
Cellar spider of the family Segestriidae

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Cellar spider of the family Segestriidae
Cellar spider of the family Segestriidae

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The cellar spider is one of the species of the Segestriidae family that lives in Europe. It is found both in Russia and in the countries of the former CIS. And since this insect is by no means harmless, it will be useful for many to learn more about it.

Habitats for Segestriid Spiders

It should be noted that increased humidity and heat are important factors for the life of these insects. Therefore, they prefer areas located close to the coasts of warm seas.

Most often, these arthropods can be found on coastal lands: in the Crimea and the neighboring regions of the Sea of ​​Azov and the Black Sea, as well as in the Caucasus.

Basically, cellar spiders in nature live in forests, under stones, on trees, in moss. And nests are built where you can hide well: under stones, in crevices, in hollows, in pits.


Those individuals who choose a human dwelling for living often settle in cellars or basements. There, these insects are quite comfortable: damp and calm.


The adult cellar spider, the photo of which is presented here, is the largest representative of this family. The maximum length of its cephalothorax is 8 millimeters. Fully spider can reach a centimeter in length. Overgrowths are sometimes found. Their size reaches 12 millimeters. But that rarely happens.

The color of these arthropods is quite diverse. They can be brown with a gray tint, and can be gray-purple with black spots.

Their chelicera - as jaw spiders call it - are strong, greenish-bronze in color with a metallic tint. Oral appendages occupy half the cephalothorax of spiders.


They, like all segestriids, have six eyes: three on one side and three on the other. However, they are located in a handful, therefore, without special equipment it is difficult to determine their number.

The abdomen of spiders is slightly elongated, resembling a spindle. There are no dark-colored rings on the paws of these insects.


The cellar spider segestria builds a dwelling for itself in the form of a tube expanding upward. Cobwebs depart from this expanded part, which play the role of signal threads. Day and night they hunt.

Hiding in his funnel-shaped dwelling, the cellar spider awaits its victim. If she touches the signal web - it means that she was already at a fairly close distance. And at that moment, without wasting time, the segestriid jumps out of the shelter, attacks the victim and drags him into his funnel to enjoy a delicious dinner in silence and solitude.


Females lay eggs inside the house. They selflessly guard future offspring. But newborn spiders, having hatched in the light, do not always honor their mothers. There are cases when children with appetite ate the one that gave them life, not at all embarrassed at the same time.