of the secrets of why the Japanese live longer is their attitude to eating. In the West, it is customary to eat until a person is full. In Japan, they believe that you need to stay slightly hungry. Thus, they do not stretch the stomach, and they do not need to eat more and more.

The Japanese eat slowly, carefully chew each piece. They serve the table in accordance with all the rules and serve food in small portions.

Ease of preparation

An important reason why the Japanese live longer than the rest is the peculiarity of cooking. They try to cook so that the products retained as many useful substances as possible. Japanese housewives skillfully handle fatty sauces and delicately use seasonings.

Another important difference between Japanese cuisine and the rest is that rapeseed oil or broth made from fish and seaweed is used in the preparation of the hostess. This allows you to get a nutritious dish, but not high-calorie.

Rice instead of bread

Unlike residents of other countries, the Japanese practically do not eat bread. But in their diet a lot of rice. It is the basis of their cuisine. Rice is a recognized source of complex carbohydrates and other beneficial substances. Also, it does not have salt, fat and cholesterol, which allows you to maintain health as long as possible.


Breakfast is all over the head

Residents of Japan pay special attention to breakfast, considering it the most important meal. After breakfast, a person should feel a surge of energy and vitality. Therefore, the Japanese breakfast includes miso soup with tofu, seaweed and a slice of salmon, a portion of rice and green tea. All these dishes are nutritious and non-nutritious.

Special desserts

Residents of Japan are very fond of sweets. Only, unlike others, they eat confectionery quite rarely and in small quantities. For example, ice cream served in Japan will be three times smaller than European.

The main thing is to move a lot

One of the main secrets of why the Japanese live the longest in the world is that they move a lot at any age. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are more likely to walk, ride bicycles and travel less by car. Most believe that an active lifestyle is sports. Of course, sports loads are also important, but the Japanese have in mind that a person should always be in motion.

This includes home chores, hiking and sports. Japanese researcher Yoshiri Khotano proposed one of the models of activity: to walk 10, 000 steps daily. Such physical activity reduces pressure, helps a person stay slim and maintain health for as long as possible.


Tea ceremony

Why do Japanese live longer than others? One of the reasons is the great popularity among Japanese people of green tea. In general, the Japanese pay special attention to the tea ceremony, for them to drink tea by all the rules is a real art. And in restaurants, visitors are offered green tea for free.

Over the years, it has become an ingredient in the preparation of certain dishes. In Japanese, green tea has always been associated with health and longevity. It has as many nutrients as vegetables and fruits, and much less caffeine.


Train your brain

Why do the Japanese live long and do not age? Because they understand that it is important not only to take care of the body, but also to train your mind. What does it mean? This means that you need to strive to gain new knowledge, new experiences. Even philosophical thoughts will do.

The main thing is to prevent the brain from constantly being in routine. Because a decrease in mental activity leads to the fact that a person slows down the reaction to life events. Therefore, it is so important to give the brain new information to maintain its activity.

Be optimistic

One of the secrets of Japanese longevity is the ability not to focus on the situation. It is important to be able to maintain optimism, because then there are much more chances to find a way out of the situation. Indeed, most often experiences and stresses are unproductive and can negatively affect a person’s condition.

The Japanese are polite to each other and tourists. It is considered natural for them to wish a stranger a good day. They also try to smile more: the mood will increase, and the day will be more productive.
